Official HTC Thread Vol. Scribe, Thunderbolt 4G, Evo Shift 4G, Inspire 4G for AT&T

Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

HTC cellphones anyone heard of these, they look sick * some UPDATES

I know this thread is like a gizzlion pages but I remember making this thread wayyyy back one of the HTC originators
Those phones seem so old now
It's crazy how technology advances in such a short time.
People comment on my Tilt being heavy and looking brick like

But I can't wait to upgrade though

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

if i flash the phone and it bricks i guess i can make an insurance wanna help me, mastermind? im convinced its this OS and not the phone...
Flashing the phone voids the warranty. So if anything happens, I don't know how the insurance claim would work. Before you even do anything I would make sure that you back up your phone and download the TMO stock rom and save it to your desktop. But it's really up to you if you want to do it or not, it does have it's benefits but you can also brick your phone or damage it. But since I don't have the phone it would be a little hard for me to help, the steps are probably a little different. But I can look up videos and read the steps to see if I can offer anything useful.
HTC Incredible and EVO 4G get upgraded to Atmel maXTouch sensors

Posted by Nick Gray on April 20, 2010 at 8:51 am in HTC Incredible, HTC Nexus One, HTC Supersonic

We have some good news for you if you’re planning on picking up the Verizon DROID Incredible.  I’m sure you’re all aware that the Incredible and the Nexus One share a lot of the same DNA.  This is a blessing and a curse.  The specs of the N1 are incredible but it does have some issues with the touch sensor that many though would transfer over to the DROID Incredible, like a bad genetic disease.  As we mentions, we have some good news: HTC has chosen to use the new Atmel maXTouch sensors (mxt224) on the Verizon DROID Incredible.  The new sensors have some improved features (unlimited touch points) and should be less power hungry that the sensors found in the Nexus One.  HTC is also planning on using the new sensors in the Sprint HTC EVO 4G.


HTC was the first manufacturer to use multi-touch on Android and Windows Mobile.  Many have complained that their implementation of the technology wasn’t as seamless as what users were accustomed to on the iPhone. What many consumers didn’t realize was that HTC made these features available without official support from Android or Windows Mobile.  The new Atmel maXTouch sensors should allow HTC to vastly improve their multi-touch experience on their Sense equipped handsets.

Source: Android Release
aight so my contract with ATT should be up soon and im thinkin of coppin the Evo 4G...what is the instant messaging apps like? beejive for the iphone was
[h4]HTC HD mini with North American 3G gets FCC approval?[/h4]
By Chris Ziegler posted Apr 20th 2010 12:02PM

So, hear us out: this isn't a slam dunk by any stretch of the imagination, but we've good reason to believe that we're looking at the FCC ID label of the HTC HD mini variant designed to support North American 3G bands. The most obvious reason is the fact that the label is screaming yellow -- a perfect match for the chartreuse internals of the device that HTC was excited to show off at its MWC introduction a couple months back. What's more, this approval comes a few weeks after approval of the Euro-spec PB92100 with a similarly-designed label, which would've been the right time frame for a phone that's due to ship across Europe any day now. Of course, the approval of this phone doesn't really say anything about carrier availability -- sure, it could ship on AT&T, but it could also come to Rogers, Bell, Telus, or be sold unlocked and unbranded, a tactic that HTC has occasionally employed stateside in the past. Regardless, though -- considering WinMo 6.5.3's rapidly-waning relevance, they'd better ship it on the double.
[h4]Resistive HTC devices can have (pseudo) multitouch, too[/h4]
By Sean Hollister posted Apr 20th 2010 3:22PM


