[::OFFICIAL LAKERS 2010-11' SEASON THREAD Vol. It Was Fun While It Lasted::]

Ya'll here Kobe to Pau
"Pau! what are you doing?!"

Anyways im a Clipper fan too, but Lakers then Clippers
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

My biggest disappointment in the 08 Finals... was 24.

No, not Kobe.

You're up 24 points in the Finals, you BETTER win that game.

Even if it's by 1. You... HAVE to... win a game where have bested your opponent by 24 freaking points.

And if you're up by 24 in the SECOND HALF?! Inexcusable to lose that shhh.

Still leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

I stared at my tv after that game like Deron Williamns probably did when he found out from watching SportsCetner that he'd been traded to the Nets. I just stared. And stared.

And stared.

Didn't even say nothing. Just stared.

"What... what just happened?"
. I still remember the next day at work wasn't pretty from the all so sudden Celtics fans. I remember after that game I couldn't watch anything NBA related. I don't even think I ate after that game and for a day. Just straight up depressed.

Originally Posted by CP1708

And I got zero problem sayin when I was proven wrong on something. 

And I remember doing the exact same thing, I was off that couch and yelling "@#$% you" and I don't even know what for, but I was happy about it. 

I remember thinkin that exact moment, yup, this is why we need Artest this year, and not Trevor.  We had more toughness then before, Kobe wasn't goin at that @#$% alone. 

Still, I would give anything to see Bynum and Ariza in 08.  I just wanna know what might have been.  Who knows, maybe it woulda messed up 09 for us, etc etc, I just wanna know.  We were on such a roll in 08.  And we had soooooooo many chances, even without those 2.  Game 2 shoulda/coulda been ours if it wasn't 8 on 5, and game 4.........Trevor on Ray instead of Sasha?  No brainer.  Bynum lurking in the back for a swat? 
  Oh well, stuff happens for a reason I guess. 
I would have loved to see what Malone could have done against the Pistons in 04.
Am I trpping or did i see Jack from Jack in the box there??

Also at thay horrible, horrible, horrible call on that 3.
Originally Posted by kvsm23vs24

Am I trpping or did i see Jack from Jack in the box there??

Also at thay horrible, horrible, horrible call on that 3.


No you're not, I saw him too.
Smh....Last thing KB needs is another injured finger. I bet he can't even feel most of his hand anymore after all those finger injuries.
Expect mjshoefanatic to come in here after the game using excuses "we didn't have our full team" tonight if the Clippers lose tonight.

Blake all the games between the Lakers & Clips he's missed easy highlight dunks.
Originally Posted by MR J 858

Expect mjshoefanatic to come in here after the game using excuses "we didn't have our full team" tonight if the Clippers lose tonight.


Thanks for the shout out!
Pau first step on Blake was sick.

That's where you can tell Blake Griffin is still a rookie and needs to work on all aspects of his game.
Looks like Kobe wants to be number 7 tonight..

6 Moses Malone 27,409
7 Elvin Hayes 27,313
8 KOBE BRYANT 27,279
9 Hakeem Olajuwon 26,946
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