OFFICIAL LAKERS 2009/2010 (57-25) 2009-2010 CHAMPIONS!!!!!!!

Anyone got the presale code for Ticketmaster?
so nobody can hook me up with the pic?

just watched the WCF trophy prresentation. not even one smile. Them boys look focused
About to cop some Game 1 tickets


Thunder Dan, Where Salty Happens



i don't care if we don't win another chip for the next decade...i want this one badly. Against our rivals. Revenge for 2008. **!* THE CELTICS !
Originally Posted by DTruth07

i don't care if we don't win another chip for the next decade...i want this one badly. Against our rivals. Revenge for 2008. **!* THE CELTICS !

QFT and I too want to win in Boston just shove it in their faces.

This is what they are going to see all day by the Black Mamba

[h3]20 questions to prep for Lakers vs. Celtics[/h3]I didn't think it would happen at the start of the season, nor when the playoffs began, but here we are.

Lakers vs. Celtics.

It was fun in 2008 when the simple rekindling of a classic rivalry wasenough to get basketball fans all geeked. This time around, there'srecent history to color things. The plot lines are richer, the themesmore interesting. And it's not just grainy film, shorter shorts and aseemingly endless array of Hall of Fame alumni lining the sidelinesmaking it interesting. The potential for seven games of intenselysatisfying basketball is substantial.

Between now and Thursday, you can fairly well expect every nook andcranny of the series will be deconstructed, then reconstructed andtaken apart again for good measure. But to get the gray matter firing,here are 20 questions to chew on:

1. Given how he apparently carried around resentment toward theSuns for playoff losses in '06 and '07 (on teams without a prayer ofwinning anything important), is it even possible to identify the darkplace from where Kobe Bryant seethes about '08?

2. In '08, Kobe came into the Finals averaging 31.9 points a gameon 51 percent shooting through the first three rounds. In four of thesix games, Boston held him to 38 percent shooting and below. This year,his performance against Phoenix was quite possibly the best of the 38 series he's played in his career. Can he sustain the momentum against a far better defense?

3. Ron Artest was brought to L.A. to match up with guys like Paul Pierce,who averaged 13 points and only 10 field goal attempts against theLakers in two regular season games. Can Artest do to Pierce in theFinals what he did to Kevin Durant in the opening round?

4. Pau Gasol took a big hit to his reputationafter the series, in no small part thanks to Game 6. What will peoplethink of him when this series is over?

5. Now that he's led the team to its third straight Finals, can we officially say the Lakers have no choice but to bring Phil Jackson back?


6. Russell Westbrook, Deron Williams, Steve Nash, now Rajon Rondo. When was the last time one guy had to face the kind of round-to-round talent as Derek Fisher has seen this postseason?

7. Given how much Ray Allenmoves off the ball andruns through screens, would it actually be less work for Kobe to guardRondo? He did it a lot during L.A.'s win in Boston Jan. 31 (and in '08,though not really since Bryant took every opportunity to sag off Rondoand help other places) but can he do it for seven games against theimproved version of Boston's PG?

8. What constitutes the greatest change in context from '08 to '10: Artest's addition, Andrew Bynum's presence (whatever it may be), Rondo's improvement, L.A.'s championship experience, or ________ (insert your own)?

9. Just how much Bynum is enough Bynum?

10. Boston was better on the road (26-15) than at home (24-17), and is6-3 away from the Garden this postseason. L.A. has closed out fivestraight series as a visiting team, and hasn't lost at home in theplayoffs. Just how much does home court matter here?

11. Where would a fifth title -- one gained at the expense of theCeltics, no less -- put Kobe in the G.O.A.T. and G.L(aker).O.A.T.conversations?

12. If Jackson sticks with a rotation of two reserve guards off the bench and Jordan Farmar fills one slot (guaranteed, since he's the only true back-court ball-handler on the bench) who gets the rest of the PT,Sasha Vujacic or Shannon Brown?

13. Is either team's offense enough to overcome the quality of the other's defense?

14. Who plays the James Posey role on Kobe for Boston over seven games?

15. Kendrick Perkins is one technical foul from a suspension. Does that come into play?

16. In the first go-round,theLakers had 16 fewer offensive rebounds, 30 fewer total rebounds. TheCeltics had 21 more free throws and blocked more shots. Losing thesecategories contributed to the "soft" label they played with through thenext season. The Lakers have proven their grit repeatedly since, but isthere a chance they try to overcompensate against the Celtics this timearound to the detriment of their game plan?

17. Boston punishes teams that don't make quick decisions with theball. For all his potential to impact the proceedings from a defensivestandpoint, how does Artest fit into this part of the equation? He'llhave an impact, but who will it benefit?

18. Given how different a path each team took to get to the Finals,is it possible to use the first three rounds as a predicting factor?

