Official LEBRON 2010 Thread (The Decision: MIAMI HEAT)

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Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by tim teufel

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Originally Posted by SCuse7

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

 What's the object in professional sports? TO WIN CHAMPIONSHIPS!!
Not like this though.

The object of all games is to win but there are unwritten rules to HAS TO BE COMPETITIVE.

When you're playing playground ball and you choose all of the biggest and most talented players join up to play against everyone else or do you attempt to pick evenly so that the game is competitive?

Any game you play, if you know that you and a couple others are the best at the game and the rest of the players are a level choose evenly so that you can go against the other greats, help make the lower level players better and keep things competitive. You don't join forces with the other top players and expect for your victory to hold as much weight.

Parity is at the heart or sports and LeBron knows this...thats why he was all shifty eyed and nervous at his announcement but as long as his ego is stroked in south beach...he'll be alright. and I both know there's a HUGE difference between picking teams on the playground and playing pro-ball.  If I'm playing pick-up hoops and MILLIONS of dollars are on the line, are you going to go for parity while picking teams, or pick the squad that gives you the best chance of winning?

Parity is not what sports are all about.  It's what many people would like to see, but it's not realistic.  This is why people cheer for underdogs.  And why is there an "underdog" term?  Because parity is NOT the norm while playing pro sports. 
anyone that defends lebrons move to me deep down is a bit%$ just letting your inner bit%^ show. the point i make is a player this great this young was just one player away from winning a ring. why would you mess that up to pair up with another super star in his city? why? i know this might be too deep for the lebron lovers to understand but would you see kobe ever team up with wade in miami at 25? lets say kobe didnt win a ring can you see him pulling a move like this? this wasnt a regular schmuck that decided to go to wades team this is supposedly the chosen one the best player kneck and kneck with kobe(so we thought at the time) this is unacceptable. well who ever came up with the saying "'if you cant beat em join em"" prolly was bleeding from their a^%   and if you support this man maybe u do too.

Ok...let's have you play Cleveland GM.  What moves could have been made (under the assumption Lebron re-signed), to bolster this team to the top of the East?  You don't think that over the years the Cavs didn't make moves to try to get themselves over the hump?  C'mon's not about being a Lebron defender, because I'm not.  As I've said NUMEROUS times before, I don't agree with the whole dog & pony show that went along with his decision.  However, I can respect his RIGHT to choose where to play as a FA.  Why don't you blame Pat Riley for making this happen...why don't you blame D.Wade for being on board with the idea....why don't you blame Chris Bosh for signing on?  Like I said before, no matter what Lebron did he wouldn't be able to win.  There would be detractors for EVERY decision he made in Free Agency.

*Another thing...why isn't D.Wade getting flack from yall for this?  He co-signed on the whole idea in the first place.  Let him leave the NBA with 5-6 championships...what are yall gonna say about him in regards to his legacy?  All the attention/blame is being placed on Lebron...D.Wade is a big star in his own regard and a top-3 player in the NBA.  Why is it all on Lebron's shoulders right now as far as your dismay goes?

Jamison, Varejao, DeLonte...they are all tradable pieces. Contracts expire, there is free agency every off season. Thats how teams get better, hes the best player in the league, everyone would love to play with him. Look at how Lakers got Gasol and Artest. Even with that same roster that they had last season..they should have won way more games in the playoffs. Did you forget how LeBron played? He wasn't himself at all. Probably because he was already thinking about this potential All-Star team.

And as far as the others involved....Pat Riley is already known as Rat Riley, he is already the Gordon Gekko of the NBA. Know for being shady and slimy. There is nowhere else for his reputation to go. He already home

D Wade is the one winning in all of this...Miami is his home, every time he does some spectacular s_ he screams it out "THIS IS MY HOUSE". He already brought that city their first chip ever. HE IS A LEGEND. And he had the worst roster in the league outside of New Jersey and still quietly battled it out....through that debacle of a season he let it be known that he was stating put...He let people come to him. There is nowhere for his rep to go but up. Hes on the verge of bringing Miami multiple championships, with his sidekicks.

