Originally Posted by kSpec

Originally Posted by CP1708

Relax man, it's no big deal. The bottom line was intent. Raja was flat out dirty in what happened. Last night was a total accident, and it wasn't even one of our players. At no point, NONE did any Laker take Bell behind a woodshed and beat him. The Lakers never got that "payback" so to speak that you would see in absoultey every other sport. Baseball has pitchers beaning guys, football players certainly take care of issues, and we all know how hockey gets down. In today's NBA we never had our retaliation so to speak, so take the laughing as our payback. He's ok, he walked off the court, he'll be alright. Had he truly truly hurt himself, you would have seen a lot of dudes with "hope Bell is alright, tought break, get better," whatever, and of course a few kids would still throw some laughs, it's EVERY fan base. So be cool with the Lakers fans are garbage and so on. It's not really that big a deal.

The bottom line is intent? ORLY now? So, let's take say, Kevin Everett. His neck injury was a total fluke accident. Now, because there was no intent to injure him, that makes it cool to laugh? You have to be kidding me. It's not intent, it's the the end result, and the end result was that he was pretty seriously injured.

Obviously what happened to Raja isn't exactly of the same degree as that incident, but a concussion's a pretty severe injury nonetheless. But likewise, what happened to Kobe as a result of getting clotheslined by Raja doesn't exactly compare to what happened to Raja yesterday, so that's not exactly a good comparison either. I mean seriously, imagine this happened to Pau or Kobe, and Zo came in going off with a bunch of
, as you know he would. You guys would be saying the same things I'm saying now. But since the tables are turned, it's okay to act like he would? Please.
But whatever, I'm done. If you guys think it's cool then so be it.

co-sign, ucsd represent

I'm starting to hate Laker fans more and's sad cuz there are some pretty good ones on this board, but the majority of them are starting toget on my nerves.
Aaaah, more people finding reasons to hate the Lakers.

We must be doing good again.

kSpec (and acidicality, since you're co-signing kSpec) - if you honestly think that we would be laughing just the same if Bell left on a stretcher,you're kidding yourself. If Bell had been seriously injured, there's NO WAY you would find more than 2 Laker fans on here laughing, and I can tell youwho those 2 would be. And the reason they'd be laughing is because they can be just as classless as zodogg/NBAdotcom.

"But ska, he WAS seriously injured." *insert largest stoneface ever*

Not every concussion is a serious injury. I've had 3 myself. Dude was on the bench minutes after the concussion. There is no way you're going toconvince me that a player was seriously injured, only to return to his team's bench minutes later.

It wasn't a serious injury.

With that in mind, if it WERE a serious injury, you would NOT be reading comments like the comments we're reading. We're laughing at him... FIRSTbecause we know he's alright... SECOND because it wasn't a Laker that did it... THIRD because dude is quickly approaching that Bruce Bowen level ofhurting people 'accidentally on purpose'... FOURTH because he blatantly clotheslined Kobe Bryant and his team's fans condoned it.

And on that 'fourth': I don't recall you throwing a fit on here about Suns fans being classless. I don't recall reading your words ofchastisement towards therm.

Everyone's o.k. with the Lakers getting punked (Kobe getting thrown by Raja tinkerBell); no one says anything about it. But when a Laker punks someone(Kobe to Mike Miller's throat) or a Laker opponent gets punked (tinkerBell last night), THEN all of a sudden you guys are calling for peace and class.
Where were you guys at when it was coming our way?

And now you want to throw all Laker fans in the same boat, without A) realizing the generalization you're making, or B) realizing that you'resatisfying your own bias against the Lakers, and that you're not looking at things objectively?
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Aaaah, more people finding reasons to hate the Lakers.

We must be doing good again.

kSpec (and acidicality, since you're co-signing kSpec) - if you honestly think that we would be laughing just the same if Bell left on a stretcher, you're kidding yourself. If Bell had been seriously injured, there's NO WAY you would find more than 2 Laker fans on here laughing, and I can tell you who those 2 would be. And the reason they'd be laughing is because they can be just as classless as zodogg/NBAdotcom.

