OFFICIAL Hypebeasts Thread

Blondie Looks like this girl at my school, like a lot like her onlyolder....DAYUM!

these are good friends of mine...
they don't collect anymore.,... because they saw how bad its getting....
that doesn't make them hypebeasts just because they wore this..
if somebody knew what they were talking about, this was for an 80's themed party one night only for someones birthday.
so i guess that settles that
I got through 3 pages of this thread before I laughed and shook my head...

...seems like every pic gets worse and worse...
Damn those jeans are the worst lookin I have ever seen in my life.

And the oversized shirt doesnt really work either on those 2 pics.
Originally Posted by OneTrueSoul

those jeans look like some flex neck straws
this was posted on nt a few months ago, it was apparntly some fad in texas/down south with they used staflow to make their jeans super stiff so theycan wear them like that

these outfits are far from hypebeast in my opinion. the fits
are actually hot, except i'm not really feeling that scarf the 3rd dude is
rockin but this looks like something people in the 80's would actually
wear....these kids nowadays look like they purposely choose things that don't
match at all put em on and call them selves retro or fresh or w/e they think they are
^ yeah, here in houston, tx it use to be a thing to have you jean real stiff. I used to do it back in the day
when i was in middle school. The funny thingis that some people would have burns stain where you could see that they left the iron for too long and people still would wear thei jean like that
its crazy how this thread is still going..on never thought it would but these pics now are not hypebeasts but straight up corny people
Originally Posted by RONE AIR

^ yeah, here in houston, tx it use to be a thing to have you jean real stiff. I used to do it back in the day
when i was in middle school. The funny thing is that some people would have burns stain where you could see that they left the iron for too long and people still would wear thei jean like that
I was killin it at spring forest middle school with the starched uniform son

but that pic is
i sometimes wonder how these kids can look in the mirror and tell themselves that they look good with some of this$#!# on. i guess i'm too old to get whatscool with todays youth but for the most part these kids are playing themselves.
saw this in the Northeast forum.. pic from "soled out" NYC
i think its a guy on the right btw
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