Official HTC Thread Vol. Scribe, Thunderbolt 4G, Evo Shift 4G, Inspire 4G for AT&T

I've spoken to 3 different HTC CSR reps, and finally a TSR, the last one was a guy named Ryan. I got kinda pissed off at his answer so I replied with a bit of an attitude and here was his response:
Hello Michael, Thank you for your response. Is there something more that you need in this instance? You stated that I did not help your concern. The freezing issue is to be helped with a ROM update as soon as possible. Our ROM updates for T-Mobile phones are hosted by T-Mobile as soon as they are available. If you still need further response, feel free to let me know what your concern is.

I apologized to him for my rudeness. I hope they update the HD2 fast. 
[h4]HTC decides against bidding for Palm, kills our buzz[/h4]
By Vladislav Savov posted Apr 23rd 2010 2:26AM

Breaking News

Don't tell us we didn't try. In spite of all our pleading for HTC to acquire the troubled Palm, Inc. and produce a sparkling union of awesome, Reuters is this morning reporting that the Taiwanese hardware manufacturer has decided against the idea. According to an internal source, there "just weren't enough synergies to take the deal forward." Then again, this conclusion was reached after HTC reviewed Palm's numbers, so maybe that's just a nice way of saying that Palm's financials are worse than we might think. We're also told that now only Lenovo remains as a serious contender out of Asia, following the stalling of talks between Huawei and Rubinstein's crew. Such a deal would make plenty of sense given Lenovo's cash reserves and mobile aspirations, but it'd be nowhere near as exciting for our geeky imaginations.

[Thanks, ninellec]
Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

I've spoken to 3 different HTC CSR reps, and finally a TSR, the last one was a guy named Ryan. I got kinda pissed off at his answer so I replied with a bit of an attitude and here was his response:
Hello Michael, Thank you for your response. Is there something more that you need in this instance? You stated that I did not help your concern. The freezing issue is to be helped with a ROM update as soon as possible. Our ROM updates for T-Mobile phones are hosted by T-Mobile as soon as they are available. If you still need further response, feel free to let me know what your concern is.

I apologized to him for my rudeness. I hope they update the HD2 fast. 
I hope he knows for sure that they're working on a ROM update.
Thanks for the mini-review s0leFUNK.
^No prob

2 more things:
-Finally got FpseCE running and again, God bless the Snapdragon. All my games are running at full speed. The only thing that sucks are fighting games. Its hard for me to pull off any moves that use a roll. I can do a Hadoken/Reverse Hadoken maybe 30% of the time. Dragon punch maybe 15-20% of the time... But at least multitouch is functioning really well.

-I also noticed that SanDisk finally released the 32gb microSD on their website. It runs for $200. Keep in mind that it is only a class 2.. Personally, I'm going to hold off and see if a class 6 gets released in the near future. It sucks though because I already filled up my 16gb..
Originally Posted by MusicalExcellence

Originally Posted by s0leFUNK

Wait wait... WP7 doesn't support removable storage?

yea man... M$ is #!$#%$% up tryin to be like apple... limited multitasking and no removable storage
thats a step backwards billy...

exactly.... it seems like the HD2 and Evo are the last of a dying breed...

i dont see why people are so excited for windows phone 7...
Originally Posted by MusicalExcellence

Originally Posted by s0leFUNK

Wait wait... WP7 doesn't support removable storage?

yea man... M$ is #!$#%$% up tryin to be like apple... limited multitasking and no removable storage
thats a step backwards billy...
WP7 isn't even out yet and y'all are already trying to kill it.

Wait till it's been out for a minute before you decide how regressive it is.
Originally Posted by PH3N0M3N0N

Originally Posted by MusicalExcellence

Originally Posted by s0leFUNK

Wait wait... WP7 doesn't support removable storage?

yea man... M$ is #!$#%$% up tryin to be like apple... limited multitasking and no removable storage
thats a step backwards billy...
WP7 isn't even out yet and y'all are already trying to kill it.

Wait till it's been out for a minute before you decide how regressive it is.
Now we have to rely more on the manufacturers for our storage needs.  I don't know about you, but I don't want to choose between Touch Pro3 16GB for $400 and a Touch Pro3 32GB for $550.  Or even worse, have the 32GB model never see the light of day in the US and have to manage with the 16GB.  So now we are also at the mercy of the carriers even more..