"But ska, he WAS seriously injured." *insert largest stoneface ever*

Not every concussion is a serious injury. I've had 3 myself. Dude was on the bench minutes after the concussion. There is no way you're going to convince me that a player was seriously injured, only to return to his team's bench minutes later.

His concussion was serious enough that he couldn't even remember getting hit. But let's say his injury wasn't even an concussion, let's sayhe rolled his ankle. I think we can all agree that an ankle sprain is less serious than a concussion. Would that make it okay to laugh? If say, Kobe rolled hisankle and ZoDogg came in and started laughing, how would you react to that? You'd still be getting a bunch of head shaking emoticons and whatnot from Lakerfans over that.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

With that in mind, if it WERE a serious injury, you would NOT be reading comments like the comments we're reading. We're laughing at him... FIRST because we know he's alright... SECOND because it wasn't a Laker that did it... THIRD because dude is quickly approaching that Bruce Bowen level of hurting people 'accidentally on purpose'... FOURTH because he blatantly clotheslined Kobe Bryant and his team's fans condoned it.
You're all laughing because you knew he was alright? Then please, explain to me why people were posting pictures minutes after the accidenthappened, before he was even out on the bench. I can understand being annoyed with Suns fans because of the way they rejoiced after he clotheslined Kobe, andlike I've already said, I completely agree that doing that was out of line as well. But that doesn't mean you need to sink to their level.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Everyone's o.k. with the Lakers getting punked (Kobe getting thrown by Raja tinkerBell); no one says anything about it. But when a Laker punks someone (Kobe to Mike Miller's throat) or a Laker opponent gets punked (tinkerBell last night), THEN all of a sudden you guys are calling for peace and class.
Where were you guys at when it was coming our way?

And on that 'fourth': I don't recall you throwing a fit on here about Suns fans being classless. I don't recall reading your words of chastisement towards therm.
Like I said, everyone isn't okay with that . I said myself that it wasn't cool the way somepeople have responded to that. The only reason you don't recall me chastising them is because A. Look how long I've been on NT and compare that to howmany posts I have. I hardly post at all. and B. You Laker fans were doing a good enough job on your own calling out Suns fans for that. You didn't need methrowing my two cents in. In this case, however, no one's saying anything at all about the way you guys are acting, so somebody needed to.

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

And now you want to throw all Laker fans in the same boat, without A) realizing the generalization you're making, or B) realizing that you're satisfying your own bias against the Lakers, and that you're not looking at things objectively?
For one who's accusing me of throwing all Laker fans in the same boat, you're sure sounding awfully close to doing the same thing aboutme. Like, for example, your assumption that I'm biased against the Lakers because of my comments in one post? This is actually the only time I've EVERcommented on the Lakers/Kobe/whatever on this board, and all I was doing was pointing out my perception of the way you guys are acting. Look at my freakingavatar man, I'm FROM SoCal. I might not be a Laker fan, but I sure as hell can't hate them when 90% of my friends include themselves as one. Butbecause I'm merely pointing out that it's poor form to laugh at someone who's injured, I'm suddenly biased against the Lakers? Wow. Just wow.

Edit: Grammar.
Good call, Slow Motion G3.

With that in mind, if it WERE a serious injury, you would NOT be reading comments like the comments we're reading. We're laughing at him... FIRST because we know he's alright... SECOND because it wasn't a Laker that did it... THIRD because dude is quickly approaching that Bruce Bowen level of hurting people 'accidentally on purpose'... FOURTH because he blatantly clotheslined Kobe Bryant and his team's fans condoned it.
You're all laughing because you knew he was alright? Then please, explain to me why people were posting pictures minutes after the accident happened, before he was even out on the bench.

