seriously, if we can steal game 2 it'd be HUGE. we can win at least 1 at home and would be up 3-1. then we'd just need to win 1 out of the last 3 tofinish the series. wednesday is gonna be amazing either way
It's only game 1, sure. I dig that. Series is definitely not over. But go back and read the first 5 pages of this thread and some Lakers fans are saltythat some Rockets fans are 'getting their comments in?'


Go back and read what some of your peers were saying. As if this series was gonna be a walk in the park.

It's definitely not over, but like I been saying. This is going to be a competitive series. As we saw with Houston stealing game 1. Nobody from LA even letthe thought cross their mind. Well, as the saying goes, the series doesn't really start until a road team wins one.

It just got real.
Originally Posted by blackxme

Originally Posted by JordanHead2

Originally Posted by blackxme

Some how I knew all these Laker fans would come in here and make up excuse if they lost. So you're rusty, so kobe is sick, the officiating was bad...just shut the hell up.
The Rockets did what they needed to do to win. Point blank. And quite frankly we didn't play that great of a game. We had way too many turnovers on key possessions and
we missed some shots we normally make.
I'm sure as hell not. I guarantee you that if the Lakeshow won, half you dudes would be complaining too.
No, not really. What would I have to complain about. Aren't the Lakers the better team? Aren't they supposed to beat our brains in? Aren't the Rockets just some bums?
How would I know? The outcome would have been different and obviously the game itself would have been different. I'm sure some of you guys(not saying you) would find something to blame the loss on just like we are.

but yes the Lakers are the better squad and we should've demolished the Rockets... but we didn't so I can't say +!*%.
We will be crunk over here in the H for our home games cuz ill be ther reppin for game 3 and 4.. Got some tight seats.
Originally Posted by solefob

for all those people who complain about Kobe taking too many jumpers. Do you guys say the same thing when he's making them? Thats his game. Also do you notice that when he does drive it he's crowded by two or three players. He knows basketball better than all of us and knows what to do to be most effective.

Aaron Brooks just played really well tonight and the Lakers didn't have a good offensive game and the game was still close throughout.
The Rockets can't play any better and the Lakers can't play much worse and Phil's biggest strength as a coach in the playoffs is the game to game adjustments that he makes.

This is where Phil Jackson shows why he is a great coach. Let him wipe this pansies into shape! Anyways all this means is any of us fans (Me) who thought thiswas going to be a sweep is sadly mistaken, this is going to be a 7 game series and going to be heartache for both Laker and Rockets fans
I was sayin the Ron bugged out with the hair cut but now that I see what it's not bad....I mean I wouldn't get it, but it's cool forthis...
Originally Posted by Roc Boy Jada

I don't know what gave some of you the idea that Houston would get swept in this series.
Probably fools putting too much emphasis on the regular season match up.
And talkin like we were gonna get swept cuz we did in the regular season.. But we won when its counting..
If Phil isn't going to play Bynum big minutes, then don't even have him in the starting lineup...our whole team just seemed out of whack from the getgo. Can't wait for Wednesday.
Originally Posted by holdenmichael

now kobe decides to drive it in?

The D isn't being as aggressive because fouling Kobe would lead to free throws. Putting Kobe on the line is bad because the Lakers would be scoring w/o time running off the clock and it could lead to other shots falling. He's just taking what they give him.

I'm shocked that Battier was this || close to Kobe all night and rarely fouled him. Someone asked why other people don't play D like that on Kobe, it's because they're not as disciplined, tall, or likely to get the benefit of the doubt from the ref's.

The ball movement was poor and so were their defensive rotations
They just don't move their feet enough. Damn

Kobe was not driving even when he had the option to. It is not like Houston played perfect defense on him every possession. He was settling forjumpers. I bet even slow #%! Paul Pierce could have gotten 10 fts against the rockets by driving . Kobe is just being lazy.

To prove my point I will state a play in the 4th when scola hit the ball out of his hands and he did not go after it. Then the refs said it was out on him andthe rockets scored. That is just being lazy.

If kobe keeps settling for jumpers it is gonna be a sweep for the rockets. Especially when gasol is being a *%@!% and lamar keeps sucking #%!.

Fisher needs to announce his retirement before game 2.
derek fisher sucks. he is the most overrated player in the history of the nba. yeah, i said it. he can't make anything inside of 5 feet, sucks on defense,and takes bad shots. he is the definition of "fake hustle". he acts like he works hard, but he just tries to sell fouls and "hustles"himself out of position on defense. he gets praised for his leadership, professionalism, and for being clutch, but i'd rather have a good basketballplayer. (and yes, i've been saying this since 1996)

i don't think lamar understands that a freethrow is actually worth a point and that a 20-foot jumper is not worth 3 points.

kobe does not "have a good pulse on the game." if he's the best player on the planet, why doesn't he drive to the effin' basket? 31shots? how many were inside the key? maybe 4. the ball just stops with him ever since game 4 in the utah series. imagine if he played the game the right way.

phil sucks for not recognizing the fact that derek fisher has no business getting any minutes in this series. i dont care if fisher has played a millionplayoff games... he can't guard aaron brooks or kyle lowry. and WHY HAVE I NEVER SEEN ANDREW, PAU, AND LAMAR ON THE COURT AT THE SAME TIME? EVER.

and pau is still soft, but at least his shortcomings aren't mental.
Originally Posted by krapjnad

derek fisher sucks. he is the most overrated player in the history of the nba. yeah, i said it. he can't make anything inside of 5 feet, sucks on defense, and takes bad shots. he is the definition of "fake hustle". he acts like he works hard, but he just tries to sell fouls and "hustles" himself out of position on defense. he gets praised for his leadership, professionalism, and for being clutch, but i'd rather have a good basketball player. (and yes, i've been saying this since 1996)

i don't think lamar understands that a freethrow is actually worth a point and that a 20-foot jumper is not worth 3 points.

kobe does not "have a good pulse on the game." if he's the best player on the planet, why doesn't he drive to the effin' basket? 31 shots? how many were inside the key? maybe 4. the ball just stops with him ever since game 4 in the utah series. imagine if he played the game the right way.

phil sucks for not recognizing the fact that derek fisher has no business getting any minutes in this series. i dont care if fisher has played a million playoff games... he can't guard aaron brooks or kyle lowry. and WHY HAVE I NEVER SEEN ANDREW, PAU, AND LAMAR ON THE COURT AT THE SAME TIME? EVER.

and pau is still soft, but at least his shortcomings aren't mental.

Come on. Really?

I know fisher had a bad game but the most overrated player in NBA history?

I know us laker fans are a bit saltly tonight but damn...

I think you got the costco size lawrys.
anyone who said this series was gonna be a sweep I have to seriously question their basketball knowledge. This is a good team. I just believe the Lakers arebetter and probably win this in 6 games.
They'll adjust to get Pau more involved and I do expect Farmar to get some more playing time against Brooks because Fisher struggles to stay with him.

I do expect more foul calls against the Rockets especially against Battier if he continues to ride Kobe's hip.
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