[::OFFICIAL LAKERS 2010-11' SEASON THREAD Vol. It Was Fun While It Lasted::]

Originally Posted by knightngale

Phil will probably play kobe 35 min to conserve him for the offseason
Originally Posted by CoupeIt88

Laker Fans, Read.

I shouldn't be writing this, God know's I have always been a Laker and Kobe Hater but I feel like someone has to cheer you Laker fans up.

Let's think about this, Out of 98 playoff series no team has ever been came back from 3-0 in the NBA. In the MLB the Red Sox made it happen in 04 (
, still hurts) and in Hockey it happened last year with the Flyers (two more times in the olden days, but who counts that?). Sorry Laker fans, but history and time are not on your side, as far as the NBA goes you have a 0% chance. As far as the sports world goes, you have a .001% chance. It sucks, a couple of weeks ago I remember my Knicks in the same position and I too was feeling the way so many of you are right now.

However, turn that Frown
, upside down
 (simple backspace, shift 0).

The Los Angeles Lakers will come back and bring it to at least 7 games. You guys are the LA Lakers, you guys have just won two straight championships (would not have won in 09 if KG was healthy, jus sayin). If their is any team in the history of basketball to come back from 0-3 it is the Los Angeles Lakers. If their is any team in the history of basketball to lose a 3-0 series it is the Dallas Mavericks.

Yes the Lakers are down but they honestly should have won two of those games, they played the Mavericks well today but they just had a mental collapse. The world champion Lakers would be the team that figure this out, Phil Jackson would be the coach to pull this off, and as much as it pains me to say it; Kobe would be the player to make this happen.

Thank Me Later.


But seriously. Im a Laker fan, and as much as I want the Lakers to win this series, it aint happening.
all i'll say is this, play with some pride and win sunday, if their going to lose this series then at least delay the inevitable as long as possible.

no team has ever came back down 0-3 in the nba and someone has to eventually do it and if it's going to be done, even if it doesn't happen with the lakers this year, this is the type of series it would happen in.

i just wanna see another game at staples on tuesday, and if it goes there i wanna see staples loud that game and showing appreciation for the back to back titles at the end of the game win or lose.

if/when the lakers do lose nothing lasts forever but i didn't see em going out so soon. i coulda seen someone like miami beating them due to fatigue and those guys playing their butts off right now but dallas has been the better team in this series so far and deserves to win the way they've been playing.

watching phoenix sweep the spurs and seeing the spurs lose in a pretty one sided fashion in the first round to dallas in 09 and the grizzlies this year i started thinking their run with the group of guys they had is over and it was hard to believe because they've been a contender and been around in the mix of things for so long but i guess it happens to everyone.

if it's over on sunday, while it will be hard to make something happen, kobe is only 33 and imo has 2-3 superstar type seasons left in him, and bynum has been playing his +%% off this playoffs and really coming into his own. the pieces are there but the team needs retooling for sure. if it's over, i hope they can make a few more runs while kobe is still an elite player.

lets see what happens sunday though. they gotta win 1 before they worry about anything else, but win or lose it's been a hell of a past few years from feb 08 to now.
Originally Posted by Lakersfan1

Originally Posted by mrdieselfuel09

Originally Posted by kvsm23vs24

For the people who do believe, can ya'll quote this.
I believe and want to see who else does too

I'm believing until the Mavs win that 4th game.
technically its not over till Mavs have 4 games won but its going to be tough, if we do pull this out, it will be pure Ecstasy
Word, it may be a bit far-fetched but there is no doubt the feeling of us winning this series would be incredible.
I know Barnes and Blake's ring chasin' !%*+% came to L.A. for a reason, it's time for them to start playing like it. 

We've arguably outplayed them 2 out of 3 games. I am a bit shocked right now more than anything to be honest with you. It's an odd feeling, until that final buzzer goes off in the Lakers 4th loss of this series it won't really hit me.