Fair question. I can't speak for the whole, but for ME, I laughed initially because I thought he was lobbying the refs. I fully expected hisstay on the floor to be a ploy to get the refs to see a 'missed' call. Raja has done this to Kobe before. He feigned being hit in the face momentsbefore clotheslining Kobe in the incident everyone's talking about in here, and later, a slow-motion GIF showed that Kobe's hand NEVER made contactwith Bell's face. But dude acted like Kobe has a razor hidden in his palm and that Kobe had just sliced Bell's face up.
He was grabbing his face, 'checking' for 'blood' andeverything... and Kobe NEVER touched him. I'm POSITIVE someone on here has the GIF.

So I thought he was simply doing that again, feigning injury to lobby the refs into making calls against Kobe.

But then when the cameras came close to him and you could see that he seriously was taking a nap, my opinion COMPLETELY changed. I was watching the game alone,but I remember immediately thinking, "Oh, crap... he's really hurt.
" And then I held my breath and canceled allopinions for the moment, hoping only that he would be o.k. Then when he was helped up and we saw replays of what happened while he was down, all ill feelingswere gone, and I just wanted to see him give me something positive. When he walked out on his own, that was positive. When he returned to the game, that wasVERY positive. So THEN I went back to laughing at him, ONLY because (as mentioned before)... he was o.k.
Everyone's o.k. with the Lakers getting punked (Kobe getting thrown by Raja tinkerBell); no one says anything about it. But when a Laker punks someone (Kobe to Mike Miller's throat) or a Laker opponent gets punked (tinkerBell last night), THEN all of a sudden you guys are calling for peace and class.
Where were you guys at when it was coming our way?

And on that 'fourth': I don't recall you throwing a fit on here about Suns fans being classless. I don't recall reading your words of chastisement towards therm.
Like I said, everyone isn't okay with that . I said myself that it wasn't cool the way some people have responded to that. The only reason you don't recall me chastising them is because A. Look how long I've been on NT and compare that to how many posts I have. I hardly post at all. and B. You Laker fans were doing a good enough job on your own calling out Suns fans for that. You didn't need me throwing my two cents in. In this case, however, no one's saying anything at all about the way you guys are acting, so somebody needed to.

I can understand both of those points, and they're fair. No need for a rebuttal.
And now you want to throw all Laker fans in the same boat, without A) realizing the generalization you're making, or B) realizing that you're satisfying your own bias against the Lakers, and that you're not looking at things objectively?
For one who's accusing me of throwing all Laker fans in the same boat, you're sure sounding awfully close to doing the same thing about me. Like, for example, your assumption that I'm biased against the Lakers because of my comments in one post? This is actually the only time I've EVER commented on the Lakers/Kobe/whatever on this board, and all I was doing was pointing out my perception of the way you guys are acting. Look at my freaking avatar man, I'm FROM SoCal. I might not be a Laker fan, but I sure as hell can't hate them when 90% of my friends include themselves as one. But because I'm merely pointing out that it's poor form to laugh at someone who's injured, I'm suddenly biased against the Lakers? Wow. Just wow.

O.K., that was definitely a value assumption on my part, but here's where it stems: something trivial leads to "I'm really startingto hate Laker fans for that." I think we can agree that this really isn't THAT big of a deal. I mean, if you really think this is a huge deal, then Iguess I have no argument, because the response would match the occasion. If you think that the occasion of us laughing at Raja is a huge travesty, then itwould make sense that it would be greeted with an equally large response, like, "I'm really starting to hate Laker fans because of this."

But if you can agree with me that this isn't that big of a deal, then you can see that, for me, the response is too large to match the occasion. With thatin mind, I definitely did assume you had already had an agenda against the Lakers, even if it was subtle, and that you found something else to satisfy thatagenda.

So my fault on that; placing value assumptions on people works as well as generalizations work.
Yeah, that's fine, and I probably shouldn't have been so aggressive with my statements. I just wanted to get my point across is all.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

*And that's ironic, considering that he calls Laker fans classless
Apparently it's classless to wear a Laker jersey and be a Laker fan, but it's classy to wish death/injury on people you don't know. It's classless to simply be a Laker fan enjoying the game in Phoenix, but it's classy to call said fan a fat, drunk... whatever you said.

Get your head right.

You were not at the game - you don't know the kind of people that were at the game last night.