Bosh is a "lapdog" and has always been looked at that way. Hes the big man thats not good enough to lead his team to competitiveness. He's the dude putting on the cowboy accent begging for Al-Star votes. Hes a great Big man but not Dwight Howard or Patrick Ewing. One of the best complimentary players in the league that has been asked to do too much. He's now playing his role, just happy to be he didn't have the hour long special or CHOSEN1 tattooed on his back.

This is about LeBron, arguably the most talented player in league history not being able to stand on his own 2.
Everybody loves winners. Its the American way.

Once they start winning this discussion will be forgotten.
Originally Posted by tim teufel

Originally Posted by Mr S J King

Do yall understand that time is of an essence?
Do yall understand that career ending injuries can and do happen?
Do yall realize this cat is entering his 7th year in the league?
LeBron wants it now. Not when Cavs management can finally put it together for him.
Greatness thinks now, average thinks I can do it tomorrow.

And if your a fan of a player does it matter where he plays?
True fans root for the player no matter what business decisions he makes.

Also, I dont remember the Bulls management openly belittling Jordan when he came back with the Wizards.
Or even when he retired the first time. Cavs management is low class and it showed.
well sorry to say you're still a lebron fan. u should be ashamed. you're cool with lebron joining another mans team? how are you a true fan and that does not bother u?
I take it your a Mets fan by ur avy. Did u stop being a Darryl Strawberry fan when he went to the Dodgers?
Not really a LeBron fan, but I do appreciate his basketball talents. I was referring to the people in Cleveland and his followers.
Lets pretend LeBron was drafted by the Lakers AND they already had Kobe. Should Kobe leave or LeBron refuse to go?
Or would this be expected from the Lakers because they have a history of assembling great teams?
Yeah but Strawberry didn't go on National TV and embarrass an entire city, or was near the caliber player Lebron is.

Players come and go, its the manner in which Lebron conducted himself which should make you feel ashamed.

But power to you, I understand where you are coming from.
Originally Posted by FinesseSosa

He just damaged his brand for life.

Honestly he's crazy rich. i dont think he gives a damn anymore my dude.

I'm sure he doesn't but the fans will.

Everyone bought into the idea of him being that dude like Mike, Kobe or Magic but I guess he ain't want that distinction.

He just went from:




He'll get his bread regardless though but his rep just took a serious hit.
Originally Posted by Mr S J King

Originally Posted by tim teufel

Originally Posted by Mr S J King

Do yall understand that time is of an essence?
Do yall understand that career ending injuries can and do happen?
Do yall realize this cat is entering his 7th year in the league?
LeBron wants it now. Not when Cavs management can finally put it together for him.
Greatness thinks now, average thinks I can do it tomorrow.

And if your a fan of a player does it matter where he plays?
True fans root for the player no matter what business decisions he makes.

Also, I dont remember the Bulls management openly belittling Jordan when he came back with the Wizards.
Or even when he retired the first time. Cavs management is low class and it showed.
well sorry to say you're still a lebron fan. u should be ashamed. you're cool with lebron joining another mans team? how are you a true fan and that does not bother u?
I take it your a Mets fan by ur avy. Did u stop being a Darryl Strawberry fan when he went to the Dodgers?
Not really a LeBron fan, but I do appreciate his basketball talents. I was referring to the people in Cleveland and his followers.
Lets pretend LeBron was drafted by the Lakers AND they already had Kobe. Should Kobe leave or LeBron refuse to go?
Or would this be expected from the Lakers because they have a history of assembling great teams?
how are u comparing getting drafted by a team than to leaving via free agency to a team?
and what does me being a mets fan have to do with strawberry? for all u know i could hate the guy. the point is lebron is great no hiding that fact. but he was supposed to be more than great, that once in a lifetime kinda player. thats why people will have strong feelings on his decision. me personally i didnt care where he went aslong as it wasnt miami. gong to another mans backyard,hometown when you're a player of that caliber is just mind boggling. its basically him throwing up the white flag and admitting he has given up trying to be a competitor. magic vs bird, jordan vs all the great players he kept from winning just one ring. those were great times in basketball and made the sport what it is today.
Originally Posted by Put em up

Everybody loves winners. Its the American way.

Once they start winning this discussion will be forgotten.

Yankees are the most winning sports team in history and also the most hated.

Same situation with the Lakers.