Until then.. I still 

i've taken verbal abuse from all my homeboys about this series. i had to take it like a champ.
they have all reason to.

but i come home... log onto NT and realize im not alone in this situation.
no matter what happens for the rest of the series, i'd like to thank every single Laker fan in this thread.
3-0 would've been a lot worse without y'all.

with that being said, LET'S GO LAKERS!!!
with every bit of pride we have, we got to BELIEVE!!

and if we pull this out, i promise to name my first born son after KOBE
Originally Posted by jcbacall

i've taken verbal abuse from all my homeboys about this series. i had to take it like a champ.
they have all reason to.

but i come home... log onto NT and realize im not alone in this situation.
no matter what happens for the rest of the series, i'd like to thank every single Laker fan in this thread.
3-0 would've been a lot worse without y'all.

with that being said, LET'S GO LAKERS!!!
with every bit of pride we have, we got to BELIEVE!!

and if we pull this out, i promise to name my first born son after KOBE
L.A. raised and born across the street from the forum in Inglewood, so obviously I am a Laker fan. That being said it is over. Pau Gasol is so coochie right now that I gurantee you that the rumor about his fiance has some truth to it. He looks like the ghost of Kwame Brown out there.His heart is so heavy with heartbreak he can't even jump much. We should all pray for the little guy he is probably in his home right now with Sangria bottles and tissue laid out on his back looking at the stars on his patio with red eyes and salty cheeks. Pau is so pain afflicted right now that his teammates arent even looking at him.Next game watch everyones body language, Kobe and Vanessa had a threesome with Pau's lady and he wasn't invited. She got some venom from the black mamba and she ain't going back. Kobe loves them spanish girls and Pau made the mistake of coming by one night on an off day with his girl and Kobe sent Vanessa to open her up for that Menage. I'm giving ya'll real info right now.......... no but in all seriousness I'm afraid the Miami era is coming a year early. Bynums knee explodes into red mist next game, Artest goes after Mark Cuban in the stands and Phil Jackson pulls a blunt out on the bench at the end and gives his last F U to the league...... oh and Kobe walks into the tunnel and Vanessa and Pau's ex kiss him and each other on camera...... It's late I just left a 13 hour set and I have to be up at 7 to go back forgive me I'm delirious and I'll show myself out......................
Originally Posted by jcbacall

i've taken verbal abuse from all my homeboys about this series. i had to take it like a champ.
they have all reason to.

but i come home... log onto NT and realize im not alone in this situation.
no matter what happens for the rest of the series, i'd like to thank every single Laker fan in this thread.
3-0 would've been a lot worse without y'all.

with that being said, LET'S GO LAKERS!!!
with every bit of pride we have, we got to BELIEVE!!

and if we pull this out, i promise to name my first born son after KOBE

a good chunk of mine know better to give me crap.  in their own words "their a fan of individual players not a fan of teams" so i told em their opinion on when my favorite team takes a L doesn't matter.  other ones are bandwagon fans who liked the suns in 06, spurs in 07, celtics in 08 and 2010, the magic in 2009, the cavs during 08-10, and have now gravitated towards the heat but took a detour to like dallas this week, they know better then to bug me as well.

however one of my boys is a die hard mavs, rangers, and cowboys fan who moved out here from dallas,  this dude has been on some extra levelheaded "we up 3-0 but anything can still happen" type stuff,  dude has been too level headed and easy going with me,  i almost kinda want him to rub it in my face and let me hear it that the lakers are playing like crap, he could talk all the mess he wanted to me tonight and i would sit here, and grin and bear it without being annoyed whatsoever.
Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

Originally Posted by jcbacall

i've taken verbal abuse from all my homeboys about this series. i had to take it like a champ.
they have all reason to.

but i come home... log onto NT and realize im not alone in this situation.
no matter what happens for the rest of the series, i'd like to thank every single Laker fan in this thread.
3-0 would've been a lot worse without y'all.

with that being said, LET'S GO LAKERS!!!
with every bit of pride we have, we got to BELIEVE!!

and if we pull this out, i promise to name my first born son after KOBE

a good chunk of mine know better to give me crap.  in their own words "their a fan of individual players not a fan of teams" so i told em their opinion on when my favorite team takes a L doesn't matter.  other ones are bandwagon fans who liked the suns in 06, spurs in 07, celtics in 08 and 2010, the magic in 2009, the cavs during 08-10, and have now gravitated towards the heat but took a detour to like dallas this week, they know better then to bug me as well.

however one of my boys is a die hard mavs, rangers, and cowboys fan who moved out here from dallas,  this dude has been on some extra levelheaded "we up 3-0 but anything can still happen" type stuff,  dude has been too level headed and easy going with me,  i almost kinda want him to rub it in my face and let me hear it that the lakers are playing like crap, he could talk all the mess he wanted to me tonight and i would sit here, and grin and bear it without being annoyed whatsoever.

the reason why my homeboys give me hell is cause i've brought it unto myself. i've rubbed it in their faces for the past 2 seasons and during our 3peat, i used to walk around highschool with my lakers jersey. they've finally got a chance to get me back, and theyre taking full advantage of it.
Originally Posted by jcbacall

Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

Originally Posted by jcbacall

i've taken verbal abuse from all my homeboys about this series. i had to take it like a champ.
they have all reason to.

but i come home... log onto NT and realize im not alone in this situation.
no matter what happens for the rest of the series, i'd like to thank every single Laker fan in this thread.
3-0 would've been a lot worse without y'all.

with that being said, LET'S GO LAKERS!!!
with every bit of pride we have, we got to BELIEVE!!

and if we pull this out, i promise to name my first born son after KOBE

a good chunk of mine know better to give me crap.  in their own words "their a fan of individual players not a fan of teams" so i told em their opinion on when my favorite team takes a L doesn't matter.  other ones are bandwagon fans who liked the suns in 06, spurs in 07, celtics in 08 and 2010, the magic in 2009, the cavs during 08-10, and have now gravitated towards the heat but took a detour to like dallas this week, they know better then to bug me as well.

however one of my boys is a die hard mavs, rangers, and cowboys fan who moved out here from dallas,  this dude has been on some extra levelheaded "we up 3-0 but anything can still happen" type stuff,  dude has been too level headed and easy going with me,  i almost kinda want him to rub it in my face and let me hear it that the lakers are playing like crap, he could talk all the mess he wanted to me tonight and i would sit here, and grin and bear it without being annoyed whatsoever.

the reason why my homeboys give me hell is cause i've brought it unto myself. i've rubbed it in their faces for the past 2 seasons and during our 3peat, i used to walk around highschool with my lakers jersey. they've finally got a chance to get me back, and theyre taking full advantage of it.

i graduated high school in 02,   during the lakers kings series the kobe and shaq swingman jerseys were worn religiously, while lunch and some of my classes with the dudes i used to hang out with would be comedy.  i would love rubbing it in their faces when the lakers won,  mainly because they were bandwagon jumpers who hopped from team to team and most of them still are that way, but knowing me back then i woulda rubbed it in one way or another.
I was watching the post-game interviews of Pau, Odom, and Bynum on Lakers.com and there's just an odd feeling and vibe that I get from watching them speak. Something isn't right, I'd expect these kind of mental lapses and weak-minded individuals from a young and inexperienced team, not from a team who has gone to the Finals 3 years in a row.

I just thought about how this is Phil's 'Final Stand' and last season with us. We can't let a legend go out like this.. right?
Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

Originally Posted by jcbacall

Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

a good chunk of mine know better to give me crap.  in their own words "their a fan of individual players not a fan of teams" so i told em their opinion on when my favorite team takes a L doesn't matter.  other ones are bandwagon fans who liked the suns in 06, spurs in 07, celtics in 08 and 2010, the magic in 2009, the cavs during 08-10, and have now gravitated towards the heat but took a detour to like dallas this week, they know better then to bug me as well.

however one of my boys is a die hard mavs, rangers, and cowboys fan who moved out here from dallas,  this dude has been on some extra levelheaded "we up 3-0 but anything can still happen" type stuff,  dude has been too level headed and easy going with me,  i almost kinda want him to rub it in my face and let me hear it that the lakers are playing like crap, he could talk all the mess he wanted to me tonight and i would sit here, and grin and bear it without being annoyed whatsoever.

the reason why my homeboys give me hell is cause i've brought it unto myself. i've rubbed it in their faces for the past 2 seasons and during our 3peat, i used to walk around highschool with my lakers jersey. they've finally got a chance to get me back, and theyre taking full advantage of it.

i graduated high school in 02,   during the lakers kings series the kobe and shaq swingman jerseys were worn religiously, while lunch and some of my classes with the dudes i used to hang out with would be comedy.  i would love rubbing it in their faces when the lakers won,  mainly because they were bandwagon jumpers who hopped from team to team and most of them still are that way, but knowing me back then i woulda rubbed it in one way or another.
it's different when you're a Laker fan from toronto. being a laker fan in toronto was blasphemy towards the raptors. and at that time, Vince Carter was the man. i used to sit in gym class and lunchrooms arguing Kobe vs. VC.
Originally Posted by DARTH DNZY

Originally Posted by CoupeIt88

Laker Fans, Read.

I shouldn't be writing this, God know's I have always been a Laker and Kobe Hater but I feel like someone has to cheer you Laker fans up.

Let's think about this, Out of 98 playoff series no team has ever been came back from 3-0 in the NBA. In the MLB the Red Sox made it happen in 04 (
, still hurts) and in Hockey it happened last year with the Flyers (two more times in the olden days, but who counts that?). Sorry Laker fans, but history and time are not on your side, as far as the NBA goes you have a 0% chance. As far as the sports world goes, you have a .001% chance. It sucks, a couple of weeks ago I remember my Knicks in the same position and I too was feeling the way so many of you are right now.

