Official iPad 3 Event Thread (new Apple TV too?)

Originally Posted by Alchemist IQ

Originally Posted by shatterkneesinc

imo android tablets are just awful

What happen to that A6 quad-core chip you were high and mighty claiming the iPad 3rd gen will have...

Originally Posted by shatterkneesinc

there will be a quad core arm in the ipad 3, and yea use that pic because it is 100% real. I trust apples track record way more than some "leaked" pic.
reading endgadget, cnet, gizmodo, ubergizmo, redmondpie 24/7 does not make u an engineer kid




Yes, its not about how many cores you have. Its about how architecture of chip. (Nvidia quad-core don't even support 4G-LTE which is disappointing for me) No need to be a Engineer to know this things, just well informed about technology so you won't sound like a mumbling idiot.

FYI or everyone who thinks I'm a Android stan....I would be getting a 3rd gen iPad with 4G....and then the rumor Google Nexus tablet if that is true.

oh here comes captain hindsight, claiming some sort of spiritual victory as tech guru of NT feeling all good about something that is completely independent of his existence 

like i said EVERYONE EXPECTED a quad core CPU including YOU and obviously I was wrong, much to my disappointment as I and many "experts" were pretty confident that apple would release the quadcore.

and I wasnt about to waste my time to reply to you before but now i feel compelled to do so

here is a link, anandtech is regarded as one of the best, unbias review sites in the web

as you can see, the Kal-El is only slightly faster than the A5, which is a huge dissapointment given that kalel is a quad-core chip

in games, the A5 wins hand downs. 

the A5X is a quadcore GPU and will blow alway tegra 3 in games, won't even be a fair fight

and one can also expect the processing unit of the A5x will also he higher clocked, again should be equal or better than the tegra 3 in terms of processing power. Apple already stated in their keynotes that it is faster than the tegra 3, results might be skewed but saying it is twice as fast in processing and 4x as fast in graphics is a big claim that must have some concrete evidence to back up with.  

I am not knocking on the kal el by any means. Android is just an inefficient OS and is not a good software to use to represent the true performance of these chips.
Originally Posted by knightngale

so where is ipad 3 now in terms of graphics performance? better than the first xbox? worse?

better for sure
the a5x have the same gpu as the ps vita 

should be close to 360's performance
is apple doomed for incremental increases forever?

Originally Posted by dr funk 13

is apple doomed for incremental increases forever?

Apple produces products that the consumer is ready for. Call that incremental if you want, but it's the reason why they are the most successful public company of all time. I'd wager the iPhone 4S didn't come with LTE because they deemed technology was too immature for inclusion. No need to piss off your consumer base by including something that cannot be fully utilized and will only harm your device's performance (battery life?). 
Originally Posted by DaJoka004

Originally Posted by dr funk 13

is apple doomed for incremental increases forever?

Apple produces products that the consumer is ready for. Call that incremental if you want, but it's the reason why they are the most successful public company of all time. I'd wager the iPhone 4S didn't come with LTE because they deemed technology was too immature for inclusion. No need to piss off your consumer base by including something that cannot be fully utilized and will only harm your device's performance (battery life?). 
Android Manufactures put out all these high and mighty devices and don't even build on the technology.

How is Apple with shipments of preorders? I haven't received a conformation yet, I got the 16gb wifi because I`m prob just going to buy a 4g hotspot.
Originally Posted by Mr Fongstarr

What would have been a new feature that would have made it a game changer? I am actually just seriously asking cause I don't even know what else a tablet is supposed to offer. I do think this should have been the specs for the iPad 2 rather then the 3. I am surprised they didn't call it an iPad 2S.

A TRUE touchscreen with haptic feedback would've been a game changer IMO. They'll probably do it next year...

