That guy has to be trolling :lol:

Is this Jay's best album? Nope

Are these Jay's best lyrics? Nope

But did he just **** on everyone of these young dudes that get banging beats and does absolutely nothing with them??? **** yea

And I think that's what I love the most about it.

It is a damn shame that its 2013 and Jay-Z is still one if the only ones I can go to for a good album.

While the dudes that's supposed to be the new leaders put out constant trash!

It pisses me off when I go into a barbershop and all I hear is " ain't worried bout nothin" with dudes talking bout that **** crank. :smh:
All this old man raps about is the beach and his wife and how smart he thinks he is. He's lack of self-awareness is crazy. When he speaks, it sounds like he reads at MAYBE a 6th grade level and that's me being generous. He's a dummy who thinks he's some genius
the illuminati can make anyone famous
All this old man raps about is the beach and his wife and how smart he thinks he is. He's lack of self-awareness is crazy. When he speaks, it sounds like he reads at MAYBE a 6th grade level and that's me being generous. He's a dummy who thinks he's some genius and he married a dime that even dumber than he is. I was hoping for a Kanye feature, and that would have been the only track worth putting on my iPhone. Only people hype for this are old dudes, like 28 yo or older who probably shouldn't even be listening to rap anymore.
Get a hold of your thoughts before you post fool! He talks about the beach his wife and daughter because thats what is current in his life! The man is in a way a genius... he didnt become rich because he won the lottery.

You were hoping for a Kanye feature... because Kanye would have made a track better?! So an album like "watch the throne"? have you listened to that album? that album was very very weak for two artists like Kanye and Jay IMHO and im sure alot of people would agree.

So if you're 28 or older you shouldnt be listening to rap anymore? LMFAO.

Man these young dudes and kids don't know ish... sounds like he started to listen to hip hop in the mid 2000s when almost all rap/hiphop became trash!

Who do you listen to then? im very curious to know... 
:lol: @ Jay stans so eager to throw shots at any and everyone that they're now turning on each other and arguing HOW HOT this album is.


"This album's great!" "Yeah this album's great! Way better than Kingdom Come!" "Yeah I love this album too! It's awesome! Kingdom Come didn't suck that bad though!" "I too think this might be my favorite album currently! But Kingdom Come sucked!"

Who cares? Why are you talking about KC?

I agree... Kingdom Come is trash. Only song still listen to is "beach chair" honestly because I just like the vibe of the song.

I not a big Fan of American Gangsta or BP3 either.

And I will see how I feel about this in a few months but right now I really like it.
@ Jay stans so eager to throw shots at any and everyone that they're now turning on each other and arguing HOW HOT this album is.


"This album's great!" "Yeah this album's great! Way better than Kingdom Come!" "Yeah I love this album too! It's awesome! Kingdom Come didn't suck that bad though!" "I too think this might be my favorite album currently! But Kingdom Come sucked!"

Who cares? Why are you talking about KC?
:lol: Who did this? The only reason I mentioned KC is because Ninja brought it up. I havent even seen much arguing in here except for when Yeezus was brought up. Hope it stays that way.
The irony, theres like eight grammar mistakes in this post. How sad must your life be to do this?
That's not irony, we're on a sneaker message board, my amount of care in being formal on here is non existent. And I'm not on every song rapping about how I'm some genius. This old man is completely insecure about his lack of education and tries to overcompensate in his bars and embarrasses himself every time. Just play your position as a child of the ghetto who made it. All that genius rapping he does is struggle city. He legit sounds like a ****** whenever he opens his mouth. Dude you rap and a bunch of rich old white people use you as a front to make multiple times what you take home. It's like Jay is the only person who isn't aware of that. Like the owner of the Nets giving him 0.00000012pc of the team and Jay is geeked he gets to rap about owning the team and sit court side while the real owners and the real estate developers in Brooklyn make real money off him raising the team's profile.
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Y'all know antidope is sensitive about KC. :lol:

I'm wondering if the store releases will have bonus songs or a deluxe edition, like the Wale Target version. There's no Rae, and he said he was going to be on the album.

