Official Lakers at Suns Game 3| Lakers lead (2-0)

Odom is going extremely soft to the rim and getting intimidated by lopez every time.

The coaching staff needs to come up with a strategy to attack this zone.
one of the worst officiating ive seen in awhile. guess the nba needs to make money, they cant have two straight sweeps in both the west and eastern conference playoffs
These guys never seen a zone before? The passes are terrible. 20 FTA to 3 FTA
Its home court getting the calls so I understand and accept it. Amare is going to get calls driving to the basket and Gasol & Odom wont. 
Originally Posted by GuttaGetsBusy

Why wouldn't the Suns keep playing zone if it's been working so well?

because this is the NBA you can only spring the zone on people for a quarter maybe 2 sooner or later teams will smarten up and torch that @*@ expect to see that in the 2nd half Pau/Lamar/Drew/Kobe we get in the post and do work

they better anyway
The Lakers should be down by more than 2.

Fisher's jumper has been on point.  Odom & Artest gotta get it going.
Originally Posted by got shoes

refs aint that bad imo

I agree, othe that the 2 non travel calls in the 1st qtr, the refs have been consistant IMO

The FTA is only a matter of 1 team attacting the rim, and the other shootin midrange j's
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