I been browsing this thread checking out all the jewelry and what not. Im a fan of jewelry but not this particular kind. I wear my jewelery for metaphysical and spritual reason so I have a serious question. Is there really any other meaning behind the jewelry that these kats rock besides it being a status symbol and flossing? I peep how eurpean kings used to have hugh pieces and what not and that of course was a status symbol. So its pretty much the same thing now? If so kats rock diamonds and what not cause those are suppose to be the most expensive?
"Incognito When I Walk Amongst The People Unconnected From This Matrix I Train On Higher Planes To Strengthen The Cerebral"
just peepin this thread & don't stay on top of the celeb ice + jewelry game, but can someone drop some knowledge on that Johnny Dang cat from TX?? I keep hearing + seeing pics of that lil dude. Is his stuff good, and who does he do pieces for??

Dude is Houston's newest jeweler. Pretty corny IMO. He's not even the real "Johnny" you think everyone from Houston mentions. He's popping now, but he just bit off the real Johnny's name and set up his location on the opposite side of town for the ppl who couldn't get to the real Johnny.

And Stillmatic718 - I'm not one to call one out, but chances are you're not rocking 4 ct studs in your ear, espically in princess cut. Each or total weight. Bare minimum you'd be rocking at least $15K in your ear if you were.
@ the fronter. and NT detectives weeding him out :rofl:


nothing can top this chain IMO, especially when it is made right with the right cuban and length etc...
= 8)

Still, searching for the Truth
^My dude up there knows the real deal.

Anyway, TJ got his stuff from the "real" Johnny, the Ford logo piece is prettty dope IMO.


to the dude who asked bout my camo hoody. I paid $20 for it, the company is called 21? got it in the hood @ a swapmeet.

and RedMan, yes I worked on Ice Cream man and many other No Limit albums, got the plaques on the wall. I have the first Master P plaque he ever got autographed.
DJ Homicide, DJ AM, DJ Ben Baller = A M C
Dyrt clothing coming soon worldwide!
yeah i definately seein' diamonds go down in price as technology perfects of means to attain them..

cuz like i said purpose for da future is act like coolants for computers...
team platano
yes I worked on Ice Cream man and many other No Limit albums, got the plaques on the wall. I have the first Master P plaque he ever got autographed.

Thats whats up. No Limit was doing it big back then. I remember them blowing up in TX around 96 or so. One more question. Who was In-A-Minute Records? I got some older Master P from back then and I've always been curious about how he got started. He also had his own music store right?

I remember back in high school the No-Limit tank chain and that Death Row chain we're off the hook. I'd still take that Death Row chain in a second.
damn that TJ Ford piece is awesome
"I have no fear of fainting. I do squats until I fall over and pass out. So what? It's not going to kill me. I wake up five minutes later and I'm OK. A lot of other athletes are afraid of this. So they don't pass out. They don't go on."
in-a-minute-records was a notorious infamous dope @#%$ Bay Area Label
that featured artists like Totally Insane and RBL Posse.

Man I remember those days. that's what I loved most about working the business.
I got to travel and experience so many different types of rap styles.
I remember skrew music before anyone out west or east really knew what the hell it was.
I thought the weed I was smoking was laced with sherm or something.

also remember hearing how different all rap styles were. but
living in the bay was one great experience.
DJ Homicide, DJ AM, DJ Ben Baller = A M C
Dyrt clothing coming soon worldwide!
^ Man that would have been fun back in the day.

Anyone got pics of Puffy when he switched to platinum or any of his jewelz? I know for a little while he was OD'ing on everything and it all was real nice stuff. I looked around, but could only find one older pic with him and a few chains.

Not to get off topic but does anyone know what type of alcohol them BMF Ninja's is drinkin on page 2 THX...
i hear in high school he wasnt even all ******washed...
he went to jail and came out a rotten bananna(yellow but turned black)

I can tell everybody you know talk like that too...
i hear in high school he wasnt even all ******washed...he went to jail and came out a rotten bananna(yellow but turned black)

cot damn. This bastard straight out of a chappelle standup. "morning n-----"
don't even remember saying that .....
went back :lol:
Perrier-Jouet Rose...seen it b4 but never had it

<i><center><span style="font-family:century gothic; color:yellow;font-size:x-large;">...In the mean ti<span style="color:white;">me, Get Money...</span></span></center></i>
MrForce1---thanks for dropping some 411 to my ? about Johnny Dang. I knew it wasn't the same dude once I saw pics of him, but there was another cat by the same name in the jewelry biz around my way.

and, I didn't want to say anything either about some of the diamond claims+prices some guys are throwing around (cuz i personally don't know squat about ice+jewelry). But a few of my friends have laced their ladies w/some pretty nice engagement/wedding + "I eff'd up bad" gems........any set of earrings or ring with a decent quality rock(s) of 1ct++ that doesn't look like it was carved outa the bottom of a Coke bottle is going to run you a lot more than what some guys are saying. I know I'm talking about hip hop celeb type ice vs. reg women Bling, but jewelry's jewelry, I think.


His name is Jimmy Boi.

This is his album.


I'm not sure if hes signed to Swisha House but he's definitely a Houston cat.
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