[color= rgb(255, 255, 0)]NBA DOT COM[/color] always finds a way to ignore my questions so I will make ithard for him this time.
We have a rivalry with the Spurs* We have tough games against Dallas. But when we play ONE particular NBA team, the police come out in force?
You mean you don't know why the police come out? Let me help you out, do you remember Raja Bell clotheslining Kobe in the playoffs? or maybeyou didn't see the forearm that Shaq gave to Kobe for attempting to steal the ball. Or maybe you didn't notice the four step traveling violation thatAmare committed that was not called, yeah that is a crime and he was interrogated after the game. Why is it that every team has issues with the Suns? Someoneis always fighting with, breaking noses, and concussing a member of the Suns. I mean even your own player got tired of seeing Raja get away with so many foulshe decided to take the law into his own hands, Shaq you are out of your jurisdiction by the way.
A classless head coach who can't coach his way out of a wet paper bag if he doesn't have Michael Jordan or a dominant Shaq on his team, so he has to resort to mind games and insults to opposing players and coaches.
Oh boy you live in a glass house on this one. I mean are you meaning to say D'antoni is better? The same coach that didn't inform his teamthat they needed to foul at the end of the game to extend it. Don't say they were out of reach either. Oh you must mean the same coach that runs the"Give the ball to Nash and see what he can do and when that fails lets run our only play the high screen and roll and see what happens" offense. I amdone picking apart your senseless garbage for now. You never make one valid point in your posts. You're like Timbaland (aka Thomas Crown) all Shock Value.

Oh and did anyone else catch the replay of Bell getting hit and as soon as they showed the point of impact the Bell rang in the Arena
Yeah I laughed!
Originally Posted by acidicality

i just mainly wanted to point out that Laker fans here are starting to get real annoying, from the Koberiding to the classlessness and overall immaturity. Of course I am NOT implying all are, a good amount are cool in my book, kb8sandiego,ska, and a handful of others are aight to me. the Raja photoshops are taking it a bit too far, especially with most of the stuff kSpec said (which i co-sign). i have always liked Kobe and his game (probably one of the few Warrior fans that do) BUT his fans are really annoying on this forum. It's a shame cuz the bad Laker fans are ruining the perception of all Laker fans.
I understand that you feel that some of us are annoying. I agree with you. I asked for them to calm down after the victory but here is the thing. Thekobe riders are kobe fans.

This whole thing about class is stupid. Its just a game. People are always going to take some things to far but its just fun and games. Zo takes this veryserious and wishes death on players! Why aren't you on his case? Same thing with kSpec. Why are you riding us but not making one comment on zo?

But it doesn't matter. It really really doesn't.
@ tupac003

Like I said to Ska earlier, the reason why I usually don't weigh in when Zo says anything is because you Laker fans do a good enough job pointing out theidiocy of his statements, kind of like how you guys just spent the past page or so. That, and the fact that everyone knows that every thing he says is about asridiculous as everything FR3SH says. Why I spoke up regarding this whole Raja thing though, is because you guys were acting just like he does on a regularbasis, when you guys are typically the ones going off when he wishes injury on Kobe or whoever.

As I've said, I don't think it's cool when he does it, and likewise, it's not cool when you guys do it either.
Originally Posted by kSpec

@ tupac003

Like I said to Ska earlier, the reason why I usually don't weigh in when Zo says anything is because you Laker fans do a good enough job pointing out the idiocy of his statements, kind of like how you guys just spent the past page or so. That, and the fact that everyone knows that every thing he says is about as ridiculous as everything FR3SH says. Why I spoke up regarding this whole Raja thing though, is because you guys were acting just like he does on a regular basis, when you guys are typically the ones going off when he wishes injury on Kobe or whoever.

As I've said, I don't think it's cool when he does it, and likewise, it's not cool when you guys do it either.
I understand that and there is nothing wrong with that.

I just think some things are taken to serious. The pics might have been overboard but those things always happen. Just like the wade injury there were so manypics out there that were funny. They were funny because people were just making light of the injury. Everybody wanted wade to get better but there is nothingwrong with poking a little fun at some injuries.