I forgot Rae was supposed to be on the album. Hopefully that joint sees the light of day somehow.
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The irony, theres like eight grammar mistakes in this post. How sad must your life be to do this?
That's not irony, we're on a sneaker message board, my amount of care in being formal on here is non existent. And I'm not on every song rapping about how smart I am. This dude is completely insecure about his lack of education and tries to overcompensate in his bars. Just play your position as a child of the ghetto who made it. All that genius rapping he does is struggle city. He legit sounds like a ****** whenever he opens his mouth. Dude you rap and a bunch of rich old white people use you as a front to make multiple times what you take home. It's like Jay is the only person who isn't aware of that.
Ahh the classic "We're on Niketalk so I dont need to use correct grammar and syntax" excuse. It actually is ironic that you called him out on his intelligence when you are not even using correct english. Its still irony regardless of what you say. I'm pretty sure that hes aware that the people who are above him are making more than what hes making, I think he has a basic understanding of how business works if hes been able to be so sucessful at it. Now hes insecure about his education? Go ahead and tell me how you came to that conclusion, you say that hes overcompensating in his bars, post some bars. You are reaching plain and simple and I'm not sure why.
:lol: @ Jay stans so eager to throw shots at any and everyone that they're now turning on each other and arguing HOW HOT this album is.


"This album's great!" "Yeah this album's great! Way better than Kingdom Come!" "Yeah I love this album too! It's awesome! Kingdom Come didn't suck that bad though!" "I too think this might be my favorite album currently! But Kingdom Come sucked!"

Who cares? Why are you talking about KC?

:lol: I sorta liked KC though. I always get ethered during music debates with my boys because of it though :smh:

Me - Nah man I think XYZ's album was weak. Dude has no delivery or subject matter. All he talking about is blah blah blah...."

My boy - ***** shut the hell up. You listen to Kingdom Come"

:smh: |I
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I downloaded the album last night, but only got to hear BBC and thought it was alright and maybe one or two other tracks but didn't get the names.

I worked yesterday and by the time I downloaded this album I was done and ready to hit the sack, and while I was fixing it to properly be sorted in iTunes BBC came on.

Okay next... to dudes saying that ninjahood is giving Jay props for the first time not it's not I've seen him on here giving props to Jay when it's due, but he's just like me when it comes to Jay, and well mostly any other artists, I just don't give props when they release lackluster nonsense. I mean sometimes he might go a little far, but I would think he has the same opinion as me on Jay in that he is dope and all, but I just don't hold him up to the same regards as some on here where I love him so much that I won't see through his flaws and mistakes and try to pass off wack **** as some next level hottness.

Next is Antidope, you my Halo dude and all, but I saw earlier you were saying something to Ballerific about not having anything good to say about Jay lately... well you've never had anything negative to say about him EVER. That's why you get a lot of flack for Jay on here because you're past the point of Stan... you're like Kathy Bates in Misery bad when it comes to Jay and it's unhealthy... you still cool in your own way though :tongue:

To people saying Yeezus was hot trash I haven't got to listen to it yet like that, but the first 2 songs and last 2 I like especially Bound 2 and Blackskinhead. They both were going for two different sounding albums, and although I haven't heard Magna Carter I sure Jay didn't take chance at something totally left field and try for something way out of his normal comfort zone like Ye did. They're both dope in their own right and I'll leave it at that.
****WithMeYouKnowIGotIt almost got the same beat as Joe Budden's NBA (Never Broke Again) track. but both are produced by Boi1da so no wonder it's the same :lol:

Next is Antidope, you my Halo dude and all, but I saw earlier you were saying something to Ballerific about not having anything good to say about Jay lately... well you've never had anything negative to say about him EVER. That's why you get a lot of flack for Jay on here because you're past the point of Stan... you're like Kathy Bates in Misery bad when it comes to Jay and it's unhealthy... you still cool in your own way though
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Ahh the classic "We're on Niketalk so I dont need to use correct grammar and syntax" excuse. It actually is ironic that you called him out on his intelligence when you are not even using correct english. Its still irony regardless of what you say. I'm pretty sure that hes aware that the people who are above him are making more than what hes making, I think he has a basic understanding of how business works if hes been able to be so sucessful at it. Now hes insecure about his education? Go ahead and tell me how you came to that conclusion, you say that hes overcompensating in his bars, post some bars. You are reaching plain and simple and I'm not sure why.
Did you understand what I wrote? Then it was "correct English"

I don't have time to go through this old man's raps. I just know whenever I listen to his songs, he's constantly rapping about what a genius he is. It's painful to listen to because he's a dumb pawn. Listen to that Forbes interview, reminds me of that Mark Twain(?) quote, "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt."
Next is Antidope, you my Halo dude and all, but I saw earlier you were saying something to Ballerific about not having anything good to say about Jay lately... well you've never had anything negative to say about him EVER. That's why you get a lot of flack for Jay on here because you're past the point of Stan... you're like Kathy Bates in Misery bad when it comes to Jay and it's unhealthy... you still cool in your own way though :tongue:


That's why I F's with you :lol: :D
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I like Jay, I really do. But he's not saying anything new here. He's not doing any thing new here. Sonically WTT already did this but on a better scale. In high school he was my favorite rapper, and The Blueprint will always be one of my favorites, but I can't really listen to what this dude has to say anymore. 
I like the album

I have only gave it two listens so far

Nothing amazing but it doesn’t suck

Got to give it some time
To people saying Yeezus was hot trash I haven't got to listen to it yet like that, but the first 2 songs and last 2 I like especially Bound 2 and Blackskinhead. They both were going for two different sounding albums, and although I haven't heard Magna Carter I sure Jay didn't take chance at something totally left field and try for something way out of his normal comfort zone like Ye did. They're both dope in their own right and I'll leave it at that.

Ok, this is where the whole "They're making two different albums you can't compare the two or say one sounds better blah blah blah" bull has to stop man.

Just because something is "different" that doesn't mean it still ain't ****.

I'm tired of everyone I hear bring up Ye's album say that "It's different"

No its not. I've been listening to Rage Against the machine and NIN since high school...

The **** isn't "different" at all. Its different for Kanye... But it ain't anything we haven't heard.

Just cause something is deemed "different" for someone, that doesn't automatically make it good. If you like it, cool. Whatever. But don't try to justify it being a good album by everyone standards just cause you ain't heard anything like it. Of course Kanye is going to have good production quality. But just cause something doesn't sound like a 5 year old made it on a casio keyboard, that doesn't mean it SOUNDS GOOD. It sounds leaps and bounds over Indicud but why is that? I don't know, maybe because Daft Punk helped produce the album. Its going to have that professional studio sound to it. But the music itself just doesn't sound good man.

You can compare ANY music man. We aren't comparing Lebron James to Tony Stark. We;re comparing two people who do the same ****. Which is make music. And one guy made music better than the other one this time around.

Do I think its dope that Kanye tried some new ****? Yeah, I think the concept and idea was dope. And I applaud him.

But the execution? Doesn't sound as good as the concept hyped me up for.

I think a lot of people are running off fumes of Kanye's "aura". Cause not one person I talked to could break down Kanye's album from a musical standpoint other than "He's doing something different".

**** Michael Jordan played baseball and that was "different" for him, but do we praise him for that?

When an award show does the "Best new artist" award, theres mixed genre's and sounding artists/albums.. We compare different sounding music all the time.

I respect your opinion on Kanye's album as far as you liking it. I've got nothing against that. But this "its a different sound" thing has to stop
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I like Jay, I really do. But he's not saying anything new here. He's not doing any thing new here. Sonically WTT already did this but on a better scale. In high school he was my favorite rapper, and The Blueprint will always be one of my favorites, but I can't really listen to what this dude has to say anymore. 

:wow: :wow:

this is off-topic but man some serious deja vu just happened..

No lie

I have read this post before

the exact one... wow this is crazy..
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Ahh the classic "We're on Niketalk so I dont need to use correct grammar and syntax" excuse. It actually is ironic that you called him out on his intelligence when you are not even using correct english. Its still irony regardless of what you say. I'm pretty sure that hes aware that the people who are above him are making more than what hes making, I think he has a basic understanding of how business works if hes been able to be so sucessful at it. Now hes insecure about his education? Go ahead and tell me how you came to that conclusion, you say that hes overcompensating in his bars, post some bars. You are reaching plain and simple and I'm not sure why.
Did you understand what I wrote? Then it was "correct English"

I don't have time to go through this old man's raps. I just know whenever I listen to his songs, he's constantly rapping about what a genius he is. It's painful to listen to because he's a dumb pawn. Listen to that Forbes interview, reminds me of that Mark Twain(?) quote, "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt."

I cnduo't bvleiee taht I culod aulaclty uesdtannrd waht I was rdnaieg. Unisg the icndeblire pweor of the hmuan mnid, aocdcrnig to rseecrah at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mttaer in waht oderr the lterets in a wrod are, the olny irpoamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rhgit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whoutit a pboerlm. Tihs is bucseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey ltteer by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Aaznmig, huh? Yaeh and I awlyas tghhuot slelinpg was ipmorantt! See if yuor fdreins can raed tihs too.

You can read every word of that yet it isnt correct English....

You're the only person that thinks this guy is a fool, you dont need to be educated in school to be intelligent, the fact that you even implied such is pure ignorance. I've heard that interview before and dont recall at any point thinking "Hes making a fool of himself"
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