19. Rematches are a rarity in the modern game. Are two seriesenough to give these editions of Boston and L.A. a lofty place in thehistory of the rivalry?

20. Is this series a referendum on revenge? Couldn't the same besaid about Lakers teams who for years couldn't break through againstthe Celtics?
[h2]Artest finally feeling like a Laker[/h2]

PHOENIX -- As Ron Artestsoaked his feet in an ice bucket in front of his locker, the WesternConference championship he had just been given was crumpled next to himamong three chewed up orange slices and his torn up ankle tape.

Thechampionship shirt he had just been given was crumpled on the otherside of the bucket beside empty candy wrappers and flip-flops.

Artestdidn't come to Los Angeles to simply win a Western Conference title andwasn't about to put on his new gear as he essentially discarded both assoon as he sat down.

After experiencing the biggest moment of hiscareer -- the dramatic buzzer-beating cutback to win Game 5 of theWestern Conference Finals -- he had arguably the biggest game of hiscareer in clinching the West for the Los Angeles Lakers in their 111-103 win in Game 6 over the Phoenix Suns.

Artest scored 25 points, making 10 of 16 from the field and four ofseven from 3-point range while adding four rebounds, three steals andtwo assists. He consistently made the Suns pay for leaving himwide-open, which they also did in Game 5 where he went 2-for-9, missingall three of his attempts beyond the arc and finishing with only fourpoints.

While Artest constantly told reporters after the game he had nofeelings yet on playing in the NBA Finals and being four wins away fromwinning a championship ring, he was sort of caught red-handed aftermost reporters had left and he got a phone call from his son on hisiPhone. As soon as his phone rang, a picture of the Lakers'championship ring from last season shined brightly. Artest had made thephoto the background of his phone recently but didn't want anyone toknow about it as he quickly covered it up.

"You saw that, huh?"Artest said with a smile. "I look at that all the time and I see it asa blessing. If I had that, phew, I don't know what I'd do."

Artestwould call his son later but laughed as he thought back to theconversation he had with him after Game 5. While most kids would wantto talk about the game-winning shot, his 9-year-old wanted to knowabout his misses.

"I need to call my son back," he said. "He goton my case after the last game. 'Daddy, how come you're missing so manyshots?' He was on me."

Luckily for Artest and the Lakers, theSuns weren't on Artest at all Saturday night. In fact, every time hetouched the ball outside the paint, they basically begged him to shoot.It was the type of "disrespectful defense," as he called it, whichcaused him to go for 20 points, hitting four of seven 3-pointersagainst the Utah Jazz when Jerry Sloan basically told his players to ignore Artest if he ventured beyond the arc.

"Sometimes they leave me wide open and I'm like, c'mon, you guysplayed against me before," Artest said. "These guys know what type ofplayer I am, so why are they leaving me open? I felt disrespected, I'mnot the No. 1 guy anymore, so I can't take them out in the perimeterand abuse them the whole game. So these guys are trying to takeadvantage of that. It's disrespectful to say let's see what you can do."

Artesthad already sacrificed money, stats and playing time to come to theLakers but wasn't about to be disrespected on the biggest stage bycoaches daring him to take open shots he had 10 years to prove he couldmake.

"Ron's been a No. 1 option on his team the last few years,and this is new for him," said his childhood friend and Lakers forward Lamar Odom."We have a lot of No. 1 options on this team and I told him in thesummer this was the reason why he should come here. I knew he'd do wellin this system and we could win a championship together."

WhenLakers director of athletic performance Chip Schaefer walked into thelocker room after the game, he turned to Artest and reminded him he wasgoing to the NBA Finals to play the Boston Celtics.Schaefer recalled seeing Artest in the Lakers' locker room after theLakers were embarrassed by the Celtics in Game 6 of the NBA Finals twoyears ago. That night, Artest, who was a spectator in the crowd andwatched the Celtics beat the Lakers 131-92 to win the title, walked upto Kobe Bryant in the shower and told him he wanted to come to Los Angeles and help Bryant beat Boston and win a ring.

"It seems like just yesterday," Schaefer said. "We've come full-circle."

Artest,who can barely remember yesterday's practice, had a harder timerecalling the incident but smiled at the thought of finally being ableto come through on his promise to help Bryant and the Lakers two yearslater.

"It was so long ago, it's hard to remember," he said. "Ialways enjoyed competing against Kobe when everyone was afraid tocompete against him, and that made me respect him more, and that mademe want to be a teammate of his."

Before the season started,Artest, the lone new member of the team, simply wanted to fit in andblend with the Lakers. That isn't the easiest thing for a player whohas always done things his way, whether it be his wild hairdos ortaking 3-pointers regardless of the shot clock.

Yet as he gotready to leave the locker room, four wins away from the championshipring everyone in the locker room has except for him, he finally felt apart of the team. After constantly being compared to Trevor Arizaand having his addition questioned by critics, his performance in thelast two games has made him officially feel like a Laker, finally.