[h1]Something to touch: Haptic feedback rumor gains traction for iPad "magic" feature[/h1]


The video might not show up on here but you can click the link. 
Originally Posted by LuckyLuchiano

Originally Posted by DaJoka004

Originally Posted by dr funk 13

is apple doomed for incremental increases forever?

Apple produces products that the consumer is ready for. Call that incremental if you want, but it's the reason why they are the most successful public company of all time. I'd wager the iPhone 4S didn't come with LTE because they deemed technology was too immature for inclusion. No need to piss off your consumer base by including something that cannot be fully utilized and will only harm your device's performance (battery life?). 
Android Manufactures put out all these high and mighty devices and don't even build on the technology.

How is Apple with shipments of preorders? I haven't received a conformation yet, I got the 16gb wifi because I`m prob just going to buy a 4g hotspot.

Yup.  Apple won't release something until it's mature, ready and perfected.  Google just releases updates with bugs and everything throws em to the wall and sees what sticks and takes it from there.  Microsoft did the same thing but are now pretty much taking Apple's approach.  

Originally Posted by SoleFX

I didnt get my confirmation email...I purchased at 8:30PM EST

I didn't get mine either but if you login Apple's site and look at order history and it shows there it's confirmed. 
Originally Posted by Cant Break The Unbreakable

Originally Posted by Mr Fongstarr

What would have been a new feature that would have made it a game changer? I am actually just seriously asking cause I don't even know what else a tablet is supposed to offer. I do think this should have been the specs for the iPad 2 rather then the 3. I am surprised they didn't call it an iPad 2S.

A TRUE touchscreen with haptic feedback would've been a game changer IMO. They'll probably do it next year...

[h1]Something to touch: Haptic feedback rumor gains traction for iPad "magic" feature[/h1]


The video might not show up on here but you can click the link.�
 Now that is DOPE!!!
Originally Posted by shatterkneesinc

Originally Posted by knightngale

so where is ipad 3 now in terms of graphics performance? better than the first xbox? worse?

better for sure
the a5x have the same gpu as the ps vita 

should be close to 360's performance
according to my internet search the 360 GPU is at 240 gflops while the Ipad 3 GPU is around 51 gflops
Originally Posted by knightngale

Originally Posted by shatterkneesinc

Originally Posted by knightngale

so where is ipad 3 now in terms of graphics performance? better than the first xbox? worse?

better for sure
the a5x have the same gpu as the ps vita 

should be close to 360's performance

according to my internet search the 360 GPU is at 240 gflops while the Ipad 3 GPU is around 51 gflops

people shouldnt be expecting anywhere near 360 graphics, XBLA/XNA maybe but not the commercial releases

this thing is trying to process 3x the pixels of ps3/360 with a processor as strong as the vita
Originally Posted by DaNiKeRhiNo

Originally Posted by Thizz Marley

Originally Posted by DaNiKeRhiNo

Display: iPad
CPU: Transformer 

GPU: iPad

Front Camera/Rear Camera: Transformer/Debatable.

Build Quality: Debatable, although Asus is known to have GPS issues due to the Aluminum body.

Platform: Debatable

I would say that a big advantage for Asus is the expandable memory and for Apple is it's of course very user friendly.

If you're going to get the Asus, wait for the Infinity 700 to come out, it's resolution is above the Prime's. I actually debating on which one to get also.

ipad has a vga front camera tho
You're right, but, the rear camera is a different story.

I'm not a fan boy. I use an android phone but if I was gonna get a tablet I'd get the ipad . Which I'm thinking about getting. But it just seems stupid to not upgrade one of the features I'd use the most. FaceTime.
One day society will look back and Apple will be considered the absolute GREATEST marketing company of all-time (not unless DeBeers keeps the top spot). Apple has created such an emotional attachment to their products that they don't even have to innovate anymore. I heard someone in here say that Apple waits till a technology matures before they implement it into their products...BOLLOCKS!!! What they do is sit back and watch innovation then incorporate it in their products and then call it "magical", the flock then agrees and come out in droves. 
Originally Posted by DaJoka004

Originally Posted by trunks206

�Now that is DOPE!!!