But we all know when not to laugh at some things. Raja you can laugh at but Kevin nobody in thier right mind would laugh at that.
If anyone on here takes anything zodogg posts and says serious then they seriously need a REALITY check.

This is a guy who calls Laker fans and other people on here class less but yet dont forget this guys background here on NT.

-The guy has had at least 4 NT ID's banned in less than 2 years here on NT.
-The guy wishes death on certain players.

These arent lies or are made up.These are all facts.
Originally Posted by NBAdotcom

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

*And that's ironic, considering that he calls Laker fans classless
Apparently it's classless to wear a Laker jersey and be a Laker fan, but it's classy to wish death/injury on people you don't know. It's classless to simply be a Laker fan enjoying the game in Phoenix, but it's classy to call said fan a fat, drunk... whatever you said.

Get your head right.

You were not at the game - you don't know the kind of people that were at the game last night.

I'm not saying ALL Fakers fans are classless (although of the ones I've met about 95% of them are). However, the people that were inside the US Airways Center last night that happened to be wearing Fakers jerseys or other clothing items representing the Fakers were either a) fat and obnoxious, or b) drunk, or c) fat, obnoxious, and drunk.
I did not come in contact with a single person wearing a Fakers jersey last night that was "simply a Faker fan enjoying the game in Phoenix" EVERY one of those douchebags either tried to start fights, taunt, scream profanities, or throw things.

It is not just a coincidence that there was triple the normal police presence in and around the arena last night.
There was an officer standing at every other portal as the fans went from the arena to the main concourse after the game ended.

Do you think they were there because of the SUNS fans? The same Suns fans that are there for the 39 home games when we are playing any of the other 29 NBA teams? Somehow I doubt it.
We have a rivalry with the Spurs*
We have tough games against Dallas.
But when we play ONE particular NBA team, the police come out in force?

Like I said, it goes from the top down.
A classless owner that goes out and drives while intoxicated.
A classless head coach who can't coach his way out of a wet paper bag if he doesn't have Michael Jordan or a dominant Shaq on his team, so he has to resort to mind games and insults to opposing players and coaches.
A classless group of players, led by a man who has committed crimes against humanity, ran off teammates and coaches, and is the most arrogant piece of %!$! on the face of the earth.
And a group of fans who rival only Raiders fans as the most classless fans of any professional sports team in the entire United States of America.

Keep your gangbanging L.A. trash in Cali. Don't come into Arizona with that garbage. We have enough trash here. It's called ASU.

Again, I'm embarrased that there were enough Suns fans that sold their tickets and allowed these classless individuals inside the arena.
dude...when its all said and done, tell the devil I said hi...
NBAdotcom wrote:
23ska909red02 wrote:
*And that's ironic, considering that he calls Laker fans classless
Apparently it's classless to wear a Laker jersey and be a Laker fan, but it's classy to wish death/injury on people you don't know. It's classless to simply be a Laker fan enjoying the game in Phoenix, but it's classy to call said fan a fat, drunk... whatever you said.

Get your head right.

You were not at the game - you don't know the kind of people that were at the game last night.

I'm not saying ALL Fakers fans are classless (although of the ones I've met about 95% of them are). However, the people that were inside the US Airways Center last night that happened to be wearing Fakers jerseys or other clothing items representing the Fakers were either a) fat and obnoxious, or b) drunk, or c) fat, obnoxious, and drunk.
I did not come in contact with a single person wearing a Fakers jersey last night that was "simply a Faker fan enjoying the game in Phoenix" EVERY one of those douchebags either tried to start fights, taunt, scream profanities, or throw things.

It is not just a coincidence that there was triple the normal police presence in and around the arena last night.
There was an officer standing at every other portal as the fans went from the arena to the main concourse after the game ended.

Do you think they were there because of the SUNS fans? The same Suns fans that are there for the 39 home games when we are playing any of the other 29 NBA teams? Somehow I doubt it.
We have a rivalry with the Spurs*
We have tough games against Dallas.
But when we play ONE particular NBA team, the police come out in force?

