***Official Iron Man 2 Movie Thread*** Go Watch It!!!!

saw it in IMAX...dope stuff

slow/sloppy storyline to start, but got really good really fast.

Rockwell's character (hammer) was the shiiiit, hilarious. Rourke was good - downey, good but maybe taking it too far at times

overall an A, as good as the first for sure.

Cheadle > howard, x20million

scarlett...oh man....oh man...sooo fine.
Iron Man 1 >>>>>Iron Man 2

They tried to make him be too cocky/say too many lame one liners....it started getting lame as hell

Movie was good, not as good as the 1st, but worth watching though.

I gave it an A-

Also, as small as a part it was, they could have done without Black Widow character. 
There's one thing that bugged me.

How did the OG Stark Expo model map turn into the blueprint for the unknown element Tony created?

All he did was take away the trees and some stands and randomly asked Jarvis how many Expo sites there was...put them around the globe and boom..he created it!

I was like "LOL...Wut?!"

Made no sense to me.

I guess I gotta hear the explanation one more time, maybe I missed something.

And about that unknown element...

I remember this...
In the Marvel universe, Adamantium is a group of man-made metal alloys that possess varying durability but are all almost indestructible. Adamantium was invented by the American metallurgist  Dr. Myron MacLain in an attempt to recreate his prior discovery, the properties of Captain America's shield (a unique alloy of steel and vibranium, which required an unknown catalyst for its manufacture); said attempt instead yielded adamantium.
Could the element that Howard made the blueprint for be the element that Howard and Dr. Myron couldn't recreate again after the first Captain America shield was made.

The first real indestructabale Cap shield was made accidentally, not the Triangular one...the cirle one.


Then there's this...
The first documented discovery of Vibranium was during a human expedition to Antarctica where the Vibranium was dubbed "Anti-Metal" due to its unique properties. However, Vibranium had been around for over 10,000 years, as a large meteorite of it crashed in Wakanda. This Vibranium was of a different variety and absorbed sound instead. Soon after its arrival to Wakanda some of its people began to mutate, though the native Wakandans looked at these people as demons which caused the creation of the Black Panther Cult and the very first Black Panther, Bashenga. In the 20th century, T'Chaka, father of the current Black Panther T'Challa was king when the Vibranium mound was discovered underground. Knowing that others would attempt to manipulate and dominate Wakanda for this rare and valuable resource, T'Chaka concealed his country from the outside world though he sold off minute amounts of the valuable metal, using these funds to send the country's best scholars to study abroad causing Wakanda to turn into one of the world's most technologically advanced nations.

During the early 1940s, a small amount of Wakandan Vibranium which was rumored at the time to exist came into the possession of the young scientist Dr. Myron MacLain. He used the material while experimenting on iron alloys for use as tank armor which resulted in the accidental creation of the ultra-resilient Vibranium-iron alloy that was later used in the construction of Captain America's Shield. Although McClain's experiments on Vibranium failed to discover a method of synthetically producing Vibranium, it was far from fruitless. In the late 1960s Dr. McClain's research on Vibranium resulted in the invention of a process that created an artificial alloy which was almost as strong as genuine Wakandan Vibranium, though not quite, but which was still stronger than any previously known metal except true Vibranium. However, although "artificial Vibranium" wasn't quite as strong as the real thing, it could be produced in mass quantities (albeit in a very expensive process), without the need to rely on the minute amounts that were being discreetly sold from Wakanda by T'Chaka. This "artificial Vibranium" was thus deemed adequate enough to go into production, and was re-christened "Adamantium", which would be used extensively by the advanced projects divisions of several national militaries (and terrorist groups that could obtain the technology).
The comics give full credit to Dr. McClain for inventing the Shield...But say nothing about the unknown element/catalyst that created the OG Cap Shield.

I can't wait to see how they explain all of this in the Captain America movie.

Like someone here said before...Jon Favreau pushed for everything to be tech based, even the way Cap's shield boomerangs back to him when he throws it, hence...Involving Tony Stark's crazy tech in the creation of the new Shield (Probably something taken from the Ultimate Marvel Universe, I haven't really read Ultimate Marvel much).

Here's a more stuff on Dr. McClain for those that are comic nerds like me...
Real Name: Myron MacLain
Identity/Class: Human (World War 2 Era to present)

Occupation: Research scientist, metallurgist

Group Membership: S.H.I.E.L.D.

Affiliations: Avengers (Captain America, Hawkeye, Iron Man, Mockingbird, Henry Pym, Spider-Woman (Julia Carpenter), Thor, U.S. Agent, Vision, Wasp, Wonder Man), Logan, Nomad (Jack Monroe)

Enemies: Alkhema, Mr. Arons, Ultron

Known Relatives: unnamed wife, unnamed son

Aliases: Myron MacClain

Base of Operations: MacLain Research, San Diego, California
formerly the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier
formerly the Department of Agriculture, Washington D.C.

