Official HTC Thread Vol. Scribe, Thunderbolt 4G, Evo Shift 4G, Inspire 4G for AT&T

Im eligible for $150 off my next phone or w.e. So would that mean id just be payin $50 for the EVO when its time to sign up for my contract?
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by LIVE BOY D

about to get a HD2 and call it a night

you know alot of red tape you going thru can just be averted by just paying full price for w/e phone you tryin to get and keeping your plan...
nah im on tmobile and i want that sprint simply everything plan. $200 termination fee plus paying for the evo is pissing me off i will not get a HD 2 i was just typing out of frustration if anything ima just have to wait until a evo specced android phone drops for tmobile.
OK, now that the Sprint Evo 4G pricing is official and all, let's break it down, all official-like.
  • $199 for the phone, after the usual two-year contract.
  • $69.99 a month for the Everything Data plan.
  • $10 a month for the premium 4G WiMax service. That's optional. Update: OK, Sprint's backtracked and now says it is NOT optional. They apologize for the confusion.
  • $29 a month if you wan the WiFi hotspot service. And that will serve up to eight devices. This is optional, too.
I'm debating the WiFi hotspot because I'll most likely end up gettin a WiFi iPad for Christmas.

The unlimited 3G on the iPad is $29.99 (Not real happy about that). Plus I don't wanna have my fam spend $729 on a 3G 32gig iPad when the WiFi is $130 dollars cheaper at $599...

I'd rather just pay Sprint for the WiFi hotspot so it's all on one bill. Plus I have a netbook somewhere I rarely use.

My question is...Can the WiFi hotspot be added later on without extending the 2 year contract that I'm about to begin the day the Evo drops?

I really hope not cause I'm not gonna use it til like January. Mad dumb to pay for WiFi I'm not even gonna be using...

Or is there a way to tether to the Evo's 3G service for free? Like an app or something?
Originally Posted by CIDMAN911

OK, now that the Sprint Evo 4G pricing is official and all, let's break it down, all official-like.
  • $199 for the phone, after the usual two-year contract.
  • $69.99 a month for the Everything Data plan.
  • $10 a month for the premium 4G WiMax service. That's optional. Update: OK, Sprint's backtracked and now says it is NOT optional. They apologize for the confusion.
  • $29 a month if you wan the WiFi hotspot service. And that will serve up to eight devices. This is optional, too.
I'm debating the WiFi hotspot because I'll most likely end up gettin a WiFi iPad for Christmas.

The unlimited 3G on the iPad is $29.99 (Not real happy about that). Plus I don't wanna have my fam spend $729 on a 3G 32gig iPad when the WiFi is $130 dollars cheaper at $599...

I'd rather just pay Sprint for the WiFi hotspot so it's all on one bill. Plus I have a netbook somewhere I rarely use.

My question is...Can the WiFi hotspot be added later on without extending the 2 year contract that I'm about to begin the day the Evo drops?

I really hope not cause I'm not gonna use it til like January. Mad dumb to pay for WiFi I'm not even gonna be using...

Or is there a way to tether to the Evo's 3G service for free? Like an app or something?

if your phone is rooted yes. i currently use a rooted G1 and if i get the Evo it will be rooted also i will not give sprint an extra $29.99 a month for that service when i can do it myself
Originally Posted by CIDMAN911

What does rooted mean?

Like a jailbroken Android?

This is gonna be my first Android phone.

Originally Posted by Fade On You

So are people really jumping ship because of an extra $10 a month charge?
 c'mon son.
yea, and in my case its not about the extra $10 its about the $29.99 extra a month hot spot feature. Root is the way for me
Soooo if i'm on a family plan will there be some kind of pack I would have to add for the Evo?
Originally Posted by LIVE BOY D

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by LIVE BOY D

about to get a HD2 and call it a night

you know alot of red tape you going thru can just be averted by just paying full price for w/e phone you tryin to get and keeping your plan...
nah im on tmobile and i want that sprint simply everything plan. $200 termination fee plus paying for the evo is pissing me off i will not get a HD 2 i was just typing out of frustration if anything ima just have to wait until a evo specced android phone drops for tmobile.

If u spendin all that money u should seriously just consider

Gettin da nexus one and keep your loyalty plan... payin full

Price up front for da phone is gonna save u a ton of cake in da back end.
Originally Posted by LIVE BOY D

CIDMAN911 wrote:
What does rooted mean?

