SeanJ just killed u fools for the last time don't hurt them anymore cuz, str8 from another OG General....

and to buildingbloc whatever your name is, who DOESNT understand the game of basketball at age 7 or 8 they got YMCA leagues for that age group u moron....don't get mad at all of us OG Generals cuz u were still pissin on yourself when we watched the GOAT get it in on a nightly basis

And if u are old enough to remember watching him play on live TV I feel sorry for your mother cuz u made one of the most idiotic posts I've ever seen....and finally what does your shoe size have to do with your comprehension of the sport of basketball ?

To stay on-topic, passing on these.... for now

EDIT: OG Jaywalkers FTW
Originally Posted by seanj4523

buildingblock wrote:

seanj4523 wrote:

im an OG for life

OG means original gangster, moron. i'm 38. your claims don't impress me. i was older than 7or 8 when jordan was playing and i wasn't wearing kiddie sizes either. you sound like an internet goon with your claims.
but hey, enjoy the shoes anyway you like
ay...i earned my stripes in the sneaker *!##...

im now promoted to Lieuenant

one day my services to the sneaker community will be realized and





OG General
Originally Posted by Agent0024

SeanJ just killed u fools for the last time don't hurt them anymore cuz, str8 from another OG General....

and to buildingbloc whatever your name is, who DOESNT understand the game of basketball at age 7 or 8 they got YMCA leagues for that age group u moron.... don't get mad at all of us OG Generals cuz u were still pissin on yourself when we watched the GOAT get it in on a nightly basis

And if u are old enough to remember watching him play on live TV I feel sorry for your mother cuz u made one of the most idiotic posts I've ever seen.... and finally what does your shoe size have to do with your comprehension of the sport of basketball ?

To stay on-topic, passing on these.... for now

EDIT: OG Jaywalkers FTW

what a loser. online groups, crews, and gangs, concerned with "winning"...
lol, get out your mom's basement and get your own place and get some real friends
and maybe that could be your "win"
hey, i rhymed! crazy kids!
U buffoons have no concept of what it is to be a general. That *#+ is goin in my sig. Ur all sheep and unable to lead, only follow. So for that, you will neverbe Generals.

Not even soldiers....

Peons definitely.

SeanJ keep doin work cuz
Originally Posted by Agent0024

U buffoons have no concept of what it is to be a general. That *+# is goin in my sig. Ur all sheep and unable to lead, only follow. So for that, you will never be Generals.

Not even soldiers....

Peons definitely.

SeanJ keep doin work cuz

dude, how old are you? i hope you're just bein' sarcastic, because this display of herbosity is just ridiculous. grow up, collect your shoes, postpics, and live life
a general? have you ever even been in the military? i have. you kids nowadays. lol
^^^Well, I'm the real DEAL. Got my Honorable discharge papers and Post 9/11 GI Bill Benefits to prove it. I S##@ on EVERYONE in here claiming to be anyrank.
Originally Posted by Agent0024

U buffoons have no concept of what it is to be a general. That *#+ is goin in my sig. Ur all sheep and unable to lead, only follow. So for that, you will never be Generals.

Not even soldiers....

Peons definitely.

SeanJ keep doin work cuz


what about my purple heart?
after seeing these in person pack coming or not i will be upset if I pass on these and with my 30% and my $25 dollar coupon from the SJ debacle definite copfor me
I held these black/varsity vis today and quite frankly, im dissappointed. I know theyre not the same shoe but damn, its a disgrace. I feel all the hate thatpeeps have for these like ninjahood and many others. The OG infrareds were my first pair of air jordans back when I was 8 yrs old and MJ was like a superheroto me then, for any kid really. We were poor then, I practically begged my mom for them and she ended up getting them for me on sale at JCPennys. I was thehappiest kid. I beat these shoes up, basically wearing them everyday for almost 2 years even though they were getting real tight. Never got an AJ again until Istarted working in high school. So the Vi holds sentimental value for me.
I received my pair from and i have to say that i am impressed with the quality
, sure they're not the og but come on we're never going to get the og
. I look forward to getting my other pairs from citysole tomorrow
I also held these in my hands today at attic (BP). they are a really good looking shoe to me. to those that want the infrareds just pay that infrared price andgo on about your biz. real easy.
Originally Posted by psypha