Like I said, it goes from the top down.
A classless owner that goes out and drives while intoxicated.
A classless head coach who can't coach his way out of a wet paper bag if he doesn't have Michael Jordan or a dominant Shaq on his team, so he has to resort to mind games and insults to opposing players and coaches.
A classless group of players, led by a man who has committed crimes against humanity, ran off teammates and coaches, and is the most arrogant piece of %!$! on the face of the earth.
And a group of fans who rival only Raiders fans as the most classless fans of any professional sports team in the entire United States of America.

Keep your gangbanging L.A. trash in Cali. Don't come into Arizona with that garbage. We have enough trash here. It's called ASU.

Again, I'm embarrased that there were enough Suns fans that sold their tickets and allowed these classless individuals inside the arena.

You must really hate me then.

The Lakers fans in PHX came out in full force.
Originally Posted by NBAdotcom

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

*And that's ironic, considering that he calls Laker fans classless
Apparently it's classless to wear a Laker jersey and be a Laker fan, but it's classy to wish death/injury on people you don't know. It's classless to simply be a Laker fan enjoying the game in Phoenix, but it's classy to call said fan a fat, drunk... whatever you said.

Get your head right.

You were not at the game - you don't know the kind of people that were at the game last night.

I'm not saying ALL Fakers fans are classless (although of the ones I've met about 95% of them are). However, the people that were inside the US Airways Center last night that happened to be wearing Fakers jerseys or other clothing items representing the Fakers were either a) fat and obnoxious, or b) drunk, or c) fat, obnoxious, and drunk.
I did not come in contact with a single person wearing a Fakers jersey last night that was "simply a Faker fan enjoying the game in Phoenix" EVERY one of those douchebags either tried to start fights, taunt, scream profanities, or throw things.

It is not just a coincidence that there was triple the normal police presence in and around the arena last night.
There was an officer standing at every other portal as the fans went from the arena to the main concourse after the game ended.

Do you think they were there because of the SUNS fans? The same Suns fans that are there for the 39 home games when we are playing any of the other 29 NBA teams? Somehow I doubt it.
We have a rivalry with the Spurs*
We have tough games against Dallas.
But when we play ONE particular NBA team, the police come out in force?

Like I said, it goes from the top down.
A classless owner that goes out and drives while intoxicated.
A classless head coach who can't coach his way out of a wet paper bag if he doesn't have Michael Jordan or a dominant Shaq on his team, so he has to resort to mind games and insults to opposing players and coaches.
A classless group of players, led by a man who has committed crimes against humanity, ran off teammates and coaches, and is the most arrogant piece of %!$! on the face of the earth.
And a group of fans who rival only Raiders fans as the most classless fans of any professional sports team in the entire United States of America.

Keep your gangbanging L.A. trash in Cali. Don't come into Arizona with that garbage. We have enough trash here. It's called ASU.

Again, I'm embarrased that there were enough Suns fans that sold their tickets and allowed these classless individuals inside the arena.

Damn Zo, you are salty.

I'd be salty too if my team went down 3-1 in a season series against the team I hated the most. Hell I'd even be salty too at the fact that myfavorite team's head coach doesn't want to see my most hated team in the playoffs either.
Not that it matters or anything in regards to what happensin the regular season.

Wait doesn't Shaq still hate Kobe with a passion? according to you?


I mean, from the looks of things, since Kobe is a dirty player, I think Kobe may have told Shaq something about taking out Raja during the game.


"Once your a Laker, you're a Laker for life."
Ain't that right Shaq?
Originally Posted by acidicality

i just mainly wanted to point out that Laker fans here are starting to get real annoying, from the Koberiding to the classlessness and overall immaturity. Of course I am NOT implying all are, a good amount are cool in my book, kb8sandiego,ska, and a handful of others are aight to me. the Raja photoshops are taking it a bit too far, especially with most of the stuff kSpec said (which i co-sign). i have always liked Kobe and his game (probably one of the few Warrior fans that do) BUT his fans are really annoying on this forum. It's a shame cuz the bad Laker fans are ruining the perception of all Laker fans.

