Official iPhone: RIP Steve Jobs.. Jailbreak Avail for 5.0(Page 1)

Originally Posted by 23MichaelJordan45

Originally Posted by JordanDon23

Originally Posted by 23MichaelJordan45

Originally Posted by JordanDon23

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]What is the function of blanks???[/color]

Man, you always be asking the dumbest questions. And I need to get a 360 so we can get back to killing in HC Search in COD4 again. Ahh...the good ole days of me and dom arguing
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)].....Damn that was cold-blooded, but thanks for the examples though....Whats your Xbox GT[/color]
Don't have one....yet...hopefully getting a 360 for Christmas.

Originally Posted by soldierDRE

ok i have a problem here....i just jailbroken my 3g and now when i hit the phone button it comes up then goes back to home even when i try to press numbers if anybody has any advice let me kno...appreciated

Re-jailbreak with quickpwn, that happened to me the first time.

I'm having a problem. My iPhone will not connect to my router in my house.

Any suggestions?
Okay, help me out guys if you will.
To unlock a 2G iphone i simply use one of the links provided in the first post.
It will be used in T-Mobile.
Originally Posted by SalviBoy7

Okay, help me out guys if you will.
To unlock a 2G iphone i simply use one of the links provided in the first post.
It will be used in T-Mobile.
Yup...use this tutorial. I just used it again cuz my iPhone was running weird and my WiFi wouldn't work.

My WiFi is now working, didn't even have to re-pwn my iPhone, just reset my router
@ me.
can anyone help me?? *******2 questions*********

1. Since i jailbroke my phone, my clock hasnt been working. So i cant set my alarm clock or look at the world clock or anything like that. It just dissapersand goes back to my home screen. what can i do??? The same thing happens to the customize app!!!!!!

2. Can i change the tone for receiving text message?

[h2]vlc4iphone Ports VLC Media Player to... You Guessed It [Featured IPhone Download] [/h2]
from Lifehacker by Adam Pash

Jailbroken iPhone/iPod touch only: Free application vlc4iphone ports the popular open-source media player VLC-voted as the best desktop media player by Lifehacker readers-to your iPhone or iPod touch. Apart from supporting virtually any media type you throw at it (I'd recommend using an app like previously mentioned DiskAid to get media to your iPhone), the VLC port streams internet radio, and can even stream media over your network. If you're dying to play unsupported file types on your device and aren't eager to transcode them to do so, vlc4iphone can do the trick. vlc4iphone is free, requires a jailbroken iPhone or iPod touch. The app is still rough around the edges (some playback was buggy for me, and there's no landscape mode), but it's not a bad start. Thanks Niranjan!

vlc4iphone [zodttd]
^ the absolute worst app i have had in a while. I mean do not get me wrong i am a big fan of zodttd. I have all his emulators on my iphone. But this VLC doesnot play any of my media. This version takes a L because it is beta, but i look forward to his future releases.
Things i love about my iphone currently is: isteamy(porn), video ringtones and wallpaper, and custom everything from SMS to phone. Too bad there are not thatmany great apps out there left, i have been so bored, my friend and i have beaten a lot of the games in the app store.
Originally Posted by SaNTi0321


[h2]vlc4iphone Ports VLC Media Player to... You Guessed It [Featured IPhone Download] [/h2]
from Lifehacker by Adam Pash

Jailbroken iPhone/iPod touch only: Free application vlc4iphone ports the popular open-source media player VLC-voted as the best desktop media player by Lifehacker readers-to your iPhone or iPod touch. Apart from supporting virtually any media type you throw at it (I'd recommend using an app like previously mentioned DiskAid to get media to your iPhone), the VLC port streams internet radio, and can even stream media over your network. If you're dying to play unsupported file types on your device and aren't eager to transcode them to do so, vlc4iphone can do the trick. vlc4iphone is free, requires a jailbroken iPhone or iPod touch. The app is still rough around the edges (some playback was buggy for me, and there's no landscape mode), but it's not a bad start. Thanks Niranjan!

vlc4iphone [zodttd]

So I can stream video over wifi from my pc to my iphone using this program?
Can anyone tell me an average price of an unlocked 3G Iphone on ebay? And how you can tell if it's legit? Sorry I'm a newb.
1. for the person with the router problems.. it could be that you need to change your security from WPA to WEP or w.e one is most recent..
2. for everyone looking for an iphone for cheap.. here you go!
[table][tr][td][Rumor] Grab Toilet Paper in Bulk when you Purchase an iPhone at CostCo[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[table][tr][td]Nov 11, 2008 - 3:48 PM - by cash7c3[/td] [/tr][tr][td]