[h2]Most Hated Sports Teams[/h2]
Sports | By The Top 13 on February 25, 2010
With the NFL season ending earlier this month, the NBA, the NHL, and college basketball in full swing, and baseball season just around the corner, we decided it was a good time to take a look at the most hated teams in sports. We recognize that many of the teams on this list are also among the most successful and beloved teams, but, in part because of their passionate fan bases, these are the teams that we think inspire more hate than any others. In the interest of full disclosure, we're compelled to tell you that the writer of this Top 13 is a lifelong, dyed-in-the-wool Yankee fan. Nevertheless, even he knows that his favorite team is without peer as the most hated in sports. And with that, we present the Top 13 Most Hated Sports Teams. Where possible, we've provided video clips that demonstrate just how much people hate these teams.
[h4]New York Yankees[/h4]

expand all collapse all


They will get one is disputing that.

The casual fan might love them and hop on the bandwagon but for all the reasons stated in this thread, they will be one of the most hated teams in the league.
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by tim teufel

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Originally Posted by SCuse7

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

 What's the object in professional sports? TO WIN CHAMPIONSHIPS!!
Not like this though.

The object of all games is to win but there are unwritten rules to HAS TO BE COMPETITIVE.

When you're playing playground ball and you choose all of the biggest and most talented players join up to play against everyone else or do you attempt to pick evenly so that the game is competitive?

Any game you play, if you know that you and a couple others are the best at the game and the rest of the players are a level choose evenly so that you can go against the other greats, help make the lower level players better and keep things competitive. You don't join forces with the other top players and expect for your victory to hold as much weight.

Parity is at the heart or sports and LeBron knows this...thats why he was all shifty eyed and nervous at his announcement but as long as his ego is stroked in south beach...he'll be alright. and I both know there's a HUGE difference between picking teams on the playground and playing pro-ball.  If I'm playing pick-up hoops and MILLIONS of dollars are on the line, are you going to go for parity while picking teams, or pick the squad that gives you the best chance of winning?

Parity is not what sports are all about.  It's what many people would like to see, but it's not realistic.  This is why people cheer for underdogs.  And why is there an "underdog" term?  Because parity is NOT the norm while playing pro sports. 
anyone that defends lebrons move to me deep down is a bit%$ just letting your inner bit%^ show. the point i make is a player this great this young was just one player away from winning a ring. why would you mess that up to pair up with another super star in his city? why? i know this might be too deep for the lebron lovers to understand but would you see kobe ever team up with wade in miami at 25? lets say kobe didnt win a ring can you see him pulling a move like this? this wasnt a regular schmuck that decided to go to wades team this is supposedly the chosen one the best player kneck and kneck with kobe(so we thought at the time) this is unacceptable. well who ever came up with the saying "'if you cant beat em join em"" prolly was bleeding from their a^%   and if you support this man maybe u do too.

Ok...let's have you play Cleveland GM.  What moves could have been made (under the assumption Lebron re-signed), to bolster this team to the top of the East?  You don't think that over the years the Cavs didn't make moves to try to get themselves over the hump?  C'mon's not about being a Lebron defender, because I'm not.  As I've said NUMEROUS times before, I don't agree with the whole dog & pony show that went along with his decision.  However, I can respect his RIGHT to choose where to play as a FA.  Why don't you blame Pat Riley for making this happen...why don't you blame D.Wade for being on board with the idea....why don't you blame Chris Bosh for signing on?  Like I said before, no matter what Lebron did he wouldn't be able to win.  There would be detractors for EVERY decision he made in Free Agency.

*Another thing...why isn't D.Wade getting flack from yall for this?  He co-signed on the whole idea in the first place.  Let him leave the NBA with 5-6 championships...what are yall gonna say about him in regards to his legacy?  All the attention/blame is being placed on Lebron...D.Wade is a big star in his own regard and a top-3 player in the NBA.  Why is it all on Lebron's shoulders right now as far as your dismay goes?

Jamison, Varejao, DeLonte...they are all tradable pieces. Contracts expire, there is free agency every off season. Thats how teams get better, hes the best player in the league, everyone would love to play with him. Look at how Lakers got Gasol and Artest. Even with that same roster that they had last season..they should have won way more games in the playoffs. Did you forget how LeBron played? He wasn't himself at all. Probably because he was already thinking about this potential All-Star team.

