Official Jazz vs. Lakers vol. Game 5 5/14/08 7:30PT TNT

Lakers need to play with heart and pride right now.

Now we go 4 minutes w/o Kobe, I have a bad feeling.
why the %*%@ is farmar getting so much playing time again? and why were they force feeding Radmanovic?
why is harpring even guarding kobe?

can farmar hit a shot?

which bench is going to step up?

can the lakers afford to rest kobe?

at least we got a good game tonight...
Gasol going MIA again in the 2nd half, we need the MACHINE!!!!

good lord our season may be riding on these 4 min Kobe is out
they need to reopen the D-League this season and send Farmar down to get his confidence back.
cmon man.
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