I'm not saying ALL Fakers fans are classless (although of the ones I've met about 95% of them are). However, the people that were inside the US AirwaysCenter last night that happened to be wearing Fakers jerseys or other clothing items representing the Fakers were either a) fat and obnoxious, or b) drunk, orc) fat, obnoxious, and drunk.
I did not come in contact with a single person wearing a Fakers jersey last night that was "simply a Faker fan enjoying the game in Phoenix" EVERYone of those douchebags either tried to start fights, taunt, scream profanities, or throw things.

It is not just a coincidence that there was triple the normal police presence in and around the arena last night.
There was an officer standing at every other portal as the fans went from the arena to the main concourse after the game ended.

Do you think they were there because of the SUNS fans? The same Suns fans that are there for the 39 home games when we are playing any of the other 29 NBAteams? Somehow I doubt it.
We have a rivalry with the Spurs*
We have tough games against Dallas.
But when we play ONE particular NBA team, the police come out in force?

Like I said, it goes from the top down.
A classless owner that goes out and drives while intoxicated.
A classless head coach who can't coach his way out of a wet paper bag if he doesn't have Michael Jordan or a dominant Shaq on his team, so he has toresort to mind games and insults to opposing players and coaches.
A classless group of players, led by a man who has committed crimes against humanity, ran off teammates and coaches, and is the most arrogant piece of %!$! onthe face of the earth.
And a group of fans who rival only Raiders fans as the most classless fans of any professional sports team in the entire United States of America.

Keep your gangbanging L.A. trash in Cali. Don't come into Arizona with that garbage. We have enough trash here. It's called ASU.

Again, I'm embarrased that there were enough Suns fans that sold their tickets and allowed these classless individuals inside the arena.
Originally Posted by NBAdotcom

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

*And that's ironic, considering that he calls Laker fans classless
Apparently it's classless to wear a Laker jersey and be a Laker fan, but it's classy to wish death/injury on people you don't know. It's classless to simply be a Laker fan enjoying the game in Phoenix, but it's classy to call said fan a fat, drunk... whatever you said.

Get your head right.

You were not at the game - you don't know the kind of people that were at the game last night.

I'm not saying ALL Fakers fans are classless (although of the ones I've met about 95% of them are). However, the people that were inside the US Airways Center last night that happened to be wearing Fakers jerseys or other clothing items representing the Fakers were either a) fat and obnoxious, or b) drunk, or c) fat, obnoxious, and drunk.
I did not come in contact with a single person wearing a Fakers jersey last night that was "simply a Faker fan enjoying the game in Phoenix" EVERY one of those douchebags either tried to start fights, taunt, scream profanities, or throw things.

It is not just a coincidence that there was triple the normal police presence in and around the arena last night.
There was an officer standing at every other portal as the fans went from the arena to the main concourse after the game ended.

Do you think they were there because of the SUNS fans? The same Suns fans that are there for the 39 home games when we are playing any of the other 29 NBA teams? Somehow I doubt it.
We have a rivalry with the Spurs*
We have tough games against Dallas.
But when we play ONE particular NBA team, the police come out in force?

Like I said, it goes from the top down.
A classless owner that goes out and drives while intoxicated.
A classless head coach who can't coach his way out of a wet paper bag if he doesn't have Michael Jordan or a dominant Shaq on his team, so he has to resort to mind games and insults to opposing players and coaches.
A classless group of players, led by a man who has committed crimes against humanity, ran off teammates and coaches, and is the most arrogant piece of %!$! on the face of the earth.
And a group of fans who rival only Raiders fans as the most classless fans of any professional sports team in the entire United States of America.

Keep your gangbanging L.A. trash in Cali. Don't come into Arizona with that garbage. We have enough trash here. It's called ASU.

Again, I'm embarrased that there were enough Suns fans that sold their tickets and allowed these classless individuals inside the arena.