I held these black/varsity vis today and quite frankly, im dissappointed. I know theyre not the same shoe but damn, its a disgrace. I feel all the hate that peeps have for these like ninjahood and many others. The OG infrareds were my first pair of air jordans back when I was 8 yrs old and MJ was like a superhero to me then, for any kid really. We were poor then, I practically begged my mom for them and she ended up getting them for me on sale at JCPennys. I was the happiest kid. I beat these shoes up, basically wearing them everyday for almost 2 years even though they were getting real tight. Never got an AJ again until I started working in high school. So the Vi holds sentimental value for me.

dang it's some sad hard luck stannish stories on this guys sound like those little girls claimin' britney spears changed their lives withjust one song

no, i mean, i shouldn't be laughing at you, but it's pathetic the sentimental value you all have over material objects. look, i get it, you like theshoes....i like them too.
just that, well, some of you seem suicidal and mad at the world because these shoes aren't exactly as you had hoped they would be.
it's not that serious. get a life, brothers. they're only shoes. lol
Originally Posted by buildingblock

Originally Posted by psypha

I held these black/varsity vis today and quite frankly, im dissappointed. I know theyre not the same shoe but damn, its a disgrace. I feel all the hate that peeps have for these like ninjahood and many others. The OG infrareds were my first pair of air jordans back when I was 8 yrs old and MJ was like a superhero to me then, for any kid really. We were poor then, I practically begged my mom for them and she ended up getting them for me on sale at JCPennys. I was the happiest kid. I beat these shoes up, basically wearing them everyday for almost 2 years even though they were getting real tight. Never got an AJ again until I started working in high school. So the Vi holds sentimental value for me.

dang it's some sad hard luck stannish stories on this guys sound like those little girls claimin' britney spears changed their lives with just one song

no, i mean, i shouldn't be laughing at you, but it's pathetic the sentimental value you all have over material objects. look, i get it, you like the shoes....i like them too.
just that, well, some of you seem suicidal and mad at the world because these shoes aren't exactly as you had hoped they would be.
it's not that serious. get a life, brothers. they're only shoes. lol
But, but, but it is that serious man! I was tearing up while typing that! Im gonna go shoot myself now...LOL

I know man, Im old enough to have a life, im just another collector of shoes like the rest of yall. A bad hobby I might add....
Originally Posted by buildingblock

Originally Posted by Agent0024

U buffoons have no concept of what it is to be a general. That *+# is goin in my sig. Ur all sheep and unable to lead, only follow. So for that, you will never be Generals.

Not even soldiers....

Peons definitely.

SeanJ keep doin work cuz

dude, how old are you? i hope you're just bein' sarcastic, because this display of herbosity is just ridiculous. grow up, collect your shoes, post pics, and live life
a general? have you ever even been in the military? i have. you kids nowadays. lol

and this is coming from a guy whos screen name os building blocks like this is a lego thread talk your stuff the truth hurts but remember you blasted me firstand i tried to keep the peace my posts are not offensive to anyone and like I said before i respect the OGs and the new jordan heads but when you make stupidcomments and think a james brown payback aint gon come to you you have something coming but Im not going to respond to your posts anymore its no point but dontget mad a people line ninjahood and my boy agent 0024 for speaking the truth on here
Originally Posted by Mannchyld
Yeah buddy people dont understand OGS take pride in their shoes thats why�it is a slap in the face to�turn classics into bull sh%%t but somepeople�do take pride in their kicks and everyone has something that they take pride in�but some idiots on here dont understand that. If I want�take pride in myshoes just f%%in let me some people take pride in collecting jewelry antiques�cars, etc mine passion is shoes. some people i try to explain this to are stilllike man im to stupid to understand what u r talking about so im going to leave you�stupid sarcastic remarks along with dumb smiley faces saying go hangyourself just becaus eI take pride in my shoes. Not once have I got on here direspecting the newer model jays�that I do still to this day buy all that I amsaying is people disrespect me because i like the OGs better than the newer models only because people aint gon feel where we are coming from unless they grewup watching MJ on TV everyday and was around�collecting jays when the first models where released but new guy are like Nike can sh&&T in a box and puta jumpman label on it and watch people be camped out like a pack of boys scouts. Do�I have anyone on here that�can just plain out understand where i am comingfrom

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