However, turn that Frown
, upside down
 (simple backspace, shift 0).

The Los Angeles Lakers will come back and bring it to at least 7 games. You guys are the LA Lakers, you guys have just won two straight championships (would not have won in 09 if KG was healthy, jus sayin). If their is any team in the history of basketball to come back from 0-3 it is the Los Angeles Lakers. If their is any team in the history of basketball to lose a 3-0 series it is the Dallas Mavericks.

Yes the Lakers are down but they honestly should have won two of those games, they played the Mavericks well today but they just had a mental collapse. The world champion Lakers would be the team that figure this out, Phil Jackson would be the coach to pull this off, and as much as it pains me to say it; Kobe would be the player to make this happen.

Thank Me Later.

--One of my best friends is a Knick fan and better yet a NON Laker hater.
--He only goes against the Lakers when its against his Knicks.
--Thanks for the letter fam but YOU know as well as all of us do that the Lakers ARE NOT coming back from this hole.
You're a terrible fan anyway. I remember seeing some of your posts in Laker games where they were down by about 10 points with ages to go and you'd just say 'well done, you deserve it, we are no longer good'
Originally Posted by jcbacall

i've taken verbal abuse from all my homeboys about this series. i had to take it like a champ.
they have all reason to.

but i come home... log onto NT and realize im not alone in this situation.
no matter what happens for the rest of the series, i'd like to thank every single Laker fan in this thread.
3-0 would've been a lot worse without y'all.

with that being said, LET'S GO LAKERS!!!
with every bit of pride we have, we got to BELIEVE!!

and if we pull this out, i promise to name my first born son after KOBE

Already did though I added an extra E, he's 12 now and is starting Football.  I told him though I named him after Kobe I was 18 years old at the time, the name means to go hard at any cost.  It means to be a champion and work you butt off at whatever you do in life.

The optimism Kobe displayed in the press conference is real win or lose he believes the Lakers can be the first then we should to.

no team has ever came back down 0-3 in the nba but there was a lot of 4-0 in the playoffs, therefore, its not impossible to make 4 straight wins in the playoffs, just me hahahaha
I hope every single Laker can deliver cause everyone knows Kobe just dosn't have it

Gasol needs to step up, Fisher and Odom

Lets get this...... Phil is just toying
Damn i don't know why, but that Kobe interview made be have a little more confidence, but not that high.
The question is whether he stayed to shoot jumpshots after the loss. If he did, then it's all over for the Mavs and they might as well quit and save their energy for the next season.


The legacy of Kobe is pretty much done. After last night defeat im not sure if I can look at him the same from now. As much of a kobe homer that i am i have to say i am disappointed with his effort. I don't know if he's tired, hurt or what not but if the game/season is on the line he must take over. Drive in and create foul or do something. Instead he kept taking contested jump shot and couldnt even get by Jason Kidd who is 38 years old. He's looking like the old Mike Jordan when he play for the Wiz. A midrange jump shooter and that's it.

Oh well let's at least win Sunday game to save humiliation. It's not officially over yet. I still believe we can get out of this mess
--I dont care what teams are involved.
--If one team is beating another 3-0 in a best of 7 its over.

--This aint baseball or hockey where a comeback has been done. Its unheard of.
The one thing the Lakers have done consistently this year is make it tough on themselves. That's the only optimistic thought I can come up with.  Of course, now they've dug themselves the biggest possible hole, and no one's ever been able to get out of it.
Originally Posted by jbone2308

Originally Posted by jcbacall

i've taken verbal abuse from all my homeboys about this series. i had to take it like a champ.
they have all reason to.

but i come home... log onto NT and realize im not alone in this situation.
no matter what happens for the rest of the series, i'd like to thank every single Laker fan in this thread.
3-0 would've been a lot worse without y'all.

with that being said, LET'S GO LAKERS!!!
with every bit of pride we have, we got to BELIEVE!!

and if we pull this out, i promise to name my first born son after KOBE

Already did though I added an extra E, he's 12 now and is starting Football.  I told him though I named him after Kobe I was 18 years old at the time, the name means to go hard at any cost.  It means to be a champion and work you butt off at whatever you do in life.

The optimism Kobe displayed in the press conference is real win or lose he believes the Lakers can be the first then we should to.


Kind of lame....
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