When was this
You are something else Zodogg. How did our sorry bench look last night? And classless is personified by a certain fairy like creature thatintentionally clotheslines another player for NO good reason and a coach who has to be breast fed and burped every 20 seconds because of his constant whining.I thought you were going to jump off of US Airways after the Lakeshow pounded your squad again at home, they are pretty scrappy for a sorry (supposed worstteam in the league according to you) team huh?
This was the biggest regular season game of the year, so blame your own fans forselling the tickets to Laker Nation, they probably got a nice profit from it.
Originally Posted by NBAdotcom

I'm not saying ALL Fakers fans are classless (although of the ones I've met about 95% of them are). However, the people that were inside the US Airways Center last night that happened to be wearing Fakers jerseys or other clothing items representing the Fakers were either a) fat and obnoxious, or b) drunk, or c) fat, obnoxious, and drunk.
I did not come in contact with a single person wearing a Fakers jersey last night that was "simply a Faker fan enjoying the game in Phoenix" [color= rgb(204, 0, 0)]EVERY one of those douchebags either tried to start fights, taunt, scream profanities, or throw things.[/color]

It is not just a coincidence that there was triple the normal police presence in and around the arena last night.
There was an officer standing at every other portal as the fans went from the arena to the main concourse after the game ended.

Do you think they were there because of the SUNS fans? The same Suns fans that are there for the 39 home games when we are playing any of the other 29 NBA teams? Somehow I doubt it.
We have a rivalry with the Spurs*
We have tough games against Dallas.
But when we play ONE particular NBA team, the police come out in force?
Just like the team , people in PHX cant defend (themselves)
Originally Posted by Kookcle

Originally Posted by NBAdotcom

I'm not saying ALL Fakers fans are classless (although of the ones I've met about 95% of them are). However, the people that were inside the US Airways Center last night that happened to be wearing Fakers jerseys or other clothing items representing the Fakers were either a) fat and obnoxious, or b) drunk, or c) fat, obnoxious, and drunk.
I did not come in contact with a single person wearing a Fakers jersey last night that was "simply a Faker fan enjoying the game in Phoenix" [color= rgb(204, 0, 0)]EVERY one of those douchebags either tried to start fights, taunt, scream profanities, or throw things.[/color]

It is not just a coincidence that there was triple the normal police presence in and around the arena last night.
There was an officer standing at every other portal as the fans went from the arena to the main concourse after the game ended.

Do you think they were there because of the SUNS fans? The same Suns fans that are there for the 39 home games when we are playing any of the other 29 NBA teams? Somehow I doubt it.
We have a rivalry with the Spurs*
We have tough games against Dallas.
But when we play ONE particular NBA team, the police come out in force?
Just like the team , people in PHX cant defend (themselves)

- NBAdotcom- simple questions here. They're not going to be that difficult. But they will prove you wrong; maybe not to you, but they will expose thesevere error in your judgment (err... bias).

#1. Did you meet/witness/come in contact with EVERY Laker fan at the game? If not, then you absolutely can NOT say that every Laker fan at the game was either"a) fat and obnoxious, or b) drunk, or c) fat, obnoxious, and drunk. "

So... did you observe them ALL?

#2. A Laker fan comes to the game, minds his own business. Gets taunted and heckled to the point where he finally snaps on someone. You pay no mind to theheckling he endured, but you just so happen to notice when he finally turns around and 'starts something' with one of his hecklers. See, he didn'treally start anything, because the heckling is what started drama. But what do YOU see? You see him 'starting something', like he's supposed tojust be expected to endure the crap being going to give him. If you were the heckler (and I'm positive you have been), you act like your immaturity issupposed to be something he's expected to accept.

So can you tell me with a clear conscience that ALL of the Laker fans causing trouble did so COMPLETELY uninstigated? Can you tell me with a clear conscienceand with all knowledge and honesty that ALL of the Laker fans in scuffles were in scuffles because THEY instigated things? Reminder: this requires you havingfull knowledge of all scuffles involving Laker fans.

#3. You honestly think that there are no classless Suns fans? For real?
Like...because your GM is Steve Kerr, ALL Suns fans are just nice, humble, classy fans, like Steve Kerr? Hell, that trickle down theory can be disproved with yournearest mirror. I am positive Kerr would condone roughly .01% of the crap you type.

