OFFICIAL LAKERS @ jazz 5/08 ESPN - Game 3

Originally Posted by vanexellent

The Lakers overrated %*+!% were bound to lose, as you can see they did like i predicted.I'm disappointed that the Jazz let their sorry %*+!% get that close, i wanted this game to be a blowout. Ah well, we'll see the blowout in game 4 i guess then. This series is in the Jazz favor now, Boozer done regained his form and confidence, and Okur is just manhandling Gasoft. The Lakers will easily lose this series in 6 games. A team with softies like Kobe odom and Gasoft? They'll find a way to choke this series away, thats on my word. The Jazz know that they can bully the Lakers and i expect them to do that the remainder of the series. Can you say back door sweep by the Jazz?
So he shows up after such a bold prediction (the Jazz were favored) but dont show up when the usual prediction is wrong?
I know some say he's a closet Laker fan and his prediction routine is all fun but if he aint owning up to his loses and trying to prop up his wins then [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]ban him for trolling already.[/color]

i will gladly take the banning for 3pledouble as long as he keeps making outlandish predictions and it gets the lakers wins.

Gasol is a great player, I've said so since his first all-star appearance. He's an awesome player with great fundamentals, but he's about as soft as Dirk is. Pau has a lot better inside game, but that's his game. I'm not going to turn this into a Dirk/Pau comparison post, so that's the end of that. Pau is a good interior presence on offense, not so much on defense, he's definitely no Elton Brand, but he's good at what he is, and great for the Lakers type of game. I like the fit, however cheap it may have been.
It puts a smile on my face for the dude to get some shine after getting pummeled in Memphis. I don't think the Lakers fanbase realized how good they got it with that trade, anyone is an upgrade over Kwame, but Pau is special.

believe me, I, along with many other laker fans, laugh 'til this day at the thought of getting gasol for kwame.
like everyone says, dude is the PERFECT fit for the triangle, its just that his defensive woes are being exposed.
don't worry, that'll be solved when we get bynum and shutdown defense kobe back
Originally Posted by knightngale

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Gasol is a great player, I've said so since his first all-star appearance. He's an awesome player with great fundamentals, but he's about as soft as Dirk is. Pau has a lot better inside game, but that's his game. I'm not going to turn this into a Dirk/Pau comparison post, so that's the end of that. Pau is a good interior presence on offense, not so much on defense, he's definitely no Elton Brand, but he's good at what he is, and great for the Lakers type of game. I like the fit, however cheap it may have been.
It puts a smile on my face for the dude to get some shine after getting pummeled in Memphis. I don't think the Lakers fanbase realized how good they got it with that trade, anyone is an upgrade over Kwame, but Pau is special.

yeah he nice but he got 2 points the second half and played defense on 1 possesion

might as well play mbenga to do that and get boards
Gasol is not that soft compared to some big men, but compared to this Utah frontline he definitely is(mostly regarding boozer/millsap). but, laker fansshould feel very lucky they got him and [stephen a smith]GOT RID OF KWAM-AY BROWN? ARE U KIDDIN ME? ANYTIME U GIVE UP KWAMAY BROWN THATS A GOOD DEAL[/stephen asmith]
I think that as laker fans we have to realistically look at the big picture. Without bynum and to a certain extent ariza, this team plays no defensewhatsoever...

The lakers are the only team left in the playoffs that does not play consistent defense...hell they are one of the worst defensive teams in the league...

Any of the media that says the lakers are the favorites are idiots... People use to say the suns would never win a championship because they dont play defenseor good defense always trumps good offense... The same should aply to this current lakers team....
Originally Posted by NobleKane

Any of the media that says the lakers are the favorites are idiots... People use to say the suns would never win a championship because they dont play defense or good defense always trumps good offense... The same should aply to this current lakers team....

Complete BS
Originally Posted by NobleKane

I think that as laker fans we have to realistically look at the big picture. Without bynum and to a certain extent ariza, this team plays no defense whatsoever...

The lakers are the only team left in the playoffs that does not play consistent defense...hell they are one of the worst defensive teams in the league...

Any of the media that says the lakers are the favorites are idiots... People use to say the suns would never win a championship because they dont play defense or good defense always trumps good offense... The same should aply to this current lakers team....

I disagree to an extent. The Lakers aren't the Suns. Yes they don't play as much defense, but all the teams left are pretty much defensivejuggernauts other than New Orleans (Whom I think the Lakers would manhandle, but maybe I have a bit of a biased). As long as Kobe keeps up his consistency, andyou guys crash the boards, then you'll be fine. With that said, it's possible for anyone to knock off anyone, there are no favorites in my eyes, theLakers can win it all, the Spurs can win it all, the Pistons can win it all, the Celtics can win it all, hell, I'd go as far to say that the Magic couldmake it all the way if the cards roll their way (imagine the horrid match-ups if Magic played the Lakers, that Magic frontcourt is trouble).
wow, a lot of wreckless talk going on here. I'll just assume everyone is still mad about this one loss.

the sky isn't falling guys, it's one game.

its one game, did you expect them to go undefeated? they didnt even lose by that much, just wasnt a good game...

and how dare anyone say anything negative about pau without him, i guarantee you we are not here...
Originally Posted by rocboys

u damn fool if u think without Gasol, lakers would still be here

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that one out.
I ain't trippin' on this loss. Horrible turnovers and horrible defense.

