[::OFFICIAL LAKERS 2010-11' SEASON THREAD Vol. It Was Fun While It Lasted::]

I can't believe there is so much discussion about our possible "future" team...
It is all so unrealistic and unnecessary right  now imo...
Originally Posted by CP1708

Having Dwight for 82 games instead of Drew minute to minute would lessen your fears about the bench, trust me. Dwight, Pau, Ron, Kobe, Fisher as your starting five? Come on. I could join that bench and we would survive.

Not hating on that deal if it occurs of course
Just stating that it would suck to have Odom leave especially since hes been here since the post Shaq era. Although his inconsistencies bothered me much throughout his career, it would just suck to see him go. Luke + Bynum + Brown for Dwight

LTB...its going to happen sooner or later. But yeah your right, lets just focus on this game tonight. Pau must show up and Ron Ron must keep doing this "thang"
^^ I still wouldn't be scared of them, honestly. I said before and I'll say it again, Miami needs a SKILLED big man not a powerful one. Championship teams have nearly revolved around them. I say nearly because the 'superstar' on the team is usually the main focus. Just my 2 cents though
Originally Posted by CanIFly34

^^ I still wouldn't be scared of them, honestly. I said before and I'll say it again, Miami needs a SKILLED big man not a powerful one. Championship teams have nearly revolved around them. I say nearly because the 'superstar' on the team is usually the main focus.

Just my 2 cents though

You can say it three more times and still be just as wrong. IF Miami were to acquire Dwight for Bosh, they'd INSTANTLY be the best team in the East, if not the league.

Honestly, if Miami is smart, this offseason they offer LeBron for Dwight...but shhhhh, enough about those dudes...I don't want to speak that into existence

One last thing about the whole Dwight situation.... if we have to give up Odom, I'd be sad for a second, but Dwight would be the cornerstone of LA's future. It's no
secret Kobe, Pau, Ron, Fish are old and in 3-4 years, will be on their respective way out. Anyways, it's fun to dream and all, but back to reality.

We come out the first 5 minutes with extra energy...good defensive efforts and continue to pound the ball in the post and we win. Easily.

Of course, that's easier said than done and I wouldn't be surprised one bit if NOH tied this series.
Wasnt Miami 'instantly' the best team to everyone back in July? And anyway, I don't see Dwight leaving Orlando for a weak trade like him and Bosh or Odom straight up. Really?
lol.....He'll end up shooting like 30% if he keeps shooting all game.

Why is Barnes knee still bad? I know he got it drained, but did it not completely heal or something?
Originally Posted by CanIFly34

Wasnt Miami 'instantly' the best team to everyone back in July? And anyway, I don't see Dwight leaving Orlando for a weak trade like him and Bosh or Odom straight up. Really?

Maybe to the casual basketball fan, but Howard, Bosh, and Wade would be undeniable. Part of Miami's current problems is that they have no defensive enforcer and two people
who play similar positions. That would instantly be solved.

Who said we'd trade Odom for Dwight Howard? I'm pretty sure all the discussion has been centered around Bynum/Odom for Dwight....
and I said if Miami were smart, they'd move Bron Bron for Dwight...
and sidenote, I know this is little...but did anyone see how hard Matt Barnes fouled Gray just now?

I love the fact we have some guys who enforce the paint defensively....nothing easy.
Kobe is def appreciated for the assists though. Struggling with his shot but finding other ways to contribute, can't complain about that.

I do want to complain about all the 2nd chance points that NO is getting though
Originally Posted by beaver21

What was the T for ?? For sec I thought it was for cp scoring on kobe
Kobe should have gotten a T on the previous play while he was crying all the way to half court.
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