OFFICIAL Hypebeasts Thread

Twinsnyc wrote:
brooklynnyc3000 wrote:
Originally Posted by yankeesfan0130
His fitted is bigger than his ego.

Looks like Brighton or sheepshead.

no and no

its accually staten island, new dorp, this is the kmob rap group or w/e my local albanian gang
i was at the video shoot there was like 80 thugged out dudes there like 10 pitbulls and it isnt even a bad neighborhood, straight middle class, but people whowere driving by were madd scared but i think for an independent the video came out good, the rapping is w/e
Originally Posted by biglou2n

at dude all the way to the right
smh at dude bragging about how much he paid for those.
when I spend a lot on shoes I don't brag, instead I'm kinda shameful
man aint no such thing as a hypebeast...if keepin up wit current style is hypebeast then $%% r we suppose to do? somebody let me know..
Originally Posted by Redrum SB

smh at dude bragging about how much he paid for those.
when I spend a lot on shoes I don't brag, instead I'm kinda shameful

hah yea man, im like what the hell is wrong with me.. this could feed the fam for a month and some.
Originally Posted by DeEjAyMaRtiiN

man aint no such thing as a hypebeast...if keepin up wit current style is hypebeast then $%% r we suppose to do? somebody let me know..
how about not following trends and having your own style?
Originally Posted by Phinsfan13

Originally Posted by DeEjAyMaRtiiN

man aint no such thing as a hypebeast...if keepin up wit current style is hypebeast then $%% r we suppose to do? somebody let me know..
how about not following trends and having your own style?
1. Please stop with the hypocrisy. There is no real justification for a thread like this. Y'all simply have nothing better to do withy'all time than troll the myspace of other dudes, copy and save their pictures to your hard rives, then post them on niketalk for some e-props.

2. And with respect to following your own trend and having your own style, that is such a hypocritical thing to say considering nothing is original and at somepoint in time, we have all been faithful to some trend and thus--suffered from a case of unoriginality.

3. I mean seriously, how can you make a statement like that when in your very own sig, you're selling clothing (which you have most likely worn at somepoint in time) from brands that are the definition of "trendy" and have clientele in the millions, thus negating the whole "have your ownstyle" argument...

Fashion is an ever evolving cultural phenomenon. And like all things that evolve, there are stages--what y'all feel so inclined to justify as hypebeastishis nothing but a stage in fashion. Just because you don't identify with this stage doesn't give you the right to bash those that do.

Y'all need to cut the feminine tendencies and stop scrutinyzing what another man has on...
I think some of the anger about "hypebeasts" comes from the simple fact that they have added to the downfall of what many of us as sneakerheads onceloved. I'm 28. I was raised loving J's and trying to find older shoes and waiting for each new Air Max to come out. This board used to be and stillis sometimes a great place to share what we love with people we felt shared the same true love for a pair of kicks.

Then came SB...

I'm fine with someone dressing like an idiot. I know I have succumed to a trend or two. The problem I have is these "hypebeasts" have added tothe downfall of Nike putting out stupid collabo shoes that look stupid. This is of course my opinion and I am generalizing and I am sure there are some kidsout there that are "hypebeasts" and really do love kicks. But when I see a kid showing $$$ next to a shoe, doesnt know a thing about its history,claims like he is down, it angers me. Prices are up, resellers run rampant, and now people that see that I love sneakers comment on Kanye or some MSN reportthey saw on shoes on eBay or lines around the block.
^^^^^ Don't worry about it fam, we are all HYPEBEAST!!! And agreed with SuperAntigen! Always making a strong point but I think no matter how much youtry to come in here and blast the others that are blasting others, nothing will change. It's a cycle....
Redrum SB wrote:
smh at dude bragging about how much he paid for those.
when I spend a lot on shoes I don't brag, instead I'm kinda shameful

Same here, but then i look at the shoe and the feeling goes away lol
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