I understand microSDHC is at its 32GB limit but until I hear of some innovation on the mobile storage front, I'll continue to question M$'s reasoning behind these shackles..
so after a 45 minute complaint call, i got refunded 5 dollars..

dude told me they wouldnt replace this HD2, or allow me to switch for another phone, because the complaints i'm making are "known problems"


i just got hosed signing a contract for this gabbage phone.

i just destroyed my self esteem getting confused with xda again...i was gonna try a idea what to do

downloaded cabs? none of them worked...

downloaded themes? none of them worked...

i give up.
Originally Posted by s0leFUNK

Originally Posted by PH3N0M3N0N

Originally Posted by MusicalExcellence

Originally Posted by s0leFUNK

Wait wait... WP7 doesn't support removable storage?

yea man... M$ is #!$#%$% up tryin to be like apple... limited multitasking and no removable storage
thats a step backwards billy...
WP7 isn't even out yet and y'all are already trying to kill it.

Wait till it's been out for a minute before you decide how regressive it is.
Now we have to rely more on the manufacturers for our storage needs.  I don't know about you, but I don't want to choose between Touch Pro3 16GB for $400 and a Touch Pro3 32GB for $550.  Or even worse, have the 32GB model never see the light of day in the US and have to manage with the 16GB.  So now we are also at the mercy of the carriers even more..

I understand microSDHC is at its 32GB limit but until I hear of some innovation on the mobile storage front, I'll continue to question M$'s reasoning behind these shackles..
Cloud storage is your friend.

32 gigs of flash is perfect for a phone at this point but there'll be more.

64/128 will be in once they manage to shrink the dies enough to fit them into phones. 64 is in the iPod touch right now so it won't be long.
Originally Posted by PH3N0M3N0N

Originally Posted by s0leFUNK

Originally Posted by PH3N0M3N0N

Originally Posted by MusicalExcellence

Originally Posted by s0leFUNK

Wait wait... WP7 doesn't support removable storage?

yea man... M$ is #!$#%$% up tryin to be like apple... limited multitasking and no removable storage
thats a step backwards billy...
WP7 isn't even out yet and y'all are already trying to kill it.

Wait till it's been out for a minute before you decide how regressive it is.
Now we have to rely more on the manufacturers for our storage needs.  I don't know about you, but I don't want to choose between Touch Pro3 16GB for $400 and a Touch Pro3 32GB for $550.  Or even worse, have the 32GB model never see the light of day in the US and have to manage with the 16GB.  So now we are also at the mercy of the carriers even more..

I understand microSDHC is at its 32GB limit but until I hear of some innovation on the mobile storage front, I'll continue to question M$'s reasoning behind these shackles..
Cloud storage is your friend.

as a long time sidekick don't wanna rely on other people holding on to your info lolz....

i got da nexus one right now.... F is smashin on em and they know it
Originally Posted by handullz

Originally Posted by MusicalExcellence

Originally Posted by s0leFUNK

Wait wait... WP7 doesn't support removable storage?

yea man... M$ is #!$#%$% up tryin to be like apple... limited multitasking and no removable storage
thats a step backwards billy...

exactly.... it seems like the HD2 and Evo are the last of a dying breed...

i dont see why people are so excited for windows phone 7...
Evo, how so?

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

so after a 45 minute complaint call, i got refunded 5 dollars..

dude told me they wouldnt replace this HD2, or allow me to switch for another phone, because the complaints i'm making are "known problems"


i just got hosed signing a contract for this gabbage phone.

i just destroyed my self esteem getting confused with xda again...i was gonna try a idea what to do

downloaded cabs? none of them worked...

downloaded themes? none of them worked...

i give up.

How did you download the cabs?
Download the zip files to your desktop and not to winrar or w/e you use if so just drag them to your desktop and put them on your phone, that's how I do it.
[h1]White T-Mobile myTouch Slide Caught on Camera[/h1]
File under: News

By: Chuong Nguyen | Date: 23-Apr-10 | 1 Comments


The Android myTouch Slide was previously seen in red, but this time we're getting a glimpse of the device with its keyboard open in white. The myTouch Slide has been rumored to come in 3 colors--red, black, and white. With more sightings of the device, we're hoping that it will launch soon on T-Mobile USA. The device will compete with the Motorola CLIQ when it launches; the CLIQ also has a sliding QWERTY keyboard and runs Android.




(via: TmoNews)

[h1]Revisiting Android Fragmentation: What is it, and Should You Be Concerned?[/h1]
File under: News

By: Joe Levi | Date: 23-Apr-10 | 10 Comments


One thing Apple has going for them is their tight control of their devices. Google and Microsoft have a greater challenge because they don’t make the actual hardware. Rather, they provide minimum hardware specifications to third-party hardware manufacturers.

Many in the Android community have raised concerns over the various versions of the operating system on current hardware, while others have speculated on future issues regarding screen sizes and dimensions. Let’s talk about both of those and see what are legitimate concerns, and what isn't worth worrying about.

Screen Size

Android devices generally have a rectangular screen of varying heights and widths. So far this hasn’t been an problem with applications. What’s more, Android automatically handles the layout when the orientation is changed and when the on-screen keyboard is presented. Issues with applications don’t seem like they will be a problem in the future, either (though developers may want to keep an eye on the playing field when writing their apps).

