Official HTC Thread Vol. Scribe, Thunderbolt 4G, Evo Shift 4G, Inspire 4G for AT&T

The Moto Backflip is pretty much the only Android phone on AT&T and the crippled it and the Dell Aero looks weak. The Nexus One, looks like AT&T didn't mess anything up but yet again they are also only selling it at full price.
Originally Posted by Mastamind89

The Moto Backflip is pretty much the only Android phone on AT&T and the crippled it and the Dell Aero looks weak. The Nexus One, looks like AT&T didn't mess anything up but yet again they are also only selling it at full price.

That's what I'm saying. And there's still no RD for the Desire and it may not even come to AT&T. That Evo 4G got me drooling.
Originally Posted by shabooyah1124

Originally Posted by Mastamind89

The Moto Backflip is pretty much the only Android phone on AT&T and the crippled it and the Dell Aero looks weak. The Nexus One, looks like AT&T didn't mess anything up but yet again they are also only selling it at full price.

That's what I'm saying. And there's still no RD for the Desire and it may not even come to AT&T. That Evo 4G got me drooling.
Well AT&T said that they were getting 5 Android phones from Dell, HTC and Motorola. There's the Backflip and Aero but I don't think the Nexus One counts. It looks like the Dell Thunder and Flash are gonna be on AT&T on 2011. So that leaves 2-3 phones from HTC and Motorola.
Originally Posted by shabooyah1124

The more and more I read about the Evo 4G, and the more I read about how AT&T is putting the shackles on Android phones, I think I'm gonna switch to Sprint. Sprint users, you like the coverage?
AT&T is gon cripple every phone because of the iPhone. I'm pretty sure Apple gets a say in what phones they are allowed to have and what not.  Can't have anything better than their top selling product, it would just be stupid.  Not to mention u notice the marketing they do for their other phones, slim to none. Any other smartphone brand goin to AT&T is hurtin themselves
I'm sure Apple has a role in it, there has been talk of that since Google Apple lawsuit and the scraping the HTC Lancaster in the fall.
Originally Posted by s0leFUNK

Originally Posted by OwensStr8Clownin

quick newbie question, is the HTC HD2 coming out with a android system for tmobile?
If you meant:
Will T-Mobile release an HD2-like device with Android as the OS?  Answer: No plans so far..

nexus one is your friend.... can't get a subsidy thru t-mobile HOWEVER its extremely comparable to da HD2 wit da android operating system.
Originally Posted by s0leFUNK


Do you have a serial for the Mobile TVx app?  I dont know if the OP on XDA is still providing them..
Nah, I don't. The developer is gonna re-release and update to the app later this week, maybe it'll extend the 5 min limitation.
Originally Posted by shabooyah1124

The more and more I read about the Evo 4G, and the more I read about how AT&T is putting the shackles on Android phones, I think I'm gonna switch to Sprint. Sprint users, you like the coverage?

coverage is good in cleveland... plus sprint has free roaming...
[h1]Gorgeous Hulu App for Windows Phone 7[/h1]
File under: News

By: Adam Z Lein | Date: 26-Apr-10 | 2 Comments


A company called Clarity Consulting is showing off an image of a very nice looking Hulu application for Windows Phone 7 to illustrate some of the things they can do. The image seems to be just a concept according to the website, but if it comes to real life later this year when Windows Phone 7 devices are released, it could be pretty awesome.


Clarity Consulting's Yelp app concept looks pretty nice, too.

(via Ulmasov Doniyor)

[h1]Windows Phone 7 App Concept: Comcast Xfinity[/h1]
File under: News

By: Brandon Miniman | Date: 26-Apr-10 | 3 Comments


Soon, developers will have to figure out how to make their existing apps look great in Windows Phone 7, which may mean taking advantage of the Metro interface to give the user a seemless experience. One particular blogger has created a neat app concept for Comcast's Xfinity service that includes an interactive guide, show-specific panels, and more. From the author:

The home menu is simplified and highlights Comcast’s “Triple Play
[h1]Google Cancels Nexus One for Verizon Wireless In Favor of Droid Incredible[/h1]
File under: News

By: Chuong Nguyen | Date: 26-Apr-10 | 0 Comments


It looks like Google will not be bringing the Google Nexus One Android smartphone to Verizon Wireless after all and that device has since been substituted for the Droid Incredible, which runs the HTC Sense experience on top of Android 2.1.

Previously, the placeholder on Google's website to order the Nexus One would show a placeholder showing that the Nexus One for Verizon Wireless would be coming in Spring 2010; the site also advised users at the time who cannot wait for the Nexus One to arrive to also consider the Motorola Droid. Now, the placeholder no longer mentions a Nexus One for Verizon Wireless; instead Google is just talking up the Droid Incredible.

(via: Mobile Tech World)
[h1]Windows Phone 7 Gets OTA Updates Direct from Microsoft[/h1]
File under: News

By: Chuong Nguyen | Date: 27-Apr-10 | 0 Comments


Microsoft will be pushing out updates for Windows Phone 7 directly rather than going through carriers or manufacturers. This move, made possible by standardizing hardware on the devices, will allow Microsoft to control the updates like the company does on its Windows desktops and also push out updates faster and in a more timely manner to consumers. Smaller updates are said to be sent to users connected to either a WiFi or 3G connection while larger updates will be made available on the desktop through the Zune software, which unfortunately means that Mac users will be left out as Microsoft has stated that they have not made any plans for porting the Zune desktop software to the Mac platform.