And as far as the others involved....Pat Riley is already known as Rat Riley, he is already the Gordon Gekko of the NBA. Know for being shady and slimy. There is nowhere else for his reputation to go. He already home

D Wade is the one winning in all of this...Miami is his home, every time he does some spectacular s_ he screams it out "THIS IS MY HOUSE". He already brought that city their first chip ever. HE IS A LEGEND. And he had the worst roster in the league outside of New Jersey and still quietly battled it out....through that debacle of a season he let it be known that he was stating put...He let people come to him. There is nowhere for his rep to go but up. Hes on the verge of bringing Miami multiple championships, with his sidekicks.

Bosh is a "lapdog" and has always been looked at that way. Hes the big man thats not good enough to lead his team to competitiveness. He's the dude putting on the cowboy accent begging for Al-Star votes. Hes a great Big man but not Dwight Howard or Patrick Ewing. One of the best complimentary players in the league that has been asked to do too much. He's now playing his role, just happy to be he didn't have the hour long special or CHOSEN1 tattooed on his back.

This is about LeBron, arguably the most talented player in league history not being able to stand on his own 2.

I can understand...but D.Wade is still bringing along 2 of the best players in the game to help their championship cause.  When it's all said and done, he (D.Wade) may be held in higher regard than some other NBA legends.  But we'll turn a blind-eye to it because Lebron was the bigger fish? 

I'm not debating that Lebron played like !@% in the playoffs last year.  I'm sure there were many "contributing" factors to his lack of passion or whatever it may have been.  And on the flip, no matter who you name on the Cavs roster there isn't much room for flexibility because of how Gilbert constructed the team.  Jamison isn't expiring, and Andy V. isn't expiring....the only "commodity" if you want to call him that is Delonte West and his MLE coming off the books.  Like I said before, Cleveland had reached their ceiling.  The way the current team was constructed, they'd have a hard time beating Orlando, Boston, and upstarts like Chicago.  If you have Lebron on your team, the goal is win championships.  No matter what his mentality was, I think he recognized that he did all he could but still came up short.  If there was cap space in Cleveland like there was in NJ, NY, MIA, etc, he may have thought twice about leaving. 

There's PLENTY of blame to be placed on the Cavs and their short-comings....

And Haze...let me ask you since you're a Knick fan.  What would your reaction have been if the NY landed both Wade and Lebron?  Would your sentiments be the same? 
Originally Posted by Juicy J 32

Originally Posted by Im Not You

/\ Haze...these _'s just don't get it man. I've debated my %@+ off about this +##$ trying to get dudes to see how fraudulent this whole thing is...but they don't get it.

Apparently...its OK to sacrifice integrity, honor, respect, and all of things that come along being legendary...if it means to "win" at the end of the day.

These +$$%*$ can 15 championships in a row...all 3 of them will forever be some mark %@+ _'s in my book.
This is the damn TRUTH.

Co-Sign. This is the same thing i argue.
Great post
Btw...what age did Jordan win his 1st ring? Jordan DID NOT give up after constantly losing to the Celts & Pistons and whined his way out of Chicago. The "Greatest" simply took a pay cut and allowed the Bulls to get the players around him to make it over the top. Jordan could have EASILY jumped ship to L.A. or Boston but there was NO WAY IN HELL he would do that. He KNEW he was better than that and although he kept getting short of the finals, once the Bulls had the roster...The rest was history.
Originally Posted by tim teufel

Originally Posted by Mr S J King

Originally Posted by tim teufel

Originally Posted by Mr S J King

Do yall understand that time is of an essence?
Do yall understand that career ending injuries can and do happen?
Do yall realize this cat is entering his 7th year in the league?
LeBron wants it now. Not when Cavs management can finally put it together for him.
Greatness thinks now, average thinks I can do it tomorrow.

And if your a fan of a player does it matter where he plays?
True fans root for the player no matter what business decisions he makes.