"Multitouch on a resistive screen?" We must be joking, right? Not at all -- if we've learned anything from our encounters with a little firm named Stantum, resistive multitouch is not only possible, but potentially preferable to its capacitive counterpart. Of course, that knowledge doesn't help you any if you're currently stuck with single finger commands, but if your phone is made by HTC and running Windows Mobile, you may one day get to see what two digit input feels like. Adel Al Zubeir figured out that when two fingers are placed on a single-touch screen, the digitizer reads the spot between the two... and with a little bit of math, he cooked up a program that can figure out the relative position of both fingers to allow vaguely useful pinch-to-zoom and other dual-touch gestures. Sadly, you can't just drop this onto your phone to instantly enable the tech a la Cyanogen, but if you develop for WinMo, you can start building functionality into your apps with the beta SDK at our source link. Early proof-of-concept video after the break.
[h2]HTC to bring 1080p HD video recording, 5.1 playback to phones next year[/h2]
April 18th, 2010 | Author: Surur

South African Managing Director for HTC has told that they are planning to introduce handsets with full 1080p video recording and 5.1 surround sound in the second half of 2011.

Quinton Leigh, Managing Director for HTC explained while Full HD recording will only be available some time next year, 5.1 surround sound playback via a Yamaha chip solution should be available before this.

Further upgrades planned for handsets include HSDPA+ support, which allows 14.4mbps downloads, and should be available by the third quarter of this year.

Read more at here.

Via and
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Originally Posted by TerroristTim

aight so my contract with ATT should be up soon and im thinkin of coppin the Evo 4G...what is the instant messaging apps like? beejive for the iphone was

I believe they have a few apps but the only one I'm familiar with is Hello AIM or w/e it's called
i appreciate the help. if i brick my phone imma just call insurance and tell them i lost my phone ROFL

btw, imma flash my !$@# later tonite with a custom rom....ill let yall know how it goes...
Just got the HD2.. Sweet baby Jesus is this thing sooo much faster than my TP2. Sense 2.5 + Snapdragon =
. I can see why people were complaining about the device at first though. I got it in a trade and when I was messing around with it the screen was buggy as hell and Sense was acting up too. I did a hard reset and now everything works great. The dude that I got it from was far from tech savvy so he probably did some bad installs. Already kinda miss my keyboard but its not too bad.

Just flashed the HSPL and waiting on Cell EVO V1 to finish downloading. After class I'll start messin with FPSEce.

If anyone was torn between the TP2 and the HD2, I wont say __ > __ just yet but the potential of the HD2 is something serious.
Originally Posted by s0leFUNK

Just got the HD2.. Sweet baby Jesus is this thing sooo much faster than my TP2. Sense 2.5 + Snapdragon =
. I can see why people were complaining about the device at first though. I got it in a trade and when I was messing around with it the screen was buggy as hell and Sense was acting up too. I did a hard reset and now everything works great. The dude that I got it from was far from tech savvy so he probably did some bad installs. Already kinda miss my keyboard but its not too bad.

Just flashed the HSPL and waiting on Cell EVO V1 to finish downloading. After class I'll start messin with FPSEce.

If anyone was torn between the TP2 and the HD2, I wont say __ > __ just yet but the potential of the HD2 is something serious.

   as far as the power of the HD2, is it on par w/ the EVO that's supposed to be coming out?

i went over to xda and they're working on porting Android over to the hd2... and if that's the case, i'll stick w/ tmobile...

i dont wanna re up and cop a new contract just for the phone...

i got month to month w/ tmobile... and a family plan w/ sprint that's up in october...
So wait, im late...the Evo can be pre-ordered? Can you pre-order it through a sprint store or just
Originally Posted by handullz

Originally Posted by s0leFUNK

Just got the HD2.. Sweet baby Jesus is this thing sooo much faster than my TP2. Sense 2.5 + Snapdragon =
. I can see why people were complaining about the device at first though. I got it in a trade and when I was messing around with it the screen was buggy as hell and Sense was acting up too. I did a hard reset and now everything works great. The dude that I got it from was far from tech savvy so he probably did some bad installs. Already kinda miss my keyboard but its not too bad.

Just flashed the HSPL and waiting on Cell EVO V1 to finish downloading. After class I'll start messin with FPSEce.

