OFFICIAL LAKERS 2009/2010 (57-25) 2009-2010 CHAMPIONS!!!!!!!



This series is what Artest is for.  We need him to body the hell out of Paulina.  Make me proud Ron.  Or suffer you shall. 

Bynum will at least give us a few minutes in the series, that's more then 08.  That's big.  A it brings Odom off the bench, and it provides a small amount of fouls that we save on Pau and Lamar.

No more Vlad guarding Paul, always a good thing. 

No more Walton guarding Paul, that's a good thing.

No House raining 3's on us, AS WELL as Posey. 

However, Tony Allen will play Kobe tough as hell, so we aren't out of the woods yet. 

No Powe

No Brown or Cassell.

Farmar and Brown are better now then Farmar and Sasha two years ago. 

Sasha will help us in small doses in this series.  He will annoy someone, (besides us Laker fans)

KG will stay with 18 footers which is fine by me. 

Ron won't need help on Paul which will help us tremendously. 

Sheed needs to be aggravated.  I hope we send Sasha after him. 

Perk is one foul look away from taking a seat for a game.  It won't be a bad idea to get him pissed off right away. 

We have homecourt this time. 

I WANT this God damn title.  I can't handle losing to the Celtics again in my life.  We need this title.  Then we can go get Bosh and Ray Allen and I can relax for the summer. 
Stupid Ticketmaster. I was waiting and tried to purchase at noon on the dot and there were no more tickets available in any price.
I guess it sold out to the season holder already and AMEX members? Seems just so dumb.

Also, how come they aren't selling the other games as well like Game 5 or 6 (whichever is at the Staples). I remember last year they pre-sold those at the same time as Game 1 & 2.
I hate the setup this time around for ticketmaster. I had ZERO luck. They should have kept the format same as last year.
no luck on tix

I was all over the amex stuff at 10:00 too and there was nothing then tried at 12 and there was nothing
Unless your a season ticket holder with priority, ticketmaster is like barb wire fence, you can try and try, but you are not gonna get over that fence without internal bleeding and failure.
Originally Posted by Pitman13

Originally Posted by westcoastsfinest

Originally Posted by 5am6oody72

I like that quote Bynum had about playing as a team all the time instead of dumping it to Kobe or Pau and just standing and watching. Hopefully the rest of the team is aware of that as well.
how ironic coming from a guy who stands around and camps in the paint then gets a 3 second violation

True, but all we need Bynum for is Defense.  We can't have Rondo going in and out the paint as he pleases like he did against the the Cavs, and Magic.  And sadly, Rondo will be running circles around Fisher.

exactly so i dont know why bynum is saying that

Tell me about it....this is hella depressing. I NEED to get to a finals game without the sodomy prices on ticketexchange.
There has to be a better way to distribute these finals tickets... there's no reason tix that went for 390 should be going for 875 each
Laker fans, I need your help. 

Any of you that frequent other Laker message boards, can you find me a link to where I can locate Magic Johnson playoff game logs? 

We all know he had 42 and 15 in game 6 in 1980, but what did he have in game 3 of the first round?  What did he have in game 4 second round in 82?  Stuff like that. 

I been lookin all damn day and I can't come up with nothin.  I can find the scores of all the games, I have his career totals, I think I already have his finals games from a previous look up I did a while back, but I don't have all the other playoff games. 

Can you guys ask around and send me anything you find that's viable?  Thanks in advance. 
Originally Posted by iLLest

Man $#%% ticketmaster. That was a complete fail. And the only 4 tickets per person @#*%@* me up too. *pissed.

Yup ticketmater is like that.

Been there before where even if you have a season ticket holder pre sale code your chances are still very slim.

Ticketmaster's server on their website gets bogged down and eventually crashes even if you are constantly refreshing and have 5 firefox tabs open trying to cop tickets it  still doesn't work. Heck I've heard people on here say they were using like 3 cell phones at one time trying to cop tickets through the phone system.
Originally Posted by CP1708

Laker fans, I need your help. 

Any of you that frequent other Laker message boards, can you find me a link to where I can locate Magic Johnson playoff game logs? 

We all know he had 42 and 15 in game 6 in 1980, but what did he have in game 3 of the first round?  What did he have in game 4 second round in 82?  Stuff like that. 

I been lookin all damn day and I can't come up with nothin.  I can find the scores of all the games, I have his career totals, I think I already have his finals games from a previous look up I did a while back, but I don't have all the other playoff games. 

Can you guys ask around and send me anything you find that's viable?  Thanks in advance.

EDIT: whoops they only go back to 1985! #$%$#@%#@%
CP: this entire response is in response to different things u have said (and pardon the annoying 'text talk', but I'm on my phone).