First Appearance: Avengers I#66 (July, 1969)

Powers/Abilities: Dr. MacLain is a gifted metallurgist whose inventions have included Captain America's shield and adamantium. He had also proven adept at robotics and constructing suits of armor.

History: (Captain America I#303 (fb)) - During World War II, Myron MacLain was employed by the American government as a metallurgist to create a super-strong metal which could be used in constructing tanks. MacLain was granted a sample of vibranium to work with, and dozed off one night while waiting for the metal to heat up. When he awoke, he found that the metals had attained the level of bonding he had been striving for. He quickly poured the metal into a disc form to serve as a tank hatch, but was unable to determine what had occurred to affect the metal's bonding. The disc was later presented to Captain America to serve as his shield.

(Wolverine II#-1) - While working at the Department of Agriculture in Washington, MacLain was visited by Logan, an amnesiac mutant who had been granted an unbreakable skeleton and claws. Although he had been warned not to speak with Logan, MacLain agreed to examine him. MacLain could not account for where the metal had come from, but suggested Lord Darkwind, a Japanese scientist said to have created an unbreakable metal during World War II. Before he could say more, Logan was taken away by Victor Creed.

(Conspriacy #2 (fb) - BTS) - Dr. MacLain was granted funding in his efforts to recreate the mystery metal of Cap's shield by the government agency Control.

(Avengers I#66) - After spending years attempting to recreate the mystery metal, MacLain was employed by S.H.I.E.L.D., and created the metal adamantium, which was nearly as indestructible as Captain America's shield. The Avengers came to the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier to witness a test of the metal, and Thor, Iron Man and Goliath each tried to break the metal, to no avail. MacLain revealed that only the molecular rearranger could reshape adamantium, but while he was proud that his new metal had held up, he feared what might happen should it fall into the wrong hands. His fears were proven to be well-founded when Ultron forced the Vision to steal a cylinder of adamantium for use in the reconstruction of his body into Ultron-6.

(Avengers I#68) - Dr. MacLain contacted the Avengers to warn them that the molecular rearranger had been stolen from him during their battle with Ultron-6. The Avengers ultimately thwarted Ultron by having Yellowjacket hypnotized into believing he was MacLain so that when Ultron attempted to abduct him and drain his mind he would be overcome by the words "thou shalt not kill," repeated over and over again.

(Captain America I#304 (fb) - BTS) - Dr. MacLain later retired from S.H.I.E.L.D., and became something of a hermit, hidden away from the world.

(Captain America I#303) - Dr. MacLain was captured by Mr. Arons of Stane International and forced to attempt to recreate the metal Captain America's shield was made out of. Arons obtained Cap's shield thanks to the help of Batroc's Brigade so that MacLain would be able to study it, and threatened the lives of MacLain's family to keep him in line. Arons demanded that MacLain design a suit of armor built from the shield's metal for the use of Obadiah Stane.

(Captain America I#304) - As MacLain slaved to recreate the metal, he attempted to kill Arons by pouring molten metal on him, but Arons used Cap's shield to defend himself. They stripped the paint off of the shield in order to study it better, and created a number of duplicate shields in an attempt to find the secret. MacLain finally created the suit of armor Arons wanted, and Arons donned it when Captain America invaded the laboratory, looking for MacLain. It turned out that MacLain had not been able to recreate the metal, and Captain America smashed Arons' armor with his shield. Captain America and Nomad brought MacLain to safety, and promised to have S.H.I.E.L.D. investigate Obadiah Stane's involvement.

(Avengers West Coast#89) - Dr. MacLain contacted the Avengers Compound to inform them that he had recently discovered a new means of creating Adamantium even faster than before. The Avengers promised to send some of their members to him for protection. By the time the Avengers arrived, Ultron had come and captured MacLain, leaving behind a robot duplicate of MacLain to deal with the Avengers.

(Avengers West Coast#90) - Ultron captured Mockingbird and Dr. Henry Pym to assist a hypnotized MacLain in creating a new robot bride, using MacLain's Adamantium, Mockingbird's engrams, and Pym's robotics. The resulting creation was Alkhema.

(Avengers West Coast#91) - When Ultron and Alkhema set out to take a nuclear missile, MacLain assisted Dr. Pym in designing an electromagnet for the warhead so that when the robots attempted to claim it, they were magnetically affixed to it, then seemingly destroyed when the missile detonated.

Comments: Created by Roy Thomas, Barry Windsor-Smith and Syd Shores.

Obadiah Stane likely wanted MacLain to supply him with the shield's unique metal type for use in his Iron Monger armor.