How much will the iPhone cost in 2009? If the latest rumor is true you'll be able to grab a nice shiny iPhone 3g for the ultra low price of $149 while shopping for bulk quantities of every day items at your local CostCo. The unsubstantiated rumor reports that as soon as January CostCo will be slinging these iPhone ultra cheap at their stores littered across the country.[/td] [/tr][/table]
[/td] [/tr][/table]

Rumors of iPhone OS v2.2 to be released on November 21st

iPhoneHellas is claiming to have confirmed from a credible source that iPhone OS v2.2 will be released this November 21st, although they say they cannot identify who their reliable source is. Some expert sites say that iPhoneHellas has made accurate predictions from credible sources in the past, others are unsure because they have not had experience with iPhoneHellas.

Anyway, here's how the rumor goes;

First off, the supposed reliable source has indicated that the iPhone firmware v2.2 will NOT be available to Greek keyboard or Greek menu.

Also rumored, according to iPhoneHellas,

"- New look for the Safari with the Google search bar now occupying its own space on the title bar
- Toggle On / Off to disable the auto-correction
- 461 Japanese emoji icons
- Support for new languages.
- Line-in audio is activated and can be used through the headphone jack
- Google Street View, Google Transit information - Routes public transport, Walking directions, Location sharing.
- App Store: 'Categories' now shows the icons of the applications instead of the list, In each page of the application has been added by a button 'Tell A Friend' & 'Report A Problem', Added the possibility of scoring the application when the user chooses to delete from the device, Added the possibility for direct downloading of podcasts from the iTunes Wi-Fi Music Store"

Well according to the rumor, the feature list remains the same as on the beta. Maybe a surprise copy/paste function will be added last minute? At any rate it seems that the futuristic versions of the iPhone that will turn on your coffee maker and lock the doors to your house that AT&T Chief Ralph De la Vega described in a recent interview are a long way off.
[/td] [/tr][/table]
Originally Posted by 23MichaelJordan45

Originally Posted by SalviBoy7

Okay, help me out guys if you will.
To unlock a 2G iphone i simply use one of the links provided in the first post.
It will be used in T-Mobile.
Yup...use this tutorial. I just used it again cuz my iPhone was running weird and my WiFi wouldn't work.

My WiFi is now working, didn't even have to re-pwn my iPhone, just reset my router
@ me.
Thank you so much going to give it a try.

Another question if you or any1 could help.
What app do i use to disable the iphone from connecting to the internet? or Does the 5.99 T-Zones hack still work in the iphone?

Once again thanks NT!
Originally Posted by 650sGABE

Can anyone tell me an average price of an unlocked 3G Iphone on ebay? And how you can tell if it's legit? Sorry I'm a newb.
I would say about $500 for a 8GB and about $600 for a 16GB, give or take. Check out Craigslist and find a local buyer who's just looking toget rid of theirs at minimal cost. I've seen some in my local area go for $400 or $450 for a 8GB. Good luck.
Originally Posted by retro23phan

^ the absolute worst app i have had in a while. I mean do not get me wrong i am a big fan of zodttd. I have all his emulators on my iphone. But this VLC does not play any of my media. This version takes a L because it is beta, but i look forward to his future releases.
Things i love about my iphone currently is: isteamy(porn), video ringtones and wallpaper, and custom everything from SMS to phone. Too bad there are not that many great apps out there left, i have been so bored, my friend and i have beaten a lot of the games in the app store.

isteamy?? point me in the correct direction kind sir.

I just hooked up my iPhone to the iTunes to add a few songs and it showed that all my songs are gone! but it shows its still taking up space in my phone...butinstead of saying 10+gb of music it says 10+gb of other. So when i try to sync all my music back it says theres no space....does anyone know what may be wrongwith my phone?
Originally Posted by SalviBoy7

Originally Posted by 23MichaelJordan45

Originally Posted by SalviBoy7

Okay, help me out guys if you will.
To unlock a 2G iphone i simply use one of the links provided in the first post.
It will be used in T-Mobile.
Yup...use this tutorial. I just used it again cuz my iPhone was running weird and my WiFi wouldn't work.

My WiFi is now working, didn't even have to re-pwn my iPhone, just reset my router
@ me.
Thank you so much going to give it a try.

Another question if you or any1 could help.
What app do i use to disable the iphone from connecting to the internet? or Does the 5.99 T-Zones hack still work in the iphone?

Once again thanks NT!
Yes, the $5.99 hack does work, I'm using it now.

And what do you mean, disable the iPhone from connecting to the internet?
Can someone explain the whole "blanks" thing to me? Is it something found in Cydia because I can't seem to find it.
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