(via: IntoMobile)
nexus one is your friend.... can't get a subsidy thru t-mobile HOWEVER its extremely comparable to da HD2 wit da android operating system.

What made you get away from a SideKick? Data loss?

How are you liking your Nexus One?

Did anyone here go to Android from an iPhone? If so, why and how do you like it?
[h1]HTC Droid Incredible to Launch with 2 GB micro SD Card Free[/h1]
File under: News

By: Chuong Nguyen | Date: 26-Apr-10 | 3 Comments


The HTC Droid Incredible for Verizon Wireless is already well ahead of its counterparts--the HTC Desire and the Google Nexus One--in terms of available storage and application memory. The device already has 8 GB of storage memory built-in for storing music, photos, or videos, which is a good thing considering the device has an 8-megapixel camera. However, it seems that Verizon Wireless wants to give you additional storage by way of a free 2 GB micro SD card with the device.

You can check out the HTC Incredible, which is part of Verizon Wireless' Droid lineup, as well as the 2 GB micro SD card offer from the carrier's website.

I believe the Android Market just hit 50,000 apps.
Originally Posted by Mastamind89

[h1]HTC Droid Incredible to Launch with 2 GB micro SD Card Free[/h1]
File under: News

By: Chuong Nguyen | Date: 26-Apr-10 | 3 Comments


The HTC Droid Incredible for Verizon Wireless is already well ahead of its counterparts--the HTC Desire and the Google Nexus One--in terms of available storage and application memory. The device already has 8 GB of storage memory built-in for storing music, photos, or videos, which is a good thing considering the device has an 8-megapixel camera. However, it seems that Verizon Wireless wants to give you additional storage by way of a free 2 GB micro SD card with the device.

You can check out the HTC Incredible, which is part of Verizon Wireless' Droid lineup, as well as the 2 GB micro SD card offer from the carrier's website.

I believe the Android Market just hit 50,000 apps.

glad I waited cause all I have is a 1GB card. just went ahead and pre ordered it today. Thursday can't get here fast enough
Originally Posted by omgitswes

Originally Posted by Mastamind89

[h1]HTC Droid Incredible to Launch with 2 GB micro SD Card Free[/h1]
File under: News

By: Chuong Nguyen | Date: 26-Apr-10 | 3 Comments


The HTC Droid Incredible for Verizon Wireless is already well ahead of its counterparts--the HTC Desire and the Google Nexus One--in terms of available storage and application memory. The device already has 8 GB of storage memory built-in for storing music, photos, or videos, which is a good thing considering the device has an 8-megapixel camera. However, it seems that Verizon Wireless wants to give you additional storage by way of a free 2 GB micro SD card with the device.

You can check out the HTC Incredible, which is part of Verizon Wireless' Droid lineup, as well as the 2 GB micro SD card offer from the carrier's website.

I believe the Android Market just hit 50,000 apps.
glad I waited cause all I have is a 1GB card. just went ahead and pre ordered it today. Thursday can't get here fast enough

Bro you may want to invest on a faster card if u wanna do justice to that phone
......cant wait either
I have a newbie question for you all.... my contratct for T-mobile will end next month I would like to get some opinions if I should get a HTC HD2 or wait for the Mytouch 3g Slide? Im not one to be a genius when it comes to phones ... so which one of those two would be a better fit? ( even though the mytouch 3g slide hasn't released yet)..... im also open to opinions on other phones from other companies. Any advice would be appreciated.
I have a newbie question for you all.... my contratct for T-mobile will end next month I would like to get some opinions if I should get a HTC HD2 or wait for the Mytouch 3g Slide? Im not one to be a genius when it comes to phones ... so which one of those two would be a better fit? ( even though the mytouch 3g slide hasn't released yet)..... im also open to opinions on other phones from other companies. Any advice would be appreciated.
I'd like to know the answer to that question too. I've been debating the HD2, but I always hear that it's a horrible operating system, so is the Mytouch Slide the next best choice for tmobile? If not, what is?
Windows Mobile isn't for everyone, I like it and it works for me but the next person may feel other wise. It is a good phone, some people have been able to make the transition from something else and others haven't.

If you have an iPhone and want something similar, I would say go for the Nexus One. The MyTouch 3G Slide is kinda weak imo, well it is weak compared to the N1. But if you really want a keyboard, that's the phone to go with.

Verizon has the Incredible and Sprint is getting the Evo
I dont know if anyone is using it.....But Omarket has some useful stuff.

Im using that cookies home application that lets you move around the clock/weather and all your apps (Similar to android home screens).

You can also customize the clock with it among other things.

Omarket has UNO too.........Which i regret getting now that my wife is on it CONSTANTLY!!!!!

cLeanram is dope also.
^Thanks for the opinions... looks like HD2 has more cons than pros.... and the only thing attracting me to the mytouch slide is the keyboard.... but is it a good phone?..... or should I just cancell my service and wait for the new iphone? Would it be worth it?
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