#4. Did you ever think that maybe... MAYBE... the police force knew that there was a strong possibility that ignorant, classless Suns fans* would heckleinnocent Lakers fans, ignorant, classless Laker fans would heckle innocent Suns fans, and ignorant, classless Suns fans would heckle ignorant, classless Lakersfans? Did that ever cross your mind? Do you HONESTLY think the police force was thinking 'Oh boy, Lakers are in town tonight. You know those Lakers fans;always starting trouble. Let's go protect our innocent Suns fans, boys!'? You honestly think that?

*Oh wait, you don't even think they exist.
Originally Posted by NBAdotcom

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

*And that's ironic, considering that he calls Laker fans classless
Apparently it's classless to wear a Laker jersey and be a Laker fan, but it's classy to wish death/injury on people you don't know. It's classless to simply be a Laker fan enjoying the game in Phoenix, but it's classy to call said fan a fat, drunk... whatever you said.

Get your head right.

You were not at the game - you don't know the kind of people that were at the game last night.

I'm not saying ALL Fakers fans are classless (although of the ones I've met about 95% of them are). However, the people that were inside the US Airways Center last night that happened to be wearing Fakers jerseys or other clothing items representing the Fakers were either a) fat and obnoxious, or b) drunk, or c) fat, obnoxious, and drunk.
I did not come in contact with a single person wearing a Fakers jersey last night that was "simply a Faker fan enjoying the game in Phoenix" EVERY one of those douchebags either tried to start fights, taunt, scream profanities, or throw things.

It is not just a coincidence that there was triple the normal police presence in and around the arena last night.
There was an officer standing at every other portal as the fans went from the arena to the main concourse after the game ended.

Do you think they were there because of the SUNS fans? The same Suns fans that are there for the 39 home games when we are playing any of the other 29 NBA teams? Somehow I doubt it.
We have a rivalry with the Spurs*
We have tough games against Dallas.
But when we play ONE particular NBA team, the police come out in force?

Like I said, it goes from the top down.
A classless owner that goes out and drives while intoxicated.
A classless head coach who can't coach his way out of a wet paper bag if he doesn't have Michael Jordan or a dominant Shaq on his team, so he has to resort to mind games and insults to opposing players and coaches.
A classless group of players, led by a man who has committed crimes against humanity, ran off teammates and coaches, and is the most arrogant piece of %!$! on the face of the earth.
And a group of fans who rival only Raiders fans as the most classless fans of any professional sports team in the entire United States of America.

Keep your gangbanging L.A. trash in Cali. Don't come into Arizona with that garbage. We have enough trash here. It's called ASU.

Again, I'm embarrased that there were enough Suns fans that sold their tickets and allowed these classless individuals inside the arena.

Just when calm and peace kicked in; this ____ showed up. The biggest Laker Hater / Disillusion PHX fan I have ever seen. Definitely the garbage ofNiketalk.
Originally Posted by NBAdotcom

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

*And that's ironic, considering that he calls Laker fans classless
Apparently it's classless to wear a Laker jersey and be a Laker fan, but it's classy to wish death/injury on people you don't know. It's classless to simply be a Laker fan enjoying the game in Phoenix, but it's classy to call said fan a fat, drunk... whatever you said.

Get your head right.

You were not at the game - you don't know the kind of people that were at the game last night.

I'm not saying ALL Fakers fans are classless (although of the ones I've met about 95% of them are). However, the people that were inside the US Airways Center last night that happened to be wearing Fakers jerseys or other clothing items representing the Fakers were either a) fat and obnoxious, or b) drunk, or c) fat, obnoxious, and drunk.
I did not come in contact with a single person wearing a Fakers jersey last night that was "simply a Faker fan enjoying the game in Phoenix" EVERY one of those douchebags either tried to start fights, taunt, scream profanities, or throw things.

It is not just a coincidence that there was triple the normal police presence in and around the arena last night.
There was an officer standing at every other portal as the fans went from the arena to the main concourse after the game ended.