As tablets and slates running Android start to come out, screen size may be more of an issue, but we’ll have to wait and see.

Operating System

Currently available are devices running Android Operating systems 1.5, 1.6, and 2.1. Android 2.0.1 made a short debut on the Droid, but has since been upgraded to 2.1. Rumor has it Android 2.2 may be released at the Google I/O Conference next month.

These versions are all current and capable of running modern apps. While I’m sure we’d all like to be running the latest and greatest OS, even 1.5 is still a viable option.

Google’s current strategy is to release apps for the latest version of the OS initially, then work on adding support for previous operating system. Other application developers are following suite. Additionally, the Android Market only displays apps that are compatible with your device.

Google is working hard with hardware manufacturers to make Android 2.1 compatible with most (if not all) current hardware. What’s holding most manufacturers back is not getting the OS running on the device, but hardware drivers (which are coming along quickly) and custom user-interfaces like MotoBlur and Sense UI.


Should you be concerned with either type of fragmentation? Of course I can’t see into the future, but the framework that Google has laid out, along with their strategy of separating more and more functionality from the core OS into separate apps limits the risk of fragmentation having a negative impact not only on their platform, but on the phone in your pocket.

What do you think? Are you worried about fragmentation hurting Android? Is Google doing the right thing? Should they be doing more?

[h1]Microsoft Office on Windows Phone 7 Breakdown[/h1]
File under: News

By: Brandon Miniman | Date: 25-Apr-10 | 0 Comments


When we first got a look at the Windows Phone 7 emulator, the Microsoft Office suite of software needed a bit of work (to say the least). Well, we finally have a much better sense of how Office on Windows Phone 7 work thanks to MobilityDigest (which we posted about last week), and we're darn impressed. It seems that Microsoft built Office Mobile around how people interact with documents on their phone - often to view, and to edit when possible. Even wtih all of the advancements in smartphone software, we still don't have a fantastic solution for managing Microsoft Office documents. It looks like with WP7, that will change. Here's a look at how it'll work.


So let's say you pull up an email that has a PowerPoint (.pptx) file attached. You can open it...


...and view the presentation. Let's say you want to edit this slide.


You tap on the pencil icon, and you get a keyboard which isolates the text, allowing you to make changes.


When done, right from the same screen, you can quickly send it back to the person that sent it to you.


In another scenario where you're looking at a Word document, you can easily see comments made by colleague. It looks like you can even categorize the comments with different colors. That means you can have multiple people comment on a document and each have their own color, etc.


Once you're viewing comments, you can tap on any of the highlighted words to see the comment.


You can add comments right from your device, and once done, you can hit Send and zip off the updated document right from Word Mobile. Nice.

(via: MobilityDigest)
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by PH3N0M3N0N

Originally Posted by s0leFUNK

Originally Posted by PH3N0M3N0N

Originally Posted by MusicalExcellence

Originally Posted by s0leFUNK

Wait wait... WP7 doesn't support removable storage?

yea man... M$ is #!$#%$% up tryin to be like apple... limited multitasking and no removable storage
thats a step backwards billy...
WP7 isn't even out yet and y'all are already trying to kill it.

Wait till it's been out for a minute before you decide how regressive it is.
Now we have to rely more on the manufacturers for our storage needs.  I don't know about you, but I don't want to choose between Touch Pro3 16GB for $400 and a Touch Pro3 32GB for $550.  Or even worse, have the 32GB model never see the light of day in the US and have to manage with the 16GB.  So now we are also at the mercy of the carriers even more..

I understand microSDHC is at its 32GB limit but until I hear of some innovation on the mobile storage front, I'll continue to question M$'s reasoning behind these shackles..
Cloud storage is your friend.

as a long time sidekick don't wanna rely on other people holding on to your info lolz....

i got da nexus one right now.... F is smashin on em and they know it
It's all about who. Goog/MSFT/AAPL are all good in my book.
If you have an HD2 and looking for a dope Twitter client, holla at MoTweets. I've been using it for 2 weeks and LOVE IT. Waaaaay better than HTCpeep and MORE options. Also it updates your taskbar when there are new timeline tweets, @you tweets and your inbox.
twikini is still better... just the way its set up... one button to tweet... mo tweets should let u slide the screen to the left to see ur replies instead of having to go thru the option menu...
Originally Posted by OwensStr8Clownin

quick newbie question, is the HTC HD2 coming out with a android system for tmobile?
If you meant:
Will T-Mobile release an HD2-like device with Android as the OS?  Answer: No plans so far..
Will T-Mobile be releasing Android for the HD2?  Answer: No.
Originally Posted by MusicalExcellence

twikini is still better... just the way its set up... one button to tweet... mo tweets should let u slide the screen to the left to see ur replies instead of having to go thru the option menu...

