Official: Lakers vs. Celtics 2/18 7:30PM PST Game On TNT HD

When's the last time Fisher had to create his own shot? Nice one.
So much for not needing Kobe, smh....

lol @ Boston collapsing vs a Kobeless Lakers.

Once again Pau chokes in the clutch
Originally Posted by ERASCISM

I don't think you guys give Perkins enough credit. He's as good as it gets defensively.
And it was said, but people couldn't believe why he was invited to the USA team.

But I can't believe we actually just won in LA

Originally Posted by streethoopkilla

here comes the bashing for FISH, and BROWN ima love this
are we supposed to complement Fisher and Brown for playing bad? What do you think we are gonna do if Kobe played bad we are gonna say he sucks when he does good we love him #$%# and sit down
Pau, stop being a little %+%%+ at the end of games.

Fish.....why are you even still on the team?

Kobe come back next game please.
and lmao fisher for the winning shot? the $%#*, should be artest damn . anyways good game, only lost by 1 without kobe. im ok with that
damn. i wish we had kobe for that situation. good game boston its always intense when we play u guys.
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