Official: Lakers @ Spurs 1/14 6PM PST Game on ESPN HD

JVG up the hill was hilarious. He's a cool dude. He saw me and a bunch of people playing football with big baby ( no he didn't try to pick us up) andstayed and watched for like an hour with Mark Jackson.
Originally Posted by SoHi 23

Originally Posted by SHUGES

I'm getting more and more frustrated with the ESPN NBA coverage these days.

First, JVG didn't put Wade in his top 5 MVP candidates last week. And now, he can't even name Wade in his top 3 players in the L?? What the....
Did you get mad when JVG said Kobe wasn't even in his MVP ballot last week?

He didn't have Dirty there either?
I am definitely not mad at the way this game is being played.

Lakers are playing good. A few Spurs possessions that could have easily been stopped but both teams are playing well.

This is a very good game.
Ariza = *appreciated*

But... that... wasn't the smartest thing you could have possibly one there, Trevor.

thats a foul on Duncan, when Ariza goes up Duncan uses his left arm and puts on Ariza's hip to stop him from elevating higher and thus being able to blockthe shot cuz Duncan barely jumped to block that shot.
ok watch kobe on ginobili. watch how kobe watches the ball more than ginobili, which leads to ginobili getting open. pisses me off.
Originally Posted by SoHi 23

Yeah, and then he's all
"I forgot how good Kobe was"

and now he's back up there

JVG's an $+*@+%*!

He needs to get back into coaching because he's obviously starting to enjoy this "character" of himself on tv way too much now.

Sweet block on Ariza. And nice waltz down the cha-cha line by TP.
Originally Posted by solefob

thats a foul on Duncan, when Ariza goes up Duncan uses his left arm and puts on Ariza's hip to stop him from elevating higher and thus being able to block the shot cuz Duncan barely jumped to block that shot.

thats what i thought, it looked like he was being pulled down
Originally Posted by solefob

thats a foul on Duncan, when Ariza goes up Duncan uses his left arm and puts on Ariza's hip to stop him from elevating higher and thus being able to block the shot cuz Duncan barely jumped to block that shot.

that was a great block
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