Official Kobae XI thread

Pale horse vs Ghost of Christmas past

  • Pale Horse

    Votes: 19 86.4%
  • GOCP

    Votes: 3 13.6%

  • Total voters
I can see that argument, personally I'm more a fan of blue shoes than red, and I really like the Parkers from what we've seen so far. The Tinkers are executed nicely though as far as theme and details on the shoe. 
I've grown out of NTDenim.
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I hope you all paying $500+ for a monochrome pair of tennis shoes have a solid 401k/retirement, have enough to put your kids through college, and are regularly taking vaactions/exploring/enjoying life.

Dudes paying resale for ftbs are checking off those boxes 0% of the time
Yea i get it, its a hobby that can get expensive but even if you arent fully financially excelling, i dont think others should judge if you should or shouldnt be buying hyped shoes at resale. I was just replying to the dude calling out folks for paying resale that i dont think anyone is checking off those boxes which i still stand by. But my opinion is if ur living with your parents/have a car payment/in debt, etc, and you pay 500 for some ftbs, live your life. Do your thing, its not my money or debt. We all value things differently and get enjoyment out of hobbies differently.
I dont disagree or agree with that dude watching pockets
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