"Itjust, like, clicked all of the sudden," Artest said as he interlockedhis fingers, with one hand representing himself and the otherrepresenting the team. "Boom. The perfect connection. I do have thatfeeling. We're one. We just became one."

This is the code for TM that I got from the Lakers email. On june 1st from 12pm-1pm use this Code: K8UCWQ2R2VA3
[h1]Kobe is a killer, ask the Suns[/h1]It was a long time ago that Kobe Bryant said there were just two killers in the NBA. Michael Jordan was still playing, which should answer both the when and who questions. It was back then that Bryant sat in the locker room at the RoseGarden in Portland in the middle and best season of the Lakers' 2000-02three-peat, just before playing an elimination game against the TrailBlazers. An interview with Scottie Pippen came on the TV in the locker room, and Bryant half-listened.

Then he said to Pippen but really to himself: "This is your last day of work."

The Lakers finished Pippen's team that day in their first chance.

They did the same to the Phoenix Suns to end the Western Conference finals Saturday night.

This is what Bryant, the killer, does ... and it was perfectlyappropriate that he did so this time with blood on his hands. It washis own, which he actually likes because he feels that seeing itmotivates him during games, from a first-quarter cut on his left ringfinger.

But with the gold "E" in "LAKERS" on his chest splotchy with bloodSaturday night, Bryant scored 11 of the Lakers' last 14 points — andassisted on the only other field goal.

"He's the best player in basketball," Suns coach Alvin Gentry said. "And I don't think it's even close."

With the victory, Bryant moved into a tie with Pippen for mostplayoff victories with the same coach — and he is literally the same,Phil Jackson: 110. Difference is that Bryant has many more days of work, starting Thursday night in the NBA Finals.

Bryant averaged 33.7 points, 8.3 assists, 7.2 rebounds and 1.2blocks in perhaps the best playoff series he has ever played. He wasmagical in all three games in Phoenix, even though the Lakers lost twoof those. Bryant hadn't played a playoff game here since losing thatGame 5 in 2007, after which he asked for the trade that he's now gladnever happened.

But that sort of unhappy ending to a series is now the clear aberration for Bryant, whom longtime teammate Derek Fisher said Saturday night "literally can will the ball in the basket" when necessary.

And to relish the opportunity to drive that dagger into the opponent so much, you need a rare coldness.

He did it down the stretch Saturday night. He has done it often inmaking the Lakers so heavy-footed when the opponent's fingertips areall that's left on the cliff.

Bryant has at least 30 points in the past eight consecutive roadgames with the Lakers in a close-out opportunity. It's an NBA record.Even Jordan only did it five consecutive games.

This is the killer for you.

"We couldn't quite get over the hump," Gentry said. "Every time wegot it close, Kobe made an incredibly tough shot that was welldefended. For that, there is no answer."

Said Lakers forward Lamar Odom: "There were a couple plays where he trusted us and we didn't come through, and he decided to take the game over."

One Laker, in particular, is glad Bryant did. Sasha Vujacic's flagrantfoul gave the Suns renewed fire. Asked about wanting to kill Vujacicfor that, Bryant said afterward: "He's still breathing."

If not for Vujacic's gaffe 1:41 into the fourth quarter, Bryantdoesn't have to bring out the best in him for everyone to see, though.Bryant had 26 points entering the fourth quarter.

He finished with 37 points. He had tied Jerry West in the previous game for third-most playoff games with at least 30 points in NBA history. With this game, Bryant tied Kareem Abdul-Jabbar for second place to Jordan.

Although work remains to be done against the Celtics, people are coming off the debate about Bryant vs. LeBron James andmoving on to Bryant vs. Jordan. It's true that if Bryant wins his fifthNBA championship this season, he's right behind Jordan's six.

Odom brought up Bryant's goal to be the best player ever after thisgame. Odom noted that it's easy to say that people want to be the best,but it's hard to believe.

"Not many guys want that responsibility," Odom said.

Bryant adjusted his routine this series to do more shooting beforegames and less at the early shoot-arounds on game days. Jackson prettymuch lets Bryant make all his own calls on that sort of thing now. Butthen, that'll be the best relationship in NBA playoff history with theLakers' next victory – and Bryant has given Jackson every reason totrust.

Despite the sleeve on his sore right knee, Bryant shot 52.1 percentfrom the field and 88.1 percent from the foul line in these six games.And in the end, he killed.

It's what he does.

Originally Posted by Drizzyd

About to cop some Game 1 tickets


 Thunder Dan, Where Salty Happens


u guys killin paul pierce in this thread too lol

but seriously though i hate Boston and i hope LA wins this series but deep down i dont think the celtics are gonna go away so easily.. i mean.. it is basically the same team that dismantled the lakers 2 years ago 
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