Also, I dont remember the Bulls management openly belittling Jordan when he came back with the Wizards.
Or even when he retired the first time. Cavs management is low class and it showed.
well sorry to say you're still a lebron fan. u should be ashamed. you're cool with lebron joining another mans team? how are you a true fan and that does not bother u?
I take it your a Mets fan by ur avy. Did u stop being a Darryl Strawberry fan when he went to the Dodgers?
Not really a LeBron fan, but I do appreciate his basketball talents. I was referring to the people in Cleveland and his followers.
Lets pretend LeBron was drafted by the Lakers AND they already had Kobe. Should Kobe leave or LeBron refuse to go?
Or would this be expected from the Lakers because they have a history of assembling great teams?
how are u comparing getting drafted by a team than to leaving via free agency to a team?
and what does me being a mets fan have to do with strawberry? for all u know i could hate the guy. the point is lebron is great no hiding that fact. but he was supposed to be more than great, that once in a lifetime kinda player. thats why people will have strong feelings on his decision. me personally i didnt care where he went aslong as it wasnt miami. gong to another mans backyard,hometown when you're a player of that caliber is just mind boggling. its basically him throwing up the white flag and admitting he has given up trying to be a competitor. magic vs bird, jordan vs all the great players he kept from winning just one ring. those were great times in basketball and made the sport what it is today.
So ur pissed because he went to the Heat and u must be a Knicks fan, and Reilly left New York to coach in Miami, so this reopens old wounds for u.
Secondly Magic and Bird didnt even guard each other so it was never really Magic vs Bird, that was the NBA marketing their brand to the world to increase revenue.
Which goes back to a point I made earlier; people have bought into the media hype and marketing of these guys which only makes them and the corporations more money.
Its no longer about their talents and abilities in their respective sports, but its now what they wear, listen too, drive, eat, toilet paper they use, toothpaste they use, soap they use,
cell phone company they use. Its all about marketing bro.
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

I can understand...but D.Wade is still bringing along 2 of the best players in the game to help their championship cause.  When it's all said and done, he (D.Wade) may be held in higher regard than some other NBA legends.  But we'll turn a blind-eye to it because Lebron was the bigger fish? 

I'm not debating that Lebron played like !@% in the playoffs last year.  I'm sure there were many "contributing" factors to his lack of passion or whatever it may have been.  And on the flip, no matter who you name on the Cavs roster there isn't much room for flexibility because of how Gilbert constructed the team.  Jamison isn't expiring, and Andy V. isn't expiring....the only "commodity" if you want to call him that is Delonte West and his MLE coming off the books.  Like I said before, Cleveland had reached their ceiling.  The way the current team was constructed, they'd have a hard time beating Orlando, Boston, and upstarts like Chicago.  If you have Lebron on your team, the goal is win championships.  No matter what his mentality was, I think he recognized that he did all he could but still came up short.  If there was cap space in Cleveland like there was in NJ, NY, MIA, etc, he may have thought twice about leaving. 

There's PLENTY of blame to be placed on the Cavs and their short-comings....

And Haze...let me ask you since you're a Knick fan.  What would your reaction have been if the NY landed both Wade and Lebron?  Would your sentiments be the same? 

No one is going to be mad at Wade for bringing two top players to his hometown. Especailly when he already won a chip without them. He already won a championship, his legacy is in the stars it can't come down unless he murders someone or something. Those two came to his house to get what he already has. It was on Bron to plant his flag in his own home territory of choosing and set up shop. And I think Cleveland was only a Mike Miller or Ray Allen away from championship contention. All he needs was a shooter to help spread the floor, Anthony Parker wasn't good enough in that respect. In that regard there is plenty of blame to be placed on the Cavs, thats why most people expected him to leave Cleveland...but not to join up with D Wade and Bosh in a pre-fabricated Boy Band.

As a Knicks fan I would be happy with just a nice duo fam. If you look through our thread we were just hoping for Bron and Stat to BATTLE it out with Wade and Bosh like the old days and this was before Miami had resigned anyone. Now if we had the opportunity to sign Wade, Mare and Bron, which was never a realistic situation for us...of course I would be personally happy, just like Heat fans. Im not mad at Heat fans for being happy but the sentiment around the nation would still be hate just slightly different. There would still be a lot of hate across the board because everyone hates NY and Bron would still be teaming up with a top 5 peer, who does the same thing as him on the floor but it would be 3 different players coming from 3 different places to rejuvenate an important franchise on a 40 year drought. Bron wouldn't be coming to Wade's house and STAT wouldn't have been chasing either one of them around.

