Official iPhone: RIP Steve Jobs.. Jailbreak Avail for 5.0(Page 1)

Originally Posted by Prime x Time

i went bak to the default theme
Same here man.
how do i remove the blank icons? when ever i delete it them they re-appear when i restart my phone. i tried to unistall them in cydia but it doesnt give me theoption anymore..
Originally Posted by akf0dy7

how do i remove the blank icons? when ever i delete it them they re-appear when i restart my phone. i tried to unistall them in cydia but it doesnt give me the option anymore..

you remove them the exact way you add them on. wiggle them and press the x
Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

Originally Posted by marath0n

Originally Posted by NeptuneBeats187

Say I have an icon waaay on the 4th page of my iPhone desktop screen. Is there an easy app or program that will allow me to grab that and basically customize where I want to put them without a big hassle?

Put your finger on the icon and hold it for a couple seconds, all of the icons will start jiggling. Then drag it wherever you want.

Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

Originally Posted by retro23phan

^are you talking about 2.0 perfect theme and you want to be back at 1.0?
Yes! The new 2.0 is verizon !!! theme, I jsut want to go back to teh bb them, hurry, HELP!!!!
Go to Cydia and uninstall the PerfectStorm 2.0 and SSH this one into your phone
1.0 isnt there, link is dead
got your back bro

here is perfect storm 1.0, 2.0, and sb settings theme (if you do not know what sb settings is, look on cydia, its very useful)
hey, i just got a 3g 16gb but the dude i bought it from updated it to 2.2.1. Is there anyway at all that i can unlock it?
Originally Posted by kobe82410

hey, i just got a 3g 16gb but the dude i bought it from updated it to 2.2.1. Is there anyway at all that i can unlock it?
not at this point, he updated not only the firmware but the baseband to 2.30
continue to check this website frequently as it should be updated to be compatible with 2.2.1
WOW, check out this app, it's $900!!!!!!!

Lextech iRa

Its like a video surveillance system.. FTW
yo i'm looking into getting an iphone and got a few questions for it.

-is it possible to have no plan for minutes just the data and text?

-is insurance available on AT&T? to protect like malfunctions/cracks?

-is there wifi on it? and how exactly does that work? like instead of the 3G for data you're on wifi?
I have a question
My mom has an upgrade coming up(on March 5th) and has no plans of using it(she likes her blackberrytoo much) upgrade isnt until August,since i'm under her on the family plan thing,could I use her upgrade to get an iPhone?
Originally Posted by Mos Def 212

I have a question
My mom has an upgrade coming up(on March 5th) and has no plans of using it(she likes her blackberry too much) upgrade isnt until August,since i'm under her on the family plan thing,could I use her upgrade to get an iPhone?
yeah just put you sim card in it and run it through itunes
Who's a T-Mobile rep on here and could assist me in getting the 5.99 t-zones plan? I still am reading on other forums about people still getting it addeddaily, but every time I call they give me the run around and tell me it's unavailable
i just wish they would fix the "slide to unlock" bug...where the phone is unresponsive...and doesnt respond...
anyone got tips?? PM me!
Originally Posted by rwfanatic

Who's a T-Mobile rep on here and could assist me in getting the 5.99 t-zones plan? I still am reading on other forums about people still getting it added daily, but every time I call they give me the run around and tell me it's unavailable
i see you on the forums (

did you try the other method that involves the t-mobile rep chat
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