If anyone was torn between the TP2 and the HD2, I wont say __ > __ just yet but the potential of the HD2 is something serious.

   as far as the power of the HD2, is it on par w/ the EVO that's supposed to be coming out?

i went over to xda and they're working on porting Android over to the hd2... and if that's the case, i'll stick w/ tmobile...

i dont wanna re up and cop a new contract just for the phone...

i got month to month w/ tmobile... and a family plan w/ sprint that's up in october...
The Supersonic/EVO 4G is basically the HD2 with Android.  What the EVO does have over the HD2 is a front facing cam, a 8 MP cam (vs HD2's 5 MP), and 4G compatibility.  Strictly speaking on hardware specs, the EVO is only slightly better.  It has the potential to be way better but thats based on the 4G performance.  The rest is based on OS preference..

As for Android ports, I messed with the one for the TP2 and it surpassed my expectations of functionality.  But it was far from being my primary OS.  All that just to say that you can place your faith in the devs over at XDA.  I'm waiting on the WP7 port to go live for the HD2.
If anyone was torn between the TP2 and the HD2, I wont say __ > __ just yet but the potential of the HD2 is something serious.

I finally got my hands on an HD2 and while I did like it, I'm concerned with some of the complaints I've read here and in PhoneScoop's review.

I am happy to read that you do notice a marked improvement in the speed of the OS.

How's typing with XT9 enabled on the full QWERTY keyboard? I ask because it lags on my TP2 and causes me to make a lot of spelling errors. I'm actually better off typing in ABC mode and correcting my own mistakes.

Any idea if you're able to play the Transformers movies in a different media player? If so, does the format change to widescreen? The version of Transformers I saw seemed like it was zoomed in.

Are you able to purchase books through the eReader app/tab?

Have you dropped any/many calls? Has anyone complained about the call quality on their end?

Thanks for any questions you can answer.
Originally Posted by holdenmichael

If anyone was torn between the TP2 and the HD2, I wont say __ > __ just yet but the potential of the HD2 is something serious.

I finally got my hands on an HD2 and while I did like it, I'm concerned with some of the complaints I've read here and in PhoneScoop's review.

I am happy to read that you do notice a marked improvement in the speed of the OS.

How's typing with XT9 enabled on the full QWERTY keyboard? I ask because it lags on my TP2 and causes me to make a lot of spelling errors. I'm actually better off typing in ABC mode and correcting my own mistakes.

Any idea if you're able to play the Transformers movies in a different media player? If so, does the format change to widescreen? The version of Transformers I saw seemed like it was zoomed in.

Are you able to purchase books through the eReader app/tab?

Have you dropped any/many calls? Has anyone complained about the call quality on their end?

Thanks for any questions you can answer.
1)  I've been struggling with the typing honestly.  A lot of typos.  I think it is because of the capacitive screen.  I feel I have to be more accurate than I had to be on my TP2.  Before I traded my TP2  I went 2 full days of nothing but onscreen typing to see how I would manage and I was doing very well.  I usually stick with ABC because the XT9 has not been helping the situation at least for me.  Guess its just something I gotta get used to.  TP2 onscreen keyboard > HD2 so far..

2)  I use the Sense media player because I have never had issues with it.  Transformers looks GREAT and it looks like its in true widescreen to me.  Any player that can handle .mp4 should be fine.  The Transformers movies are each 1.3-.4 GBs formatted to 480 x 800.

3) I havent tried to purchase books through the eReader tab and most likely wont.  I'm still a fan of paper when it comes to leisure reading but I did see a thread on XDA that had like 500 free books.  I might go check that out in the near future.

4)  I only made one 10 min call since I've had the phone and the call quality seemed fine on both ends.  However, I just flashed a new radio hoping to improve signal reception in my apartment so we will see if call quality is affected.

