Official: Lakers @ Thunder Game 3 1st Round 4/22 6:30PM PST Game On TNT HD: Lakers Up 2-0

great games tonight....
besides suns/blazers....

OKC must be hype as hell right now....
Breaking News:  The Thunder were just awarded 2 more free throws after the buzzer ended.
Props to OKC on their 1st playoff win

But I can't even be mad tho, cause for one I thought we were gonna get blown out, and also my cowboys came up big tonight in the draft
...................see y'all on sat
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

Okc now has more playoff wins then Memphis does in there history

Kobe's just getting old. Or is old. It Happens.

Gota feed the big guys.
Props to OKC on their 1st playoff win

But I can't even be mad tho, cause for one I thought we were gonna get blown out, and also my cowboys came up big tonight in the draft
...................see y'all on sat
Props to the Thunder.

Durant & RW were beasts in the 4th quarter.


Fisher is useless on the defensive side.

I like this OKC squad. It's sorta the same feeling I had last year when the Lakers had to play the Magic.  There's nobody you can hate on.  These are young dudes who are hungry and are gonna be making some noise in the future. 
We deserved to lose this game guys. We simply got outhustled and outplayed. Everyone is to blame, everyone. Respect to the Thunder, they played great. No need to panic anyone, just hope kobe gets his *%!# together. Off to game 3 see you then.
Originally Posted by dapurplengold213

we lost this because of kobe.

I still want to see the replay of the foul on durant by artest that gave him 2 free throws !

Not really, he made his adjustments. We lost this game because we couldn't stop Westbrook when it mattered most.
Originally Posted by solefob

Breaking News:  The Thunder were just awarded 2 more free throws after the buzzer ended.

Breaking news: The Lakers just launched another ill-advised three without even trying to get the ball inside.
Kobe looks done but the offense looks fine if he tries to distribute the ball rather than shoot 3 pointers.

He should either drive to the basket or pass. No long range jumpers

What the hell is wrong with Lamar though? He looks worse than Kobe as if that was possible

Oklahoma's defense these past 3 games has been amazing.

Phil Jackson is getting out coached.
Originally Posted by mosk33toe


yea i was gonna say that....

wow..... kobe *##*!%+ bryant......WOW

also i predicted thunder by 6 and this idiot misses the free throw at the end...smh
could have win if they take the Thunder a little more serious. Lakers cockiness always killed them in the 3rd quarter
Damn, Kobe let them off the hook by not playing the team game.

We got bad Kobe tonight

That 8-2 run by OKC when Kobe was playing 1-on-5 seemed to decide the game. He didn't pass the damn ball to Bynum when he got wide open in the lane. Went into trust mode too late.

Good call or bad on the foul on Artest, it happens (see the charge on Durant in the previous game). It wouldn't ha e been so bad had things not gone poorly earlier in the quarter.
Originally Posted by imINchucks5

kobe shot us out the *%%%*@% game that 4th god
the +$*%** truth. couldnt stand to watch him launch time after time.

Oh well, time for Game 4...
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