Official Lakers at Suns Game 3| Lakers lead (2-0)

Originally Posted by JCH3

Originally Posted by CP1708

They played better then us tonight, that simple.  Make the adjustments, be ready for that high school zone they run, try to get more from Bynum to get our size up again, and we'll be ok. 

No Laker fans blame anything, we let it go.  We had a chance, we had the lead in the 4th, we shoulda pulled away, we didn't.  That's it, no excuses. 

Get game 4. 

If it was a "high school" zone, then how come they couldn't simply pick it apart out there?

I'm talking about how the Suns have given up and admitted they can not defeat the LA Lakers playing man to man defense, so they go to the "zone" defense we were all taught in high school. 

These NBA guys aren't used to seeing zones, being as this is a man's league, it takes some time to get used to that.  They'll space the floor better, make the adjustments, do some of that high-low stuff with Gasol and Odom and go back to shredding the Suns "D" here in a game or two.  They aren't winning 4 games with gimmick defense, I'm sorry. 

We're stupid for not figuring it out sooner and making the plays, and I give the Suns credit for the win, but something like that won't last.  People gotta know that. 
I didn't see this game. Suns did the zone the entire game? Phil's either motivating Bynum or is legitimately concerned about his knee. How did he look movement wise? FT discrep is crazy. Suns earn all of those trips to the line or were they in bonus on touch fouls? Seems like the 25 day hiatus helped Robin Lopez' injury as he was able to play 30 minutes. Crazy statline for Kobe. He's playing at a scary level right now after looking bogged down in the later part in the season.

Can't lie that I'm expecting Lakers in 5. If we both make it, I really do think it's a toss up.
Originally Posted by DARTH DNZY

Originally Posted by Do Be Doo

Lakersfan1 wrote:
Originally Posted by Do Be Doo

Originally Posted by xsalvioutlawx

It's all good. No way Suns will shoot 22 more freethrows next game than the Lakers. Kobe almost with the triple double smh for nothing. Gasol played well offensively....that is all.

oh btw, forgot to mention...Refs played well too





[h3]Suns sweep Spurs to reach West finals  [/h3]

damn REALLY when was this happen!?
just admit you're mad that LA didn't sweep this Suns team...

but really damn blaming the refs tho...


--I never said anythin about the refs in my post. I actually gave props to PHX zone.

How about the overlooked traveling calls?
Originally Posted by Do Be Doo

Originally Posted by DARTH DNZY

--Do Be, you know better than to generalize us Laker fans.
--I never said anythin about the refs in my post. I actually gave props to PHX zone.
--But why you postin pics of a guy that sent your boys fishing my dude? 
--my bad...
--But HE didn't even give props to STAT for dropping 42 on his team...instead he gives props to the refs...

--Because I can....


You sure i'm the one whose mad? When you're the one coming into these threads when the Lakers lose  

You got a problem with what I have to say than why don't you just ignore it? Anytimes there's a 22 freethrow difference, it's going to bother somebody.

Props to the Suns for the win, but like I said, they wont shoot that many more freethrows than us next game.

And if the Lakers ever shoot 20+ more freethrows than the Suns in this series, you'll be hearing the same thing except from the opposite fan base.

Oh yea... Props to the Spurs for getting swept.
Let's not complain about the refs, it is what it is.

Road teams have the disadvantage, you almost have to play perfect basketball.

Lakers will adjust, so let's see what happens on Tuesday.
I hope no one is blaming the refs for this one. Did you see how many blatant fouls we committed?

We'll sharpen up next game and hopefully finish this one quick. And frankly, I'm happy Amare is starting to body us how he is. That's just a taste of what to expect against Boston.
Originally Posted by xsalvioutlawx

Originally Posted by Do Be Doo

Originally Posted by DARTH DNZY

--Do Be, you know better than to generalize us Laker fans.
--I never said anythin about the refs in my post. I actually gave props to PHX zone.
--But why you postin pics of a guy that sent your boys fishing my dude? 
--my bad...
--But HE didn't even give props to STAT for dropping 42 on his team...instead he gives props to the refs...

--Because I can....


You sure i'm the one whose mad? When you're the one coming into these threads when the Lakers lose  

You got a problem with what I have to say than why don't you just ignore it? Anytimes there's a 22 freethrow difference, it's going to bother somebody.

Props to the Suns for the win, but like I said, they wont shoot that many more freethrows than us next game.

And if the Lakers ever shoot 20+ more freethrows than the Suns in this series, you'll be hearing the same thing except from the opposite fan base.

Oh yea... Props to the Spurs for getting swept.

Suns played zone homie

anytime theres zone there is not going to be a lot of foul calls

i like how fans try to blame refs wen ur team shot 37 3 pointers

wheres the fouls going to come?

watch the game again and see who the aggressors were

plus Lakers fans have no room to complain about officiation

ole Mike Bibbys face fouled Kobes elbow %@+ +%###%
I don't think the zone is a "gimmick" defense. It's a matchup ploy, simple as that. The Suns can't guard the Lakers one on one, so they can pack in the paint and try to force the Lakers to hit outside shots.