Again, I feel I must reiterate the tremendous improvement in speed and responsiveness in Sense.  I used a couple 2.5 w/ CHT ROMs on my TP2 and I loved the functionality but I just couldn't deal with the choppy performance.  To finally have it running at full speed is a great experience.
[h1]Google Maps for Windows Mobile Hits 4.1 with Voice Search[/h1]
File under: News

By: CJ Lippstreu | Date: 21-Apr-10 | 4 Comments


Google Maps for Windows Phone has been updated to version 4.1 and introduces voice search capabilities. To search by voice, simply press the call hardware button, which will pull up a search prompt, then say the name of the business. It can detect different variations of English (American, British, Indian, Australian, & New Zealand English) and also Mandarin. Visit from your mobile web browser to download.
I think I'm going to go ahead and pre order the Incredible today.
can someone fill me in on these custom ROMS, like what is the point and will it work for Verizon phones too?
Another thing for disappointed HD2 users: The micro sd card that comes with it is only a class 2. If your apps were installed to the card then they will most likely perform like crap. Get a class 6 and the performance will improve tremendously.

If anyone is looking for ROM suggestions I've been running the latest Energy ROM and have had no issues so far. Just make sure to flash the radio for better performance.
[h1]Adobe Flash for Windows Phone 7 Confirmed[/h1]
File under: News

By: Chuong Nguyen | Date: 22-Apr-10 | 1 Comments


Adobe has since halted development of Adobe Flash 10.1 for mobile on Windows Mobile when Microsoft had announced Windows Phone 7. Now, the company has confirmed that it will be working to bring its popular browser plugin to the Windows Phone 7 platform, though the exact timing is still not disclosed nor has any devices with Windows Phone 7 shipped. A Flash product manager had posted on his blog that Windows Phone 7 will be among the platforms to get Flash support--most notably absent is Apple, which is in an embittered fight with Adobe on HTML v. Flash.

I am excited about Flash Player 10.1 and Adobe AIR 2.0 and all of the opportunities that they will make available to Flash developers across multiple platforms (desktop, Android, Palm, Windows Phone 7, RIM, etc…).

In a bit of PR spin, the blog post continues to mention: "We are at the beginning of a significant change in the industry, and I believe that ultimately open platforms will win out over the type of closed, locked down platform that Apple is trying to create." Apple has since responded to the post by saying that the iPhone OS's support of HTML5 makes it open whereas Flash is the proprietary plugin: "Someone has it backwards -- it is HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, and H.264 (all supported by the iPhone and iPad) that are open and standard, while Adobe's Flash is closed and proprietary."

To be fair, Apple's platform, although it advocates for open standards, is one of the most tightly controlled and non-open modern smartphone platforms.

(via: Mobile Tech World)
Not an HTC phone but I think this is a pretty nice phone

[h4]Dell Lightning: the ultimate Windows Phone 7 device leaks out[/h4]
By Nilay Patel posted Apr 21st 2010 11:55PM

Breaking News



Hot damn, people. The mother of all Dell leaks just dropped into our laps, and the absolute highlight has to be the Lightning, a Windows Phone 7 portrait slider. That's right -- a portrait slider. The renders on these slides look slick as hell, but they're no match for the spec sheet, which looks even better: 1GHz QSD8250 Snapdragon processor, WVGA 4.1-inch OLED display, AT&T and T-Mobile 3G, five megapixel autofocus camera, 1GB of flash with 512MB RAM plus 8GB of storage on a MicroSD card (non-user-replaceable, we're assuming), GPS, accelerometer, compass, FM radio, and full Flash support including video playback. We'll see what happens with that -- the ship date is pegged at Q4, indicating this is a WP7 launch device, and Microsoft's told us Flash won't make it into the OS initially. Here's the real kicker, though -- other slides in the deck indicate this thing is getting an upgrade to LTE in Q4 of 2011. Are we stoked? Yes, you might say that. Check out all the slides in the gallery below, and check out the rest of this storm of leaks right here.
Originally Posted by s0leFUNK

Wait wait... WP7 doesn't support removable storage?

yea man... M$ is #!$#%$% up tryin to be like apple... limited multitasking and no removable storage
thats a step backwards billy...
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