I wasn't surprised that Utah roared back after being down early in this first quarter and just completely took over the game.

Hopefully Lakers will adjust and play better on Sunday.
Gasol IS soft

He has been playing soft even during the Denver series but other stuff masked that softness and most laker fans were to happy to complain. He doesn't go after rebounds and gets pushed around by guys like kirilenko. What pisses me off is that he could actually use his length like on those2 blocks on Boozer but he did not even try and looked shook.

He hesitates every time he gets the ball these days. It is almost like he is scared. I still remember how well he played against Dwight Howard back when he was not afraid of his jumper. Even Turiaf shoots his jumper with more confidence. He also got blocked by Kirilenko on a weak dunk attempt when he did not even jump

He makes the game easier and is a talented player but he needs to stop playing scared and go after the ball. Until then I will keep calling him Gasoft.

I never said he wasn't. I simply said that people need to stop calling him soft, acting like our 6-1 playoff record right now has NOTHING todo with him.
wow, a lot of wreckless talk going on here. I'll just assume everyone is still mad about this one loss.

the sky isn't falling guys, it's one game.

I'm with this guy.
I think the Lakers play pretty good defense. Derek Fisher just got in foul trouble early and Farmar couldn't stay with Williams. It's only one game,and LA only lost by 5 in Utah. The Jazz are probably pretty pumped up right now, but if I'm the Lakers, only losing by 5 in the toughest arena is somethingthat you can build on. 3 Less turnovers and the game is theirs imo. Okur cooled off late which is when he is usually on and Kobe came to life in a HUGE way inthe second half. Just cut down on the turnovers and the Lakeshow takes at home in LA
Originally Posted by Verdykt

I think the Lakers play pretty good defense. Derek Fisher just got in foul trouble early and Farmar couldn't stay with Williams. It's only one game, and LA only lost by 5 in Utah. The Jazz are probably pretty pumped up right now, but if I'm the Lakers, only losing by 5 in the toughest arena is something that you can build on. 3 Less turnovers and the game is theirs imo. Okur cooled off late which is when he is usually on and Kobe came to life in a HUGE way in the second half. Just cut down on the turnovers and the Lakeshow takes at home in LA

But still this could be what the jazz needed. Going down 3-0 would have killed them. Down 2-1 isn't bad since they have been there before.
Originally Posted by TH0MAS CR0WN

wow, a lot of wreckless talk going on here. I'll just assume everyone is still mad about this one loss.

the sky isn't falling guys, it's one game.


Exactly. Like I said, some of these Laker "fans" are a bunch of chicken littles. Quick to bash a player's entire family tree one day callinghim the worst things possible and then chugging his meat the next day. Fair weather clucking. The shame.
Great game and that is the best Utah can play and we only lost by 5.

As far as Pau, he did some things but he's gotta get out of the Euro softness and learn the American toughness like Okur seems to have. Even Sasha istougher than Pau. When your 7 foot don't put the ball on the floor so the midgits can attack it like pirahnas. He'll adjust for game 5.

Luke was great but this man cannot seem to not have jitters in the clutch. That was our moment to steal this game, I guarantee you we make a shot if Fishergets the ball and I don't care who took it. We get that, foul, they miss one or two, we get it back and Kobe steals the game.

That's why Kobe got angry. You have to seize moments that you are not supposed to have because that is the only opportunity you can have to steal the game.

We win in 5.
Originally Posted by knightngale

Gasol IS soft

He has been playing soft even during the Denver series but other stuff masked that softness and most laker fans were to happy to complain. He doesn't go after rebounds and gets pushed around by guys like kirilenko. What pisses me off is that he could actually use his length like on those2 blocks on Boozer but he did not even try and looked shook.

He hesitates every time he gets the ball these days. It is almost like he is scared. I still remember how well he played against Dwight Howard back when he was not afraid of his jumper. Even Turiaf shoots his jumper with more confidence. He also got blocked by Kirilenko on a weak dunk attempt when he did not even jump

He makes the game easier and is a talented player but he needs to stop playing scared and go after the ball. Until then I will keep calling him Gasoft.

Thank you. Ska, you're out of your mind if you think Gasol isn't soft. I never said he wasn't a good player or that he wasn't a huge partof why we are where we are. But I've always said he's soft, even when he was tearing it up out there. He's just not a tough player. How are you 7feet tall and you only get 6 rebounds, while your 6-9 counterpart on the Jazz (Boozer) has 20 rebounds? That's inexcusable. Gasol is a terrible rebounderfor his size and is hardly a defensive presence at all. I was shocked when he had those two blocks on that one sequence last night because he hardly ever doesanything like that. Not only that, he didn't even shoot a single free throw last night, he was taking it WEAK to the basket almost every time. We werehaving more success running the offense through Kobe in the post than we were with Gasol...