First off, have u tried I am POSITIVE that I have looked at box scores for games on there.

Second, yeah, there's no Powe or House, but if I told you b4 the Finals that year that those 2 were gonna do wrk, u would have told me 2 calm the hell down.
Looking at their roster this year, I'm looking at Finley's ol' g-pa self, and the ****** on the team, Nate.

And on the excitement about us getting HCA this time around, that's awesome. We have homecourt this time... against the first team in NBA Finals history to reach the Finals w/ a better road record than home record, and they clinched against LeBron in CLE and against D12 in 'Lando.
I think I've got all that right.
CP: this entire response is in response to different things u have said (and pardon the annoying 'text talk', but I'm on my phone).

First off, have u tried I am POSITIVE that I have looked at box scores for games on there.

Second, yeah, there's no Powe or House, but if I told you b4 the Finals that year that those 2 were gonna do wrk, u would have told me 2 calm the hell down.
Looking at their roster this year, I'm looking at Finley's ol' g-pa self, and the ****** on the team, Nate.

And on the excitement about us getting HCA this time around, that's awesome. We have homecourt this time... against the first team in NBA Finals history to reach the Finals w/ a better road record than home record, and they clinched against LeBron in CLE and against D12 in 'Lando.
I think I've got all that right.
Originally Posted by kb8 3qwick

^ Actually, I think they clinched both series at home.
Yeah the C's closed out the Cavs & Magic in Boston.

Like I've siad before  home court advantage is HUGE in the finals.

Especially with th 2-3-2 format.

Only 3 teams in the history of the Finals have won all 3 straight middle home games in Finals since the NBA went to this format.

That's why I'm saying Lakers need to take care of business and hold serve for games 1 & 2. If the Lakers lose either game 1 or 2 I'm going to be hella scared & nervous.
[h2]No change to Bynum's drained knee[/h2]

EL SEGUNDO, Calif. -- Andrew Bynum spoke to reporters after practice Tuesday while wearing his complete Lakers home uniform for promo spots for the Finals. But his outlook a day after having 2½ fluid ounces drained from his right knee Monday, or "a couple syringes worth" as the Los Angeles starting center put it, wasn't quite as bright as his crisp yellow jersey.

"It feels about the same, to be honest," Bynum said about his right knee that has a slight tear of the meniscus that will require surgery to repair it in the offseason. "The procedure was good. I think I just need to fight through it until we get the surgery done. This is the last hurrah; this is the last show, so I'm ready to give everything."

Bynum said the procedure has alleviated pressure from his hamstring tendon and his iliotibial band, the muscles that run along the outer portion of the leg.

"We're concerned but we're not troubled by it," Lakers coach Phil Jackson said.

The 22-year old who averaged career highs in points (15.0) and rebounds (8.3) during the regular season did not practice Tuesday, using the time for a therapy regimen that includes icing, electro stimulation and wearing a compression boot that fits all the way up the leg and is used to pump swelling out.

"I'm excited to go into tomorrow's practice to kind of get my rhythm back and get some conditioning back," Bynum said about the one practice he planned on participating in before Game 1 on Thursday. "I'm ready to start. The sooner we start, the better it is for me. Rest wise, I don't think it's going to do too much more. I kind of want the day to come."

Bynum, who is averaging 9.1 points and 7.7 points in 24.2 minutes per game in the postseason, will face up against Kendrick Perkins of the Boston Celtics in the championship round. Perkins is averaging just 5.6 points and 6.4 rebounds in the playoffs.

Weighing in at 280 pounds, Perkins has the girth to combat with the 289-pound Bynum, but not the growth. The Celtics center is just 6-10 as compared to the 7-foot Bynum.

"With the height difference, I'll be able to use my left and right hook," Bynum said. "When I was watching the tape, that's what I was looking at, looking at footwork. I just got to take my time. He's a strong dude, so he'll be definitely pushing against you, at the same time, if I give him a bump, he won't be able to jump."

Originally Posted by Notorious 858

Only 3 teams in the history of the Finals have won all 3 straight middle home games in Finals since the NBA went to this format.

interesting, I didn't know this.  What were the 3 teams?
Originally Posted by TH0MAS CR0WN

Originally Posted by Notorious 858

Only 3 teams in the history of the Finals have won all 3 straight middle home games in Finals since the NBA went to this format.

interesting, I didn't know this.  What were the 3 teams?

2004 Pistons
2006 Heat

Trying to look up and find out the other team right now.

There was a thread a couple weeks back about someone saying they thought the 2-3-2 format was not fair and should be changed and someone else said only 3 teams in the history of the Finals had won all 3 middle home games since the league went to the 2-3-2 format.
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