***Official Iron Man 2 Movie Thread*** Go Watch It!!!!

War Machine
Originally Posted by Ryda421

this movie will flop.
unless you have people who will be hyping it up like no other, word to origins
You crack me up man
You stay hating on Marvel ,keep on riding TDK since it is the ONLY DC movie that will ever be good. MAYBE GL will be average but How's Superman comingalong?

DC fanboys
Steez! Haven't seen you for ages since our thread got locked (Or maybe I'm not on here that often)... Man we should really get another thread going
Originally Posted by Julius Wrek


How is Whiplash going to a threat?

He doesn't look too serious.

...His range looks limited.

Julius F. Wrek

Besides the Iron Monger suit, Stane never really seemed too evil in the first film. Just a greedy business guy. Whiplash looks like a really crazy son of a+@*%%. And I'm sure he'll also get a final suit with some crazy weaponry
Originally Posted by razzle dazzle

Steez! Haven't seen you for ages since our thread got locked (Or maybe I'm not on here that often)... Man we should really get another thread going
I know we should

NT is just not what it used to be, that's why i'm never on anymore
Originally Posted by J Steezzz

Originally Posted by Ryda421

this movie will flop.
unless you have people who will be hyping it up like no other, word to origins
You crack me up man
You stay hating on Marvel ,keep on riding TDK since it is the ONLY DC movie that will ever be good. MAYBE GL will be average but How's Superman coming along?

DC fanboys

i don't know how old you are son, but I'm just going totake it with the smallest grain of salt. because if I'm not mistake, you were the one that was hyped up off origins, and let me guess, you believe it livedup to the hype right ? **** son. it seems you are more a marvel bandwagon. i doubt you knew about the infinity gauntlet in elementary. son I've beenreading comics since 2-3 grade. back when jim lee was the king.

TDK is the only movie ? how about watchmen ? or how about the first two batmans ? point is I don't even like superman, but yet it is plain to see that theold supermans are better than all the x-men movies. and if you disagree, then you are no TRUE marvel fan

why do you think stan lee sold the rights ? because he knew he sold out and effed up his creation.

and I don't hate marvel, i hate what it has become. i remember when i first heard about spiderman coming out and how dope I thought it would be, but neverin my wildest dreams did I imagine that DC was going to out due marvel in the cinema.

but it's alright because I laugh @ how people can accpet nick fury being african-american and a war machine that resembles nothing from the comic version.
you'll see when the movie comes out that the only good things about these movies are the action/cgi. the acting nor the plot can steer away from thebutchering which being executed. im done.
have fun watching this movie. i'll have fun watching the anime verison
^^ You finished ranting there Ryda? Nobody gives a finger when you started reading comics. Just enjoy the comics and cinema for what it has become.
yeah. that's the thing. it has become doo-doo. ranting only because you kids are new booty to this. kids were probably only into it after spiderman andxmen had their cartoons. but were NEVER hardcore until spiderman the movie.

just funny to see how these people actually consider this "gold."

anywaysssss...carry on with your appreciation of something which is far from legit/exceeding potential.
ha wow. there are some seriously bad feelings in this thread. i think im2 looks good so far. the first took everyone by surprise as to how good it was. it canonly go up. i only hope to see different sides to tony stark besides his constant overwhelming machismo
possible final movie costume?

This vs. Iron Man & War Machine final fight is gonna be something crazy
Originally Posted by JayPesoz

possible final movie costume?

This vs. Iron Man & War Machine final fight is gonna be something crazy

i dont know if that exact suit will be the one, but he does get a new suit towards the end.... thanks to Mr Hammer

and Kevin Feige has gone on record saying that the final battle will be epic... (says the final fight in the 1st movie wasnt long enough or enough action)
Im so glad they recognized the error in their ways.... this movie is gonna really be something serious
and to just give a glimpse into how EPIC this movie is going to be,

Ed Norton is rumored to be in it.....
means Hulk going to be smashing SOMETHING in the movie, im not sure if its true but.... he is listed on the credits for the movie, as Bruce Banner/Hulk...also when asked about his envolvment he said "I dont have any comment, you have to talk to Marvel about that"
if he was still all pissy at Marvel he would have shot the rumor down.... (also the rumor came from the same source that said Stan Lee would be Larry King inthe movie, which is true)

Im not sure how they are going to fit him in there.... i mean a cameo wont hurt,

and then i got to thinking.... its very possible the end scene would have some CGI Hulk in it..... i remember seeing this picture awhile back

(this Green Screen is about 10 stories high)

what in the $+%% do you need a green screen that large for? I mean either they are going to battle on the actual S.H.I.E.L.D. Hellicarrier or this is the setof a rediculous scene of action, and Hulk could be a part of it, it only makes sense
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