Official iPad 3 Event Thread (new Apple TV too?)

Just ordered one for the lolz and potential resale since I can always return it if I cant sell it.

Got a blk 16gb WIFI, never was a fan of the 3g or LTE versions when i can just tether through my phone and get the 4g speeds.
Originally Posted by sole searchin

Just ordered one for the lolz and potential resale since I can always return it if I cant sell it.

Got a blk 16gb WIFI, never was a fan of the 3g or LTE versions when i can just tether through my phone and get the 4g speeds.

Can you really tether an iPad with an iPhone? Is your iPad jailbroken? I don't know jack about the iPad.
Originally Posted by Mr Fongstarr

Originally Posted by sole searchin

Just ordered one for the lolz and potential resale since I can always return it if I cant sell it.

Got a blk 16gb WIFI, never was a fan of the 3g or LTE versions when i can just tether through my phone and get the 4g speeds.

Can you really tether an iPad with an iPhone? Is your iPad jailbroken? I don't know jack about the iPad.
iPad doesn't need to be jailbroken to use iPhone's tethering capabilities.  You have two ways to tether with the iPhone; A. legitimately having the tether plan included in your phone plan or B) jailbreak your iPhone and use MyWi's $20 tether program.   It's a one time fee and you can keep it forever, even when you upgrade your iPhone to whatever/whenever.  You make an account with them.  Of course, there are other tether apps from Cydia but MyWi is the best one.  Hopefully that clears everything up.
Originally Posted by Mr Fongstarr

Originally Posted by sole searchin

Just ordered one for the lolz and potential resale since I can always return it if I cant sell it.

Got a blk 16gb WIFI, never was a fan of the 3g or LTE versions when i can just tether through my phone and get the 4g speeds.

Can you really tether an iPad with an iPhone? Is your iPad jailbroken? I don't know jack about the iPad.
I don't have an iPhone but when I did, there's an app to have the tethering option which turns your phone into a router basically through the phone's data (limited to 3g with an iPhone). I switched to android due to the 4g options so now i'll be able to tether through that which IMO is much faster. Either way, when I have my laptop or ipad with me, I usually have my phone so I find it pointless to pay more for the 4g version and an additional data plan.
Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

So when it releases is it only at Apple stores & their website or will places lke Best Buy have it too?

Authorized resellers will have them ( best buy, frys, walmart etc) but prepare your angus.. The lines are nuts. Ive been out there for each launch so far and its not fun. Thankfully I never came out empty handed.

For those who are on the fence between the 16 or the 32.. once you start downloading apps, movies, photos and music.. you'll be close to that 16 mark really quick.
Originally Posted by whyhellothere

Originally Posted by Mr Fongstarr

I have a 32gb iPhone and my space is all capped out. Do people normally put tons of music in an iPad or is it moreso movies? I feel like 16gb is way too small.

Also, is there a SD card reader to the iPad? Getting a 16gb iPad and just loading movies on an SD card would be better imo.

lol @ iPad & SD card in the same sentence.
no SD card slot, if you run out of room move stuff into the cloud

Just pre-ordered. It says "Delivers on March 16". How reliable is this? Anyone with experience from the ipad 2 launch, please chime in.
Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

So when it releases is it only at Apple stores & their website or will places lke Best Buy have it too?

BB, Target, etc should all have it on launch day as they did with the iPad 2.
Originally Posted by SOleILL

Resell for what? These will be everywhere for there regular price.

You probably didn't notice during the iPad 2 launch.  People had to wait 2-3 weeks up to 5 weeks because the product pre order was sold out.  There are suckers out there on craigslist that will bite.
Originally Posted by Patent2305

Is the new iPad better than the transformer prime or just as good ?
Display: iPad
CPU: Transformer 

GPU: iPad

Cameras: iPad

Build Quality: Debatable, although Asus is known to have GPS issues due to the Aluminum body.

Platform: Debatable

I would say that a big advantage for Asus is the expandable memory and for Apple is it's of course very user friendly.

If you're going to get the Asus, wait for the Infinity 700 to come out, it's resolution is above the Prime's. I actually debating on which one to get also.
It isnt letting me buy it though. After I enter my CC info it says. Oops! An error occurred..Edit. just got a Thank you reply.
Originally Posted by DaNiKeRhiNo

Originally Posted by Patent2305

Is the new iPad better than the transformer prime or just as good ?
Display: iPad
CPU: Transformer 

GPU: iPad

Cameras: iPad

Build Quality: Debatable, although Asus is known to have GPS issues due to the Aluminum body.

Platform: Debatable

I would say that a big advantage for Asus is the expandable memory and for Apple is it's of course very user friendly.

If you're going to get the Asus, wait for the Infinity 700 to come out, it's resolution is above the Prime's. I actually debating on which one to get also.

ipad has a vga front camera tho
Watching the iPad video just makes me excited. I can think of so many ways I can use it at work (I'm a medical student, will have my MD next May). My head will explode if I start thinking of everything I'm going to do with it in leisure time.
Originally Posted by Thizz Marley

Originally Posted by DaNiKeRhiNo

Originally Posted by Patent2305

Is the new iPad better than the transformer prime or just as good ?
Display: iPad
CPU: Transformer 

GPU: iPad

Front Camera/Rear Camera: Transformer/Debatable.

Build Quality: Debatable, although Asus is known to have GPS issues due to the Aluminum body.

Platform: Debatable

I would say that a big advantage for Asus is the expandable memory and for Apple is it's of course very user friendly.

If you're going to get the Asus, wait for the Infinity 700 to come out, it's resolution is above the Prime's. I actually debating on which one to get also.

ipad has a vga front camera tho
You're right, but, the rear camera is a different story.
Originally Posted by SDTEKKEN

Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

So when it releases is it only at Apple stores & their website or will places lke Best Buy have it too?

Authorized resellers will have them ( best buy, frys, walmart etc) but prepare your angus.. The lines are nuts. Ive been out there for each launch so far and its not fun. Thankfully I never came out empty handed.

For those who are on the fence between the 16 or the 32.. once you start downloading apps, movies, photos and music.. you'll be close to that 16 mark really quick.
LOL @ prepare your angus.
Fell for the hype and bought the 32gb white...SMH. I should be able to recoup 40% by moving my 2 to someone at work.
Originally Posted by shatterkneesinc

imo android tablets are just awful

What happen to that A6 quad-core chip you were high and mighty claiming the iPad 3rd gen will have...

Originally Posted by shatterkneesinc

there will be a quad core arm in the ipad 3, and yea use that pic because it is 100% real. I trust apples track record way more than some "leaked" pic.
reading endgadget, cnet, gizmodo, ubergizmo, redmondpie 24/7 does not make u an engineer kid




Yes, its not about how many cores you have. Its about how architecture of chip. (Nvidia quad-core don't even support 4G-LTE which is disappointing for me) No need to be a Engineer to know this things, just well informed about technology so you won't sound like a mumbling idiot.

FYI or everyone who thinks I'm a Android stan....I would be getting a 3rd gen iPad with 4G....and then the rumor Google Nexus tablet if that is true.
Originally Posted by Klipschorn

Originally Posted by SOleILL

Resell for what? These will be everywhere for there regular price.

You probably didn't notice during the iPad 2 launch.  People had to wait 2-3 weeks up to 5 weeks because the product pre order was sold out.  There are suckers out there on craigslist that will bite.

Oh really?.. 

Anyone have the Pre-Order Link?.. 

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