At the end of the day LeBron's G.O.A.T. status would still be out the window because he was playing on an All-Star team and I would have no problem agreeing with that. It would solidify what MJ and Kobe have done even more for me but I would enjoy the ride just like Heat fans are doing right now.
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Yeah but Strawberry didn't go on National TV and embarrass an entire city, or was near the caliber player Lebron is.

Players come and go, its the manner in which Lebron conducted himself which should make you feel ashamed.

But power to you, I understand where you are coming from.
I really dont think he did anything wrong. Again this is the NBA marketing and all the corporate conglomerates that earn when the NBA earns.
They hyped it up to the point that LeBron felt like he had to take his time. "What will the King do?" "Will it be New York or is he staying in Cleveland?"
And all this was in the off season and even during the '09 playoffs. The NBA and its corporate partners created this, LeBron just participated.
Besides, can we at least give him credit for generating proceeds for the Boys&Girls Clubs.
I sure as hell haven't provided not one under priviliged kid with a FULL SCHOLARSHIP. He created FIVE in one hour of TV.
Originally Posted by JrizzyJay

Btw...what age did Jordan win his 1st ring? Jordan DID NOT give up after constantly losing to the Celts & Pistons and whined his way out of Chicago. The "Greatest" simply took a pay cut and allowed the Bulls to get the players around him to make it over the top. Jordan could have EASILY jumped ship to L.A. or Boston but there was NO WAY IN HELL he would do that. He KNEW he was better than that and although he kept getting short of the finals, once the Bulls had the roster...The rest was history.
QFT. The sad part is Lebron does have all the talent in the world to win multiple championships with the right personnel around him. The Bulls would have been damn near perfect with the addition of Carlos Boozer. The Cavs could have made changes and within a few years I'm sure they would have got theirs. Same goes for New York.

Jordan saw everyone else as competition. He would NEVER join Isiah or anyone else to share the spotlight. These guys hated each other. Lebron has decided the best way to beat them, is to join them. The "we are all witnesses" image is tarnished. I wonder what Nike is going to do.

 Lebron will get his rings, and will probably be happy. However, this will all be at the expense of losing the image as being the greatest of all time (which is how he has been promoted).
Originally Posted by grownmendonthate

LMAO at the media and bloggers out here that are seriously hating on a high level against lebron for what he chose to do it was a smart move in my opinion and why are people jockin kobe so hard dude always had a stacked team to win but when lebron teams up with two other great players its a problem i remember kobe having different elite teams built up around him for his championship runs as of the likes of a robert horry,shaq,fisher,malone,patton,paul,artest,odom,and plenty more above average players who were all stars or close to being one to help him when titles in LA and people never sweated kobe and the lakers for always having an all star caliber team around kobe to help him win and you give lebron the same players and he wins multiple rings just like kobe point being lebron wasnt going to get any players in cleveland like that and thats why he left bottom line why didnt nobody complain when magic had abdual and james worthy in LA or when garnett and allen went to join paul down in boston or when clyde joined hakeem and horry and cassel and davis in houston i just dont understand everybodys logic as far as hating what he did this man wanna win rings not stay where everybody wants him to stay and never win knowing it in the back of his head everyday,personally i think people and fans in the sports world are hating badly cause they know this team will win multiple rings cause these three players are still playing at a high level and there still young and not old like most athletes do later on just to try to get a ring people are just jealous because lebron finally got some help the only player who did get a couple of rings without a allstar or two on there team was jordan in his first two runs but thats about it and watch the heat become a new basketball dynasty team this is history in the making stop hating haters this will be good to watch.
I'm not even part of the grammar police but that is the longest sentence I have ever seen.
Originally Posted by philly035

Originally Posted by JrizzyJay

Btw...what age did Jordan win his 1st ring? Jordan DID NOT give up after constantly losing to the Celts & Pistons and whined his way out of Chicago. The "Greatest" simply took a pay cut and allowed the Bulls to get the players around him to make it over the top. Jordan could have EASILY jumped ship to L.A. or Boston but there was NO WAY IN HELL he would do that. He KNEW he was better than that and although he kept getting short of the finals, once the Bulls had the roster...The rest was history.
QFT. The sad part is Lebron does have all the talent in the world to win multiple championships with the right personnel around him. The Bulls would have been damn near perfect with the addition of Carlos Boozer. The Cavs could have made changes and within a few years I'm sure they would have got theirs. Same goes for New York.