and why the heck is this thread still open?
IMO lock this thread up.
I totally understand were you're coming from bro. Some of the Lakers fans on this board are
Like homie who said fit us up for the rings right now.
It's cool to have confidence in your team, but what the hell.
If Kobe had been traded, I doubt you would see half of the team Lakers sigs.
Don't let the perception of a few alot of annoying fans and homers make you hate the entire team.
ive said this before ignore zodogg...hes a goof...arizona is the best state ever..our teams are the best...BLAH BLAH...shoo he aint got nothing on caLiforniawestcoast baby!...anyways i bet he got punked by a Laker fan Last night and hes taking it out on aLL the Laker fans here on niketaLk
...zodogg honestLy man for aLL the crap you say about us Laker fans i bet u donthave the guts to say it in person because you sir are a niketaLk gangster (kinda how eazy e caLLed snoop and dre studio gangsters)
Keep your gangbanging L.A. trash in Cali. Don't come into Arizona with that garbage. We have enough trash here. It's called ASU.
this part had me laughing pretty good...son even talked trash about his college team. lol
The things people say...

Sometimes I don't want to use my Team Lakers sig, because I'm afraid of my opinions not being taken seriously... Solely because of the fact thatI'm a Laker fan, but I gotta show love for my team...
It's funny when I read Zodogg's idiotic comments about the Lakers and their fans (me being one of them). It's easy to hate on him based on hissalty remarks, but in a way, I do understand why he's being bitter.

The Los Angeles Lakers are the New York Yankees or the Dallas Cowboys of the NBA, plain and simple. Our franchise has had one of the greatest histories in thehistory of sports, period. Look at all the "greater than life" superstars that we've had, the MVP trophies, the winningest franchise in NBAhistory, the celebrities in the stands, the top selling merchandise every year, one of the best arenas in the league, and most importantly the CHAMPIONSHIPbanners in the stands. So am I surprised that a bitter, angry, disheartened Suns fan like Zodogg hates us? Absolutely not. He'd be crazy not to!

Here's another reason for his anger. The Phoenix Suns are arguably the most cursed franchise in the NBA:

- Let's look at geography first shall we. They play in Arizona. Why in the world would the NBA even want a team from a state that has contributed NOTHINGto this great country except for a big hole in the ground (word to the Grand Canyon) win the title? And I've been to Phoenix. Seriously, who in their rightmind would want to live there in the first place? I can understand that it's probably a lot safer than LA. But come on, it's boiling HOT about 80% ofthe year and freezing cold the rest. I think Zodogg needs the ocean breeze to cool him off. Oh wait, they don't have an ocean

- They had one of the Top 3 power forwards in the history in the NBA (Chuck) play for them in the prime of his career and he was surrounded by a pretty goodsupporting cast with guys like Kevin Johnson, Dan Majerle, Danny Ainge, Danny Manning, AC Green, Wesley Person, etc. for at least a 3-year span and STILL couldnot manage even ONE championship from that group. It's understandable in '93 when they lost to the Bulls (they had MJ after all) but losing/choking tothe Houston Rockets (they led 2-0 in both series with them, 3-1 in '95) who was a team they were favored to beat (word to Mario Elie).

- They traded Chuck and got Robert Horry and Sam Cassell. Not a bad deal, but the fact that Horry would throw a towel at his own coach, be traded to the Lakersand then watch him win 3 rings with their division rival must have hurt big time.

- They traded for Jason Kidd (who was already a prime NBA guard at the time) and who did they surround him with? Jake Tsakalidis? A Penny Hardaway on his waysouth?

- Stephon Marbury (I don't even need to say anything about that)

- Now they have this current group led by one of the most clueless coaches in the NBA, a guy who gets easily rattled mentally by the refs, the other teams'coaches, and even his own team's fans! A coach who cannot even mentally discipline his own team. Suns fans, blame David Stern all you want. But the factthat Amare was not disciplined enough to stay on the bench when Nash got checked by Horry proves that Phoenix just doesn't have the mentality to win itall. They traded their best player (Marion) and basically sold out by giving up on the system they've believed in this whole time. This was a franchisethat simply pushed the panic button because of the Gasol trade, and now they will pay the consequences.