Other than that though, I think it's pretty much flawless. I tried out Twikini, was too plain jane for me, lacked options that MoTweets has, plus it doesn't auto update or have a faster refresh rate compare to MoTweets (1min).

Let me help out the new kats with HD2's, trying to spruce up the phone:
i have the hero with sprint and yesterday it stopped downloading picture messages. i get the message but cant download the picture.

im using handcent but i tried to download with chomp and the stock message app. restarted my phone no luck. anyone have the same problem?
[h1]XAP Files Replace CABs in Windows Phone 7[/h1]
File under: News

By: Brandon Miniman | Date: 25-Apr-10 | 0 Comments


If you've ever made any tweak to your Windows Phone, you've probably used a cabinet (CAB) file to do so. Well, starting in Windows Phone 7, CABs will be no more. Instead, there will be XAP files. User Da_G from XDA goes on to explain...

A .xap is a simple, every day .zip file, renamed to .xap. Inside, it contains the app and all relevant dependencies. There are a number of possible .xml files that could be included inside the .xap to determine things like required security access level, to tell the system which .dll contains the main() for the application, etc.

I believe the .zip also provides a container for the virtual filesystem available to the app (not sure on that, it may be stored in a separate container, have to analyze more)

At least initially, .xaps will only be available for deployment through the Marketplace.

[h1]Windows Phone 7 Devices Won't Have Crapware[/h1]
File under: News

By: Brandon Miniman | Date: 25-Apr-10 | 3 Comments


In Windows Mobile 6.5.3 and below, carriers and OEMs could preload devices with any applications they desired. This often left devices full of java-based trialware and other apps that would clog the device's storage memory and hog system resources (take a look at this screenshot from the AT&T Pure. Circled are AT&T apps). In Windows Phone 7 series, as we mentioned in our post about the system architecture, Microsoft has made it much more difficult for carriers and OEMs to add trialwarew. More specifically:

Regarding preloaded applications by OEM/MO: Requirements are much more strict in this regard now due to frequent end-user complaints about "slow, laggy, etc" Stock ROMs. I know every one of you reading this knows what I mean Preloaded App Requirements (which will be distributed as .xap) as follows:

- Maximum of 6 preloaded applications on the device, not to exceed 60MB
- All preloaded apps must pass Marketplace submission process (some extended APIs are available to OEM/MO so the process is slightly relaxed in that regard)
- The application(s) and all future updates must be free of charge.
- The apps must launch without dependency on network availability.
- The apps must persist through a "hard reset".
- The apps must be updatable and revocable (!!!!) through the Marketplace.
- The apps must notify the user at first launch of any capabilities to be utilized and get user consent (to access compass, accelerometer, network, etc.)

While this may seem a bit restrictive, it's a good thing for the consumer.

Do you have a serial for the Mobile TVx app?  I dont know if the OP on XDA is still providing them..
Originally Posted by s0leFUNK

Originally Posted by handullz

Originally Posted by s0leFUNK

Just got the HD2.. Sweet baby Jesus is this thing sooo much faster than my TP2. Sense 2.5 + Snapdragon =
. I can see why people were complaining about the device at first though. I got it in a trade and when I was messing around with it the screen was buggy as hell and Sense was acting up too. I did a hard reset and now everything works great. The dude that I got it from was far from tech savvy so he probably did some bad installs. Already kinda miss my keyboard but its not too bad.

Just flashed the HSPL and waiting on Cell EVO V1 to finish downloading. After class I'll start messin with FPSEce.

If anyone was torn between the TP2 and the HD2, I wont say __ > __ just yet but the potential of the HD2 is something serious.

   as far as the power of the HD2, is it on par w/ the EVO that's supposed to be coming out?

i went over to xda and they're working on porting Android over to the hd2... and if that's the case, i'll stick w/ tmobile...

i dont wanna re up and cop a new contract just for the phone...

i got month to month w/ tmobile... and a family plan w/ sprint that's up in october...
The Supersonic/EVO 4G is basically the HD2 with Android.  What the EVO does have over the HD2 is a front facing cam, a 8 MP cam (vs HD2's 5 MP), and 4G compatibility.  Strictly speaking on hardware specs, the EVO is only slightly better.  It has the potential to be way better but thats based on the 4G performance.  The rest is based on OS preference..

As for Android ports, I messed with the one for the TP2 and it surpassed my expectations of functionality.  But it was far from being my primary OS.  All that just to say that you can place your faith in the devs over at XDA.  I'm waiting on the WP7 port to go live for the HD2.
It also records 720p video, could act as a wifi hotspot, and has a kickstand.
The more and more I read about the Evo 4G, and the more I read about how AT&T is putting the shackles on Android phones, I think I'm gonna switch to Sprint. Sprint users, you like the coverage?
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