Like a jailbroken Android?

This is gonna be my first Android phone.

Originally Posted by Fade On You

So are people really jumping ship because of an extra $10 a month charge?
 c'mon son.
yea, and in my case its not about the extra $10 its about the $29.99 extra a month hot spot feature. Root is the way for me

Is the extra $29.99 a month manditory or just the $10? I can do without the hot spot feature..
Originally Posted by Fade On You

So are people really jumping ship because of an extra $10 a month charge?
 c'mon son.
As funny as it sounds, this $199 phone just turned into $439 phone with this up-charge. You cool paying for $199 + $1679.80 (the minimum plan) + $240 for this phone? I'm not. If someone is in an non-4G area they still have to pay for it. I'm not entirely sold that this phone is worth that, especially considering I have a SERO plan. How much is the basic iPhone plan?
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by LIVE BOY D

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by LIVE BOY D

about to get a HD2 and call it a night

you know alot of red tape you going thru can just be averted by just paying full price for w/e phone you tryin to get and keeping your plan...
nah im on tmobile and i want that sprint simply everything plan. $200 termination fee plus paying for the evo is pissing me off i will not get a HD 2 i was just typing out of frustration if anything ima just have to wait until a evo specced android phone drops for tmobile.

If u spendin all that money u should seriously just consider

Gettin da nexus one and keep your loyalty plan... payin full

Price up front for da phone is gonna save u a ton of cake in da back end.
yo ninja im payin $110 a month for a G1 with 1,000 minutes free nights and weekends and unlimited data plan. it's ROBBERY compared to sprints simply everything plan. Why would i drop 5 bills on a nexus one and stay with tmobile when i could drop $300 with sprint for the Evo and pay like $90 a month?
Well I don't know if you guys know but i have not seen any posts, you can preorder your EVO 4G at BESTBUY starting yesterday. I just came back I was the 2nd person so you just gotta put down a $50 deposit. ANYTHING TO GET AWAY FROM T-HORRIBLE!
  They got me hard body, dude in the store was telling me the $30 mobile hotspot is required but I know different... atleast I think I do.
Adding it all up its 90 a month for the evo .... how much would u pay monthly for the new iphone?
Originally Posted by EyeSeeSoles

Adding it all up its 90 a month for the evo .... how much would u pay monthly for the new iphone?
How did you get 90 a month? JW. If im going to get the EVO which is what ive had my heart set on im sure as hell not spending more then $100 a month on the bill.

Sprint customers of 3 yrs or more get a loyalty discount, and Premier advantages...due to some glitch my contract never renewed itself when i purchased the Touch Pro in 2008 (so i have about 4 years of discounts coming my way stemming from 2006) so i spoke to my usual acct rep at a sprint store and he priced the everthing plan for me it's coming out to about 69.99 w/ the added wifi hot spot service from the everything plan i have now that's 126 a month, but i just can't se myself having a need for why should i have to share my signal for someone else to mooch off i'm pretty sure there'll be a work around, but i can't wait for June 4th
As funny as it sounds, this $199 phone just turned into $439 phone with this up-charge. You cool paying for $199 + $1679.80 (the minimum plan) + $240 for this phone? I'm not. If someone is in an non-4G area they still have to pay for it. I'm not entirely sold that this phone is worth that, especially considering I have a SERO plan. How much is the basic iPhone plan?

Here's the current breakdown for plans with the least amount of minutes (450-500) and unlimited everything else:


I've seen the HD2 offered from $50-150 through 3rd party vendors so you can deduct whatever you'd save there from the total.

I don't know yet if it's the principle or my income, but I can't bring myself to leave my plan.
[h2]One Step Closer To Obsoleting Root: Android 2.2 Introduces Tethering[/h2][table][tr][td]byQuentyn Kennemeron May 13th, 2010[/td][td]
There was a time that you’d need to slip on your hardhat (which – for a geek – translates to a pair of ugly bifocals) and get down and dirty with your phone to unlock compelling features such as installing apps onto the SD card, and tethering your phone with other devices to use as a hotspot.

Google’s appeased our desire to install applications to our SD cards already with the now-famous Issue 1151 being dubbed as a “Future Release
What's the best htc phone out for tmobile? Should I wait !? I have no contract and I'm ready for an upgrade... Currently on a sklx09xiphone3gs ...
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