Gasol's softness is why I've said all along I am not confident in our ability to win a championship without Bynum (who doesn't appear to bereturning this year). Gasol is a great fit for our offense and has been awesome most of the time so far, but we need Bynum down low for me to be confident thatwe can win a chip.
Gasol IS soft

He has been playing soft even during the Denver series but other stuff masked that softness and most laker fans were to happy to complain. He doesn't go after rebounds and gets pushed around by guys like kirilenko. What pisses me off is that he could actually use his length like on those2 blocks on Boozer but he did not even try and looked shook.

He hesitates every time he gets the ball these days. It is almost like he is scared. I still remember how well he played against Dwight Howard back when he was not afraid of his jumper. Even Turiaf shoots his jumper with more confidence. He also got blocked by Kirilenko on a weak dunk attempt when he did not even jump

He makes the game easier and is a talented player but he needs to stop playing scared and go after the ball. Until then I will keep calling him Gasoft.
Thank you. Ska, you're out of your mind if you think Gasol isn't soft.

And you're out of your mind if you think I said he isn't soft.

In response to what knightngale said (that you just responded to), I already said this:
I never said he wasn't. I simply said that people need to stop calling him soft, acting like our 6-1 playoff record right now has NOTHING to do with him.
And before that (which made all of you mis-read [no surprise there
), I said:
Man, y'all need to give up on this 'Gasol is soft' nonsense, like the reason we're 6-1 in the playoffs so far has NOTHING to do with him.
I never said he wasn't soft.
Some of y'all just took it that way, apparently.
For the first time in this postseason, Gasol did not dress in the crowded visiting locker area afterward, instead retrieving his clothes and dressing in a quieter spot in the back. It was precisely that way in the game. Los Angeles Times

Sometimes that glare continued while the Jazz was scoring at the other end. Always, that glare burned his coach. "This is a game in which Pau was looking at the referees every time he got stripped there in the first half," said Phil Jackson. "They were just attacking him every time he put the ball on the floor. Those turnovers changed the course of the game." Los Angeles Times

This morning they will wake up human, losers to the Jazz, and probably a little bit more sober about the degree of difficulty involved. "We didn't think we were going to win every game," Lakers forward Lamar Odom said. "We just didn't execute the way we did the first two games." Riverside Press-Enterprise

By complaining so much to the officials, he might become one of the league's marked men. "I shouldn't have done that," he said of his constant complaints. "I have to learn to play through certain things, whether I agree with them or not, I have to play through it." Los Angeles Times

Farmar missed all six of his shots and was scoreless with two turnovers in 16 minutes. "I thought Jordan was off his rhythm, obviously," Lakers Coach Phil Jackson said. Los Angeles Times

A year later, the night belonged to Boozer, who broke out of his playoff slump with a 27-point, 20-rebound game in which he was the Jazz's go-to player in the last 3 1-2 minutes off the pick-and-roll with Deron Williams. "I feel like I have a big responsibility with my team and if I don't play well, sometimes I feel like I let them down," Boozer said. "To bounce back this way means a lot to me. I'm going to try to do the same thing Sunday." Salt Lake Tribune

"I just tried to stop thinking so much out there," Boozer said. "I think we've all been waiting for such a big game out of me and I've been waiting for it too, and putting a little too much pressure on myself. So I tried to go back to the basics and just have fun out there, enjoy the game, play with more passion."
I am glad pau noticed that he need to stop acting like a and play some ball.

Pau is soft but people are acting as if this is a surprise. All I know is he does what needs to do for us. No way we would be where we are at with out him. Itsjust going to get better once we have another 7 footer that can actually play big.
This loss can be a good thing. It will ground the Lakers make them focus and work harder. It is better to have a minor slip now, than go into the westernfinals thinking it is going to be a cakewalk. I for one am not worried yet.
Originally Posted by rocboys

u damn fool if u think without Gasol, lakers would still be here

who is saying that? We would not be in the second round without gasol

but he is playing soft/lost this series
He let the refs get into his head and did not even play defense cause of that. He should use that anger on the defensive end. Rad used to be that sameway but at least he tries hard on defense and shuts up even though he isn't that good of a defender.

After the refs got to him I never saw him get any good position under the basket and just wandered around in the hight post being a decoy. If he was angry heshould have fought for position under the basket for some easy buckets or get some free throws.

I am just gonna let this one go now. I h ave no hope for dude. I hope he proves me wrong.
Originally Posted by knightngale

Originally Posted by rocboys

u damn fool if u think without Gasol, lakers would still be here

who is saying that? We would not be in the second round without gasol

but he is playing soft/lost this series
Its all good we will win the next one just remember Gasol is supposed to be in the 4spot, andrew will do the dirty work when he gets back....
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