Do you think they were there because of the SUNS fans? The same Suns fans that are there for the 39 home games when we are playing any of the other 29 NBA teams? Somehow I doubt it.
We have a rivalry with the Spurs*
We have tough games against Dallas.
But when we play ONE particular NBA team, the police come out in force?

Like I said, it goes from the top down.
A classless owner that goes out and drives while intoxicated.
A classless head coach who can't coach his way out of a wet paper bag if he doesn't have Michael Jordan or a dominant Shaq on his team, so he has to resort to mind games and insults to opposing players and coaches.
A classless group of players, led by a man who has committed crimes against humanity, ran off teammates and coaches, and is the most arrogant piece of %!$! on the face of the earth.
And a group of fans who rival only Raiders fans as the most classless fans of any professional sports team in the entire United States of America.

Keep your gangbanging L.A. trash in Cali. Don't come into Arizona with that garbage. We have enough trash here. It's called ASU.

Again, I'm embarrased that there were enough Suns fans that sold their tickets and allowed these classless individuals inside the arena.

That is the most hate-filled rant I've probably ever read. I'm not even mad, I'm impressed, word to Anchorman when hisdog pooped in the refrigerator and ate the whole wheel of cheese.
Originally Posted by NBAdotcom

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

*And that's ironic, considering that he calls Laker fans classless
Apparently it's classless to wear a Laker jersey and be a Laker fan, but it's classy to wish death/injury on people you don't know. It's classless to simply be a Laker fan enjoying the game in Phoenix, but it's classy to call said fan a fat, drunk... whatever you said.

Get your head right.

You were not at the game - you don't know the kind of people that were at the game last night.

I'm not saying ALL Fakers fans are classless (although of the ones I've met about 95% of them are). However, the people that were inside the US Airways Center last night that happened to be wearing Fakers jerseys or other clothing items representing the Fakers were either a) fat and obnoxious, or b) drunk, or c) fat, obnoxious, and drunk.
I did not come in contact with a single person wearing a Fakers jersey last night that was "simply a Faker fan enjoying the game in Phoenix" EVERY one of those douchebags either tried to start fights, taunt, scream profanities, or throw things.

It is not just a coincidence that there was triple the normal police presence in and around the arena last night.
There was an officer standing at every other portal as the fans went from the arena to the main concourse after the game ended.

Do you think they were there because of the SUNS fans? The same Suns fans that are there for the 39 home games when we are playing any of the other 29 NBA teams? Somehow I doubt it.
We have a rivalry with the Spurs*
We have tough games against Dallas.
But when we play ONE particular NBA team, the police come out in force?

Like I said, it goes from the top down.
A classless owner that goes out and drives while intoxicated.
A classless head coach who can't coach his way out of a wet paper bag if he doesn't have Michael Jordan or a dominant Shaq on his team, so he has to resort to mind games and insults to opposing players and coaches.
A classless group of players, led by a man who has committed crimes against humanity, ran off teammates and coaches, and is the most arrogant piece of %!$! on the face of the earth.
And a group of fans who rival only Raiders fans as the most classless fans of any professional sports team in the entire United States of America.

Keep your gangbanging L.A. trash in Cali. Don't come into Arizona with that garbage. We have enough trash here. It's called ASU.

Again, I'm embarrased that there were enough Suns fans that sold their tickets and allowed these classless individuals inside the arena.

Its all so stupid that I don't even want to respond to it.

These long posts about how laker fans are classless, about how we are fat and drunk and on complaining about PHX fans selling THEIR tickets to laker fans aresuch a joke. It was one game in the regular season and instead of talking about how your team lost you want to talk about how many police were at the game andgangbanging in LA. I really don't know and don't care how old you are, but its shameful that you take this so serious.
You were not at the game - you don't know the kind of people that were at the game last night.
So why is it at every laker game I have been to, I have never seen half of the stuff you are talking about? Yeah there are some folks who have toomuch to drink but that happens at every sporting event. But to just bunch every laker fan (95% come on) is just plain stupid.