Let's lock this thread already. Lakers WON, Suns LOST. Get over it Suns fans. Zodogg needs to get dropped off in Skid Row.

It's over now, see you in the playoffs Phoenix
Originally Posted by G00NIE GOO GOO

It's funny when I read Zodogg's idiotic comments about the Lakers and their fans (me being one of them). It's easy to hate on him based on his salty remarks, but in a way, I do understand why he's being bitter.

The Los Angeles Lakers are the New York Yankees or the Dallas Cowboys of the NBA, plain and simple. Our franchise has had one of the greatest histories in the history of sports, period. Look at all the "greater than life" superstars that we've had, the MVP trophies, the winningest franchise in NBA history, the celebrities in the stands, the top selling merchandise every year, one of the best arenas in the league, and most importantly the CHAMPIONSHIP banners in the stands. So am I surprised that a bitter, angry, disheartened Suns fan like Zodogg hates us? Absolutely not. He'd be crazy not to!

Here's another reason for his anger. The Phoenix Suns are arguably the most cursed franchise in the NBA:

- Let's look at geography first shall we. They play in Arizona. Why in the world would the NBA even want a team from a state that has contributed NOTHING to this great country except for a big hole in the ground (word to the Grand Canyon) win the title? And I've been to Phoenix. Seriously, who in their right mind would want to live there in the first place? I can understand that it's probably a lot safer than LA. But come on, it's boiling HOT about 80% of the year and freezing cold the rest. I think Zodogg needs the ocean breeze to cool him off. Oh wait, they don't have an ocean

- They had one of the Top 3 power forwards in the history in the NBA (Chuck) play for them in the prime of his career and he was surrounded by a pretty good supporting cast with guys like Kevin Johnson, Dan Majerle, Danny Ainge, Danny Manning, AC Green, Wesley Person, etc. for at least a 3-year span and STILL could not manage even ONE championship from that group. It's understandable in '93 when they lost to the Bulls (they had MJ after all) but losing/choking to the Houston Rockets (they led 2-0 in both series with them, 3-1 in '95) who was a team they were favored to beat (word to Mario Elie).

- They traded Chuck and got Robert Horry and Sam Cassell. Not a bad deal, but the fact that Horry would throw a towel at his own coach, be traded to the Lakers and then watch him win 3 rings with their division rival must have hurt big time.

- They traded for Jason Kidd (who was already a prime NBA guard at the time) and who did they surround him with? Jake Tsakalidis? A Penny Hardaway on his way south?

- Stephon Marbury (I don't even need to say anything about that)

- Now they have this current group led by one of the most clueless coaches in the NBA, a guy who gets easily rattled mentally by the refs, the other teams' coaches, and even his own team's fans! A coach who cannot even mentally discipline his own team. Suns fans, blame David Stern all you want. But the fact that Amare was not disciplined enough to stay on the bench when Nash got checked by Horry proves that Phoenix just doesn't have the mentality to win it all. They traded their best player (Marion) and basically sold out by giving up on the system they've believed in this whole time. This was a franchise that simply pushed the panic button because of the Gasol trade, and now they will pay the consequences.

Let's lock this thread already. Lakers WON, Suns LOST. Get over it Suns fans. Zodogg needs to get dropped off in Skid Row.

It's over now, see you in the playoffs Phoenix

*stands up and claps*
i dont understand why the suns fans dont call for dantoni to be fired. i think he is the main reason why this team does not play defense...
^ I absolutely agree, and I've said that for about a year now. That's why I came up with the nicknameD'Anphony; dude is fraudulent.

It can NOT be an accident or coincidence that PHX is one of the floppingest teams in the league, battling the Spurs for the flopping title. The thing is (Ibelieve I already said this in the thread waaaaaay earlier), the Spurs play good defense AND they flop; they do both. THAT'S why they have all these titlesthis decade; they play a mixture of good defense AND 'bail-out, frustrating flop defense'.

The Suns? The reason the Suns have zero titles is because they ONLY play 'bail-out, frustrating flop defense'; the only other defense they play is'Ole!' defense. 'Good defense' is nowhere to be found.