Haptic screens will be dope. Just not yet. I think we'll see it in the next generation.

This would have done it for me.  I have an ipad 2 and i am not upgrading.  The retina is nice but i would have dropped everything if they would have put the haptic display on it.
Originally Posted by DaJoka004

Originally Posted by dr funk 13

is apple doomed for incremental increases forever?

Apple produces products that the consumer is ready for. Call that incremental if you want, but it's the reason why they are the most successful public company of all time. I'd wager the iPhone 4S didn't come with LTE because they deemed technology was too immature for inclusion. No need to piss off your consumer base by including something that cannot be fully utilized and will only harm your device's performance (battery life?). 

this response is perfect.
Apple is so meticulous about quality and performance that they won't implement it until it's perfect.  Did you see how fast they dropped Nvidia??
Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

One day society will look back and Apple will be considered the absolute GREATEST marketing company of all-time (not unless DeBeers keeps the top spot). Apple has created such an emotional attachment to their products that they don't even have to innovate anymore. I heard someone in here say that Apple waits till a technology matures before they implement it into their products...BOLLOCKS!!! What they do is sit back and watch innovation then incorporate it in their products and then call it "magical", the flock then agrees and come out in droves. 

I agree with you that Apple has created an emotional attachment to their products.  Absolutely.  But I stand by what I said on Apple waiting for a technology to be mature/perfected before they implement it instead of "sit back and watch".  For example  Microsoft, Blackberry, Palm, etc. made smartphones for years and were killin the smartphone game until Apple was working behind the scenes creating their own phone and released it when it was good and ready.  Android had copy + paste and multitasking on their phones for the longest but it sucked battery life and Apple didn't release that feature until iOS 4 when it was finally ready.   4G LTE wasn't ready yet either and they're finally releasing it into the iPad and iPhone later this year.  
Originally Posted by kiendienn

Originally Posted by DaJoka004

Originally Posted by dr funk 13

is apple doomed for incremental increases forever?

Apple produces products that the consumer is ready for. Call that incremental if you want, but it's the reason why they are the most successful public company of all time. I'd wager the iPhone 4S didn't come with LTE because they deemed technology was too immature for inclusion. No need to piss off your consumer base by including something that cannot be fully utilized and will only harm your device's performance (battery life?). 

this response is perfect.
Apple is so meticulous about quality and performance that they won't implement it until it's perfect.  Did you see how fast they dropped Nvidia??

They dropped Nvidia b/c of the class action lawsuit ... and those faulty GPU in their macbooks that they btw refuse to pay for ... Apple took a dump on a lot of loyal customers b/c of this ... Apple as a company is beyond overrated ... cosign the greatest marketing company of all time ... The ipod was innovative ... since then they just sit back and take existing technology and spin it to their liking and convince the masses that it's the greatest thing since slice bread. I own a MBP and ipod touch ... they're cool ... paid nowhere near retail for either one b/c their price points are OD ...

the machine is rolling though and i ain't even mad ... i like apple software ... and my products have been paid for many times over (apple stock ftw) ...

anyway ... these incremental moves is all they have ... why change the formula ... look how many people preordered the new ipad ... and when the new new ipad comes out next year ... they'll sell their old new ipad ... and cop the new new joint ... it's hilarious to watch
Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

One day society will look back and Apple will be considered the absolute GREATEST marketing company of all-time (not unless DeBeers keeps the top spot). Apple has created such an emotional attachment to their products that they don't even have to innovate anymore. I heard someone in here say that Apple waits till a technology matures before they implement it into their products...BOLLOCKS!!! What they do is sit back and watch innovation then incorporate it in their products and then call it "magical", the flock then agrees and come out in droves. 

If you only knew what it took to make those screens for the new iPad, it's innovation at its finest
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