But its ok. I understand the hate. You know its going to be a very long time before you win anything more then a divison title. I know its bad in PHX when youhang banners for that.

Whoa now, double standard? I would've said the exact same thing no matter who it was if that was the reaction they got. Like I said, I'm not some Suns fan that's just bitter cause Kobe dropped 41 on my team.. I just think it's pathetic how you guys are running around laughing cause someone else got a concussion. Raja's clothesline was just as bad and Suns fans who were laughing at Kobe for that should be just as ashamed of themselves. But so long as we're talking about double standards, look at the way you guys responded to that incident, and then look at the way you guys are reacting to Raja getting hurt. It's the exact same thing you all were chastising before.
But whatever, it's not my team involved here so if you guys are cool with coming off the way you are, then I guess that's up to you.

Who is your team?
Originally Posted by NBAdotcom

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

*And that's ironic, considering that he calls Laker fans classless
Apparently it's classless to wear a Laker jersey and be a Laker fan, but it's classy to wish death/injury on people you don't know. It's classless to simply be a Laker fan enjoying the game in Phoenix, but it's classy to call said fan a fat, drunk... whatever you said.

Get your head right.

You were not at the game - you don't know the kind of people that were at the game last night.

I'm not saying ALL Fakers fans are classless (although of the ones I've met about 95% of them are). However, the people that were inside the US Airways Center last night that happened to be wearing Fakers jerseys or other clothing items representing the Fakers were either a) fat and obnoxious, or b) drunk, or c) fat, obnoxious, and drunk.
I did not come in contact with a single person wearing a Fakers jersey last night that was "simply a Faker fan enjoying the game in Phoenix" EVERY one of those douchebags either tried to start fights, taunt, scream profanities, or throw things.

It is not just a coincidence that there was triple the normal police presence in and around the arena last night.
There was an officer standing at every other portal as the fans went from the arena to the main concourse after the game ended.

Do you think they were there because of the SUNS fans? The same Suns fans that are there for the 39 home games when we are playing any of the other 29 NBA teams? Somehow I doubt it.
We have a rivalry with the Spurs*
We have tough games against Dallas.
But when we play ONE particular NBA team, the police come out in force?

Like I said, it goes from the top down.
A classless owner that goes out and drives while intoxicated.
A classless head coach who can't coach his way out of a wet paper bag if he doesn't have Michael Jordan or a dominant Shaq on his team, so he has to resort to mind games and insults to opposing players and coaches.
A classless group of players, led by a man who has committed crimes against humanity, ran off teammates and coaches, and is the most arrogant piece of %!$! on the face of the earth.
And a group of fans who rival only Raiders fans as the most classless fans of any professional sports team in the entire United States of America.

Keep your gangbanging L.A. trash in Cali. Don't come into Arizona with that garbage. We have enough trash here. It's called ASU.

Again, I'm embarrased that there were enough Suns fans that sold their tickets and allowed these classless individuals inside the arena.

Seek help.
I'm only saying that because I know you honestly feel what you wrote.
And that's not healthy.
i just mainly wanted to point out that Laker fans here are starting to get real annoying, from the Koberiding to the classlessness and overall immaturity. Ofcourse I am NOT implying all are, a good amount are cool in my book, kb8sandiego,ska, and a handful of others are aight to me. the Raja photoshops are takingit a bit too far, especially with most of the stuff kSpec said (which i co-sign). i have always liked Kobe and his game (probably one of the few Warrior fansthat do) BUT his fans are really annoying on this forum. It's a shame cuz the bad Laker fans are ruining the perception of all Laker fans.

and why the heck is this thread still open?
IMO lock this thread up.
Originally Posted by davidisgodly

^ im guessing your a knicks fan... maybe boston... but i know you dont like western conference.

--Wrong my friend. Laker fan all the way. I'm 29, so I 've seen alot of Laker history. I was already 10 yrs old when they beat the Pistons in'88....

--I love reading the entertaining hypocritical statements from zo. Laughing is good for the heart.
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