It's funny when I read Zodogg's idiotic comments about the Lakers and their fans (me being one of them). It's easy to hate on him based on his salty remarks, but in a way, I do understand why he's being bitter.

The Los Angeles Lakers are the New York Yankees or the Dallas Cowboys of the NBA, plain and simple. Our franchise has had one of the greatest histories in the history of sports, period. Look at all the "greater than life" superstars that we've had, the MVP trophies, the winningest franchise in NBA history, the celebrities in the stands, the top selling merchandise every year, one of the best arenas in the league, and most importantly the CHAMPIONSHIP banners in the stands. So am I surprised that a bitter, angry, disheartened Suns fan like Zodogg hates us? Absolutely not. He'd be crazy not to!

Here's another reason for his anger. The Phoenix Suns are arguably the most cursed franchise in the NBA:

- Let's look at geography first shall we. They play in Arizona. Why in the world would the NBA even want a team from a state that has contributed NOTHING to this great country except for a big hole in the ground (word to the Grand Canyon) win the title? And I've been to Phoenix. Seriously, who in their right mind would want to live there in the first place? I can understand that it's probably a lot safer than LA. But come on, it's boiling HOT about 80% of the year and freezing cold the rest. I think Zodogg needs the ocean breeze to cool him off. Oh wait, they don't have an ocean

- They had one of the Top 3 power forwards in the history in the NBA (Chuck) play for them in the prime of his career and he was surrounded by a pretty good supporting cast with guys like Kevin Johnson, Dan Majerle, Danny Ainge, Danny Manning, AC Green, Wesley Person, etc. for at least a 3-year span and STILL could not manage even ONE championship from that group. It's understandable in '93 when they lost to the Bulls (they had MJ after all) but losing/choking to the Houston Rockets (they led 2-0 in both series with them, 3-1 in '95) who was a team they were favored to beat (word to Mario Elie).

- They traded Chuck and got Robert Horry and Sam Cassell. Not a bad deal, but the fact that Horry would throw a towel at his own coach, be traded to the Lakers and then watch him win 3 rings with their division rival must have hurt big time.

- They traded for Jason Kidd (who was already a prime NBA guard at the time) and who did they surround him with? Jake Tsakalidis? A Penny Hardaway on his way south?

- Stephon Marbury (I don't even need to say anything about that)

- Now they have this current group led by one of the most clueless coaches in the NBA, a guy who gets easily rattled mentally by the refs, the other teams' coaches, and even his own team's fans! A coach who cannot even mentally discipline his own team. Suns fans, blame David Stern all you want. But the fact that Amare was not disciplined enough to stay on the bench when Nash got checked by Horry proves that Phoenix just doesn't have the mentality to win it all. They traded their best player (Marion) and basically sold out by giving up on the system they've believed in this whole time. This was a franchise that simply pushed the panic button because of the Gasol trade, and now they will pay the consequences.

Let's lock this thread already. Lakers WON, Suns LOST. Get over it Suns fans. Zodogg needs to get dropped off in Skid Row.

It's over now, see you in the playoffs Phoenix


The thing that's funny to me about D'Anphony is this: NBAdotcom would defend Mike vehemently, as long asMike stays a Sun.

That's fine.

And NBAdotcom loves Matrix.

Cool, cool; nothing wrong with that.

So when Matrix leaves for Miami and meets up with Riley, Pat asks him 'Alright, here's a few plays we've got for you. What kinds of plays did theyusually run for you in PHX?' Shawn answers 'Oh, they never ran any plays for me. I'm not used to that.'


How the heck is D'Anphony a good coach when he didn't have any plays for freaking Shawn Marion? I know dude gets a ton of hustle points, but Ididn't know it was SUPPOSED to be like that.