One of the Suns' biggest defensive flaws in the first two games of the series was their trouble with rotation. With a zone, it's a little bit easier to close out shooters, therefore not giving the Lakers quite as many un-contested looks.
Originally Posted by FrenchBlue23

Let's not complain about the refs, it is what it is.

Road teams have the disadvantage, you almost have to play perfect basketball.

Lakers will adjust, so let's see what happens on Tuesday.
Couldn't agree more about the officiating. Create a separate thread if you want to debate that.
Did I ever say the Refs were the main reason we lost? No.

Just because I mentioned them doesn't mean the Lakers lost because of them.

I'm not the only one who had anything to say about the refs, although everyones making it out to seem that way just because this spurs fan quoted me. Figures, his team got swept.

Like I said, Suns wont shoot that many more free throws than us next game, so it'll be alright.

I'm aware the Lakers shot way too many 3 pointers, another reason they lost.

The Zone didn't catch us off guard, it just worked in a sense, but they'll be ready for it next game. There's not too much to figure out against a Zone defense once you're this far into the playoffs.

And with all due respect, as much as I hate the Suns, they made it this far for a reason. I'm pretty sure all Laker fans are aware of this despite how arrogant some of them are. Don't include me in that list, I never predicted how many games this series would last or who would win.

Not my style.
Originally Posted by JCH3

I don't think the zone is a "gimmick" defense. It's a matchup ploy, simple as that. The Suns can't guard the Lakers one on one, so they can pack in the paint and try to force the Lakers to hit outside shots.

One of the Suns' biggest defensive flaws in the first two games of the series was their trouble with rotation. With a zone, it's a little bit easier to close out shooters, therefore not giving the Lakers quite as many un-contested looks.

You are somewhat right, it is a matchup ploy, but is a gimmick defense as well which is why you only see NBA teams use it in spurts during games, but the Suns played it from the entire 2nd quarter on. The Lakers actually had more uncontested shots, they just didn't knock them down. 

The Suns can't guard us one on one case in point, the 1st qtr in Game 3 where Kobe went off and we had another 30 point quarter, it's just a matter of hitting the open shots when the zone presents them because you aren't playing a man, but an area. So if you just keep moving to the open spaces and have decent ball movement (which was a problem last night) you can pick it apart (case in point the 37 point 3rd quarter last night). So if the Suns are going to continue to play that way, we are just going to have to make more shots (not necessarily threes). Just have crisper ball movement and it can be defeated rather easily.
Good game Suns fans. Enjoy it. Cherish it. Hold it dear to your heart. Because yall ain't evening up +#++.

Amare had the game of his career. He got lucky. We may never seen that type of performance out of his again.
Originally Posted by Mamba MVP

Originally Posted by JCH3

I don't think the zone is a "gimmick" defense. It's a matchup ploy, simple as that. The Suns can't guard the Lakers one on one, so they can pack in the paint and try to force the Lakers to hit outside shots.

One of the Suns' biggest defensive flaws in the first two games of the series was their trouble with rotation. With a zone, it's a little bit easier to close out shooters, therefore not giving the Lakers quite as many un-contested looks.

You are somewhat right, it is a matchup ploy, but is a gimmick defense as well which is why you only see NBA teams use it in spurts during games, but the Suns played it from the entire 2nd quarter on. The Lakers actually had more uncontested shots, they just didn't knock them down. 

The Suns can't guard us one on one case in point, the 1st qtr in Game 3 where Kobe went off and we had another 30 point quarter, it's just a matter of hitting the open shots when the zone presents them because you aren't playing a man, but an area. So if you just keep moving to the open spaces and have decent ball movement (which was a problem last night) you can pick it apart (case in point the 37 point 3rd quarter last night). So if the Suns are going to continue to play that way, we are just going to have to make more shots (not necessarily threes). Just have crisper ball movement and it can be defeated rather easily.

Pretty much, but when we move the ball, there's always an open 3 point shot, and someone decides to take it. We just noticed it more last night because we missed them, but had they gone in, we wouldn't be looking at it the same way.

I have no idea why Artest doesn't drive in more, as strong as he is, nobody on the Suns can stop him.

Kobe will always go for 30+ against Zone though.

And I'm not sure what Phil is doing with Bynum. I know he was in foul trouble, but either he's got no faith in him right now, he's injury is getting worse, or he's saving him in a sense.

IF we get past the Suns, we are definetly going to need Drew. None of that half assed $!#*
Originally Posted by xsalvioutlawx

Did I ever say the Refs were the main reason we lost? No.

Just because I mentioned them doesn't mean the Lakers lost because of them.

I'm not the only one who had anything to say about the refs, although everyones making it out to seem that way just because this spurs fan quoted me. Figures, his team got swept.
what the hell dose me being a Spur fan have to do with anything about THIS SERIES?
and you are the only LA fan talking about REFS...when they had no effect on game 3...

but yes I'm mad


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