Jordan saw everyone else as competition. He would NEVER join Isiah or anyone else to share the spotlight. These guys hated each other. Lebron has decided the best way to beat them, is to join them. The "we are all witnesses" image is tarnished. I wonder what Nike is going to do.

 Lebron will get his rings, and will probably be happy. However, this will all be at the expense of losing the image as being the greatest of all time (which is how he has been promoted).

This about sums it up.
I still think D.Wade is getting a free-pass in this whole situation in regards to how Lebron is being viewed. Yeah, he did bring 2 other guys into "Wade County," but (again, hypothetically) let's say he retires with 5 or 6 rings...there's going to be SERIOUS discussion about him being a top 3-5 player in NBA history. Don't you think there are going to be detractors who will try to cheapen his accomplishments due to who HE was playing with? There will be folks saying Wade's first ring was because of Shaq....there will be people saying that Wade's other rings will be because of Bron/Bosh. If you're going to criticize Lebron for making the choice to play with Wade and Bosh, then you need to do the same for Wade for co-signing the idea in the first place. I don't believe for one minute that Bron figured out where he was going to play the morning of July 9. The conspiracy theorist in me would like to you honestly think Wade was being a good soldier and grinding it out in Miami because of "loyalty?" There may be more to it....These guys have been tight for a while, and these talks may have started to come to fruition in Beijing back in the summer of 08'. Lebron is taking a PR hit, image hit, etc....but he is not the only one in this situation who's trying to leave the game with MULTIPLE championships under his belt. If you're gonna go in on Bron for being greedy, then take a closer look at D.Wade as well.
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Originally Posted by SCuse7

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

 What's the object in professional sports? TO WIN CHAMPIONSHIPS!!
Not like this though.

The object of all games is to win but there are unwritten rules to HAS TO BE COMPETITIVE.

When you're playing playground ball and you choose all of the biggest and most talented players join up to play against everyone else or do you attempt to pick evenly so that the game is competitive?

- this analogy is flawed though.....
first, if you was picking teams and the other captain doesnt choose the best player available, when its your turn you're just gonna skip over dude because it wouldnt be fair? hell no, you gon laugh at his %## for not picking him and put him on your squad.
second, this aint pickup at the YMCA.
third, these dudes kill me with this 'fair' bull !*$%. and again with these mythical 'unwritten rules' 
, yeah....okay.

- personally ive ALWAYS wanted an NBA player to break the rules take less money and go wherever they choose just to shake everything up. i loved it when Artest joined LA....and i HATE LA! but im such a big fan of basketball that i still wanted it to happen. 
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

I still think D.Wade is getting a free-pass in this whole situation in regards to how Lebron is being viewed. Yeah, he did bring 2 other guys into "Wade County," but (again, hypothetically) let's say he retires with 5 or 6 rings...there's going to be SERIOUS discussion about him being a top 3-5 player in NBA history. Don't you think there are going to be detractors who will try to cheapen his accomplishments due to who HE was playing with? There will be folks saying Wade's first ring was because of Shaq....there will be people saying that Wade's other rings will be because of Bron/Bosh. If you're going to criticize Lebron for making the choice to play with Wade and Bosh, then you need to do the same for Wade for co-signing the idea in the first place. I don't believe for one minute that Bron figured out where he was going to play the morning of July 9. The conspiracy theorist in me would like to you honestly think Wade was being a good soldier and grinding it out in Miami because of "loyalty?" There may be more to it....These guys have been tight for a while, and these talks may have started to come to fruition in Beijing back in the summer of 08'. Lebron is taking a PR hit, image hit, etc....but he is not the only one in this situation who's trying to leave the game with MULTIPLE championships under his belt. If you're gonna go in on Bron for being greedy, then take a closer look at D.Wade as well.
I don't really think It was the three of them this whole time. I think they talked about it but both Bosh and Wade didn't really believe Lebron would leave Cleveland. Even the way the group described how it all came about it sounds like Lebron was the third-wheel Bosh and Wade were going to team up this year and they've known that for awhile. I think Lebron made up his mind during the playoffs that it would be to hard and take to much effort on his part to be a legit champion in Cleveland so he called up Wade and asked if they would take him.
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