I saw that on either ESPN or TNT or ABC before Marion's first game with the Heat; they did a little piece about Marion's welcome in Miami, and Rileytalked about that.
How the heck is D'Anphony a good coach when he didn't have any plays for freaking Shawn Marion?
The only play Matrix had with us was a pick and roll with Diaw and had an easy oop. Dude can't make his own shot, still a good player tho.
Lock this post. Suns and lakers need to work on D cuz that final score was waaaay too high. If Laker fans from LA went to phoenix and messed it up thats onthem. I do see a sense of frustration considering mos the fans I c in that crowd r old season ticket holding residents. If any1 goin to Laer gaes hit me up cuzI should b at em the rest of the season and playoffs. Been an OG NT laker lover since the beginning and livin LA. I recall getting suspeded with mingyao11waaay back in the da and battling Laker haters. It aint worth it. If we win lets just look foward to the next gae and go from there. We do need to stop reusingthese game posts for comments. We have an official Laker Season post for that.
Originally Posted by G00NIE GOO GOO

It's funny when I read Zodogg's idiotic comments about the Lakers and their fans (me being one of them). It's easy to hate on him based on his salty remarks, but in a way, I do understand why he's being bitter.

The Los Angeles Lakers are the New York Yankees or the Dallas Cowboys of the NBA, plain and simple. Our franchise has had one of the greatest histories in the history of sports, period. Look at all the "greater than life" superstars that we've had, the MVP trophies, the winningest franchise in NBA history, the celebrities in the stands, the top selling merchandise every year, one of the best arenas in the league, and most importantly the CHAMPIONSHIP banners in the stands. So am I surprised that a bitter, angry, disheartened Suns fan like Zodogg hates us? Absolutely not. He'd be crazy not to!

Here's another reason for his anger. The Phoenix Suns are arguably the most cursed franchise in the NBA:

- Let's look at geography first shall we. They play in Arizona. Why in the world would the NBA even want a team from a state that has contributed NOTHING to this great country except for a big hole in the ground (word to the Grand Canyon) win the title? And I've been to Phoenix. Seriously, who in their right mind would want to live there in the first place? I can understand that it's probably a lot safer than LA. But come on, it's boiling HOT about 80% of the year and freezing cold the rest. I think Zodogg needs the ocean breeze to cool him off. Oh wait, they don't have an ocean

- They had one of the Top 3 power forwards in the history in the NBA (Chuck) play for them in the prime of his career and he was surrounded by a pretty good supporting cast with guys like Kevin Johnson, Dan Majerle, Danny Ainge, Danny Manning, AC Green, Wesley Person, etc. for at least a 3-year span and STILL could not manage even ONE championship from that group. It's understandable in '93 when they lost to the Bulls (they had MJ after all) but losing/choking to the Houston Rockets (they led 2-0 in both series with them, 3-1 in '95) who was a team they were favored to beat (word to Mario Elie).

- They traded Chuck and got Robert Horry and Sam Cassell. Not a bad deal, but the fact that Horry would throw a towel at his own coach, be traded to the Lakers and then watch him win 3 rings with their division rival must have hurt big time.

- They traded for Jason Kidd (who was already a prime NBA guard at the time) and who did they surround him with? Jake Tsakalidis? A Penny Hardaway on his way south?

- Stephon Marbury (I don't even need to say anything about that)

- Now they have this current group led by one of the most clueless coaches in the NBA, a guy who gets easily rattled mentally by the refs, the other teams' coaches, and even his own team's fans! A coach who cannot even mentally discipline his own team. Suns fans, blame David Stern all you want. But the fact that Amare was not disciplined enough to stay on the bench when Nash got checked by Horry proves that Phoenix just doesn't have the mentality to win it all. They traded their best player (Marion) and basically sold out by giving up on the system they've believed in this whole time. This was a franchise that simply pushed the panic button because of the Gasol trade, and now they will pay the consequences.

Let's lock this thread already. Lakers WON, Suns LOST. Get over it Suns fans. Zodogg needs to get dropped off in Skid Row.

It's over now, see you in the playoffs Phoenix

WOW! That's some sobering stuff right there.
Originally Posted by G00NIE GOO GOO

It's funny when I read Zodogg's idiotic comments about the Lakers and their fans (me being one of them). It's easy to hate on him based on his salty remarks, but in a way, I do understand why he's being bitter.