MacLain's appearance in Wolverine II#-1 acknowledged the long-standing continuity glitch surrounding the adamantium in Wolverine's skeleton; how did Weapon X get a hold of adamantium before MacLain had even invented it? Wolverine II#-1 seems to suggest that Darkwind invented it independently, and that MacLain just happened to duplicate Darkwind's results and gave the metal a name (or possibly he received stolen data from Darkwind?).

I hope they show a shot of Cap & Logan running into each other During World War 2.

That would be...

I can see it already.

"For Freedom !!!!"

"What's with the weird blue suit Bub?
Originally Posted by CIDMAN911

There's one thing that bugged me.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]How did the OG Stark Expo model map turn into the blueprint for the unknown element Tony created?[/color]

All he did was take away the trees and some stands and randomly asked Jarvis how many Expo sites there was...put them around the globe and boom..he created it!

I was like "LOL...Wut?!"

Made no sense to me.

I guess I gotta hear the explanation one more time, maybe I missed something.
I guess you kind of have to know about the structure of an atom to get that scene. He used the center orb as the nucleus and after taking away all the shrubs... used the number of pavilions and buildings to make up the neutrons that orbit the nucleus (and the protons).  Everything else after that was intuitive for him.
the way you guys are describing how you felt about the movie is hilarious.

Most of you aren't even Marvel fans , you went to see this off of pure hype.

IM 1 > IM 2? your kidding right?

And no i'm not gonna explain myself bc explaining your side to a NTer is like pulling teeth
Originally Posted by CIDMAN911

I hope they show a shot of Cap & Logan running into each other During World War 2.

That would be...

I can see it already.

"For Freedom !!!!"

"What's with the weird blue suit Bub?

Considering Marvel doesn't hold the rights to the Xmen and Wolverine franchise, I highly doubt it.
The same reason we probably won't see Spidey make any cameo in any of these Marvel films.

Kind of sucks it would be kind of cool to have little cameos for other heroes.

It would be interesting to see Steve Rogers meet Johnny Storm. 
Originally Posted by RFX45

Considering Marvel doesn't hold the rights to the Xmen and Wolverine franchise, I highly doubt it.
The same reason we probably won't see Spidey make any cameo in any of these Marvel films.

Kind of sucks it would be kind of cool to have little cameos for other heroes.

It would be interesting to see Steve Rogers meet Johnny Storm. 

Oh God, out of all the actors out there, they had to "recycle" within the same Marvel family

Spidey cameos would be great, but like you said, it won't happen.
Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by CIDMAN911

I hope they show a shot of Cap & Logan running into each other During World War 2.

That would be...

I can see it already.

"For Freedom !!!!"

"What's with the weird blue suit Bub?

Considering Marvel doesn't hold the rights to the Xmen and Wolverine franchise, I highly doubt it.
The same reason we probably won't see Spidey make any cameo in any of these Marvel films.

Kind of sucks it would be kind of cool to have little cameos for other heroes.

It would be interesting to see Steve Rogers meet Johnny Storm. 
With money and lawyers...

ANYTHING is possible.

I'd reckon all it would take is 1 phone call from 'Brown Nose' Joe Quesada to Disney Headquarters and something could be worked out.
Originally Posted by CIDMAN911

Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by CIDMAN911

I hope they show a shot of Cap & Logan running into each other During World War 2.

That would be...

I can see it already.

"For Freedom !!!!"

"What's with the weird blue suit Bub?

Considering Marvel doesn't hold the rights to the Xmen and Wolverine franchise, I highly doubt it.
The same reason we probably won't see Spidey make any cameo in any of these Marvel films.

Kind of sucks it would be kind of cool to have little cameos for other heroes.

It would be interesting to see Steve Rogers meet Johnny Storm. 
With money and lawyers...

ANYTHING is possible.

I'd reckon all it would take is 1 phone call from 'Brown Nose' Joe Quesada to Disney Headquarters and something could be worked out.

Trust me, it is easier said than done. When it comes to money, even Disney or Stan Lee can't do anything about it.
But hey, Capt was already in the Wolverine Origins move, remember...


^ I remember that.

It was an April Fools day on some site.

They were like "Breaking news...Captain America was in Wolverine WW2 Scene"

I clicked on the link with the speed of lightning and as soon as I saw it I was like...
Just got out, thought it was great. 

1 will always be considered better then sequels because it's newer and fresher and maybe not as rushed. 

That said, they expanded on everything they needed too in this one, the action scenes were great, the acting was great, Downey, Rockwell especially, and Rourke were all fantastic. 

It may have been the loudest movie I have ever seen in a theatre, it was unreal how loud it was. 

I wish I could get my @#$ kicked by Scarlett, it looks so fun. 

All in all, solid solid movie.  Can't wait for the Blu Ray. 
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