The Los Angeles Lakers are the New York Yankees or the Dallas Cowboys of the NBA, plain and simple. Our franchise has had one of the greatest histories in the history of sports, period. Look at all the "greater than life" superstars that we've had, the MVP trophies, the winningest franchise in NBA history, the celebrities in the stands, the top selling merchandise every year, one of the best arenas in the league, and most importantly the CHAMPIONSHIP banners in the stands. So am I surprised that a bitter, angry, disheartened Suns fan like Zodogg hates us? Absolutely not. He'd be crazy not to!

Here's another reason for his anger. The Phoenix Suns are arguably the most cursed franchise in the NBA:

- Let's look at geography first shall we. They play in Arizona. Why in the world would the NBA even want a team from a state that has contributed NOTHING to this great country except for a big hole in the ground (word to the Grand Canyon) win the title? And I've been to Phoenix. Seriously, who in their right mind would want to live there in the first place? I can understand that it's probably a lot safer than LA. But come on, it's boiling HOT about 80% of the year and freezing cold the rest. I think Zodogg needs the ocean breeze to cool him off. Oh wait, they don't have an ocean

- They had one of the Top 3 power forwards in the history in the NBA (Chuck) play for them in the prime of his career and he was surrounded by a pretty good supporting cast with guys like Kevin Johnson, Dan Majerle, Danny Ainge, Danny Manning, AC Green, Wesley Person, etc. for at least a 3-year span and STILL could not manage even ONE championship from that group. It's understandable in '93 when they lost to the Bulls (they had MJ after all) but losing/choking to the Houston Rockets (they led 2-0 in both series with them, 3-1 in '95) who was a team they were favored to beat (word to Mario Elie).

- They traded Chuck and got Robert Horry and Sam Cassell. Not a bad deal, but the fact that Horry would throw a towel at his own coach, be traded to the Lakers and then watch him win 3 rings with their division rival must have hurt big time.

- They traded for Jason Kidd (who was already a prime NBA guard at the time) and who did they surround him with? Jake Tsakalidis? A Penny Hardaway on his way south?

- Stephon Marbury (I don't even need to say anything about that)

- Now they have this current group led by one of the most clueless coaches in the NBA, a guy who gets easily rattled mentally by the refs, the other teams' coaches, and even his own team's fans! A coach who cannot even mentally discipline his own team. Suns fans, blame David Stern all you want. But the fact that Amare was not disciplined enough to stay on the bench when Nash got checked by Horry proves that Phoenix just doesn't have the mentality to win it all. They traded their best player (Marion) and basically sold out by giving up on the system they've believed in this whole time. This was a franchise that simply pushed the panic button because of the Gasol trade, and now they will pay the consequences.

Let's lock this thread already. Lakers WON, Suns LOST. Get over it Suns fans. Zodogg needs to get dropped off in Skid Row.

It's over now, see you in the playoffs Phoenix

Written pifferation!

Zobum makes Fresh a good person in comparison. He throws the word "class" around, when he doesn't even have a single cell of class in hisbody.
Originally Posted by NobleKane

i dont understand why the suns fans dont call for dantoni to be fired. i think he is the main reason why this team does not play defense...

I've simply resorted to calling him Mike antoni since there ain't no D out there in the land of the Sun.
Why is everyone minding what LoDoggs says. Dude was attention _hore the last two seasons when Suns made the playoffs. Now that they're on the decline, ipredict he will fade into bolivian (word to iron mike) and he'll just be one of those OPs that roots for a fringe team.
Lakers are here, Lakers will always be here, you and your suns had your fifteen minutes of fame, now go somewhere and wallow.
Suns are still the same team with this trade. A good team in the regular season and simply a team that isn't good enough to win 16 games in the playoffs;its not going to happen for this group.

Nash will go down as the worst 2-time MVP of all time. Never took a stacked team to the Finals.

Magic could have taken this team to the Finals, Stockton would have given them some defence, Isiah would have dominated when necessary.

This season is just going to further make the case that Nash doesn't belong with those players, to be on the cusp is an accomplishment but I've neverunderstood the people who think Nash is the best player in the game today. He still can't guard a mail-box.
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