Official LEBRON 2010 Thread (The Decision: MIAMI HEAT)

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^ I doubt going last is a big advantage, if any.

Best believe Bron had a very good idea of where he was leaning before July 1st started and I doubt these "presentations" are changing his mind much, if at's all about who wants to go where and where they end up.  Amar'e to NYC getting the MAX (instead of Bosh) was a great thing for CLE IMO.  Bron isn't going to CHI w/o Bosh and that looks like it isn't going to happen either.

I honestly think it's a tight battle between mainly CLE & NJ/Brooklyn at the moment...
why was that a great thing?

Say Bosh/Wade continue to be attached at the hip (Chicago or Miami)..LeBron then can go back to the same old Cavs team or pair up in NJ with David Lee or Boozer?

NY with Amare becomes more attractive than the other options if Wade/Bosh pair up. (Unless Wade/Bosh head to Miami and Bron takes Boozer to Chicago)
Originally Posted by bijald0331

^If he cares about his legacy, he won't. He'll do it on his own with ancillary pieces. Did you even read the article?
I guarantee he wants to be the richest athlete but also wants a lasting legacy. If he doesn't stay in Cleveland, I honestly see him going to the Knicks or Nets with a okay second option guy like Boozer. I just don't see him teaming up with two big superstars. It marginalizes his alpha dog role.

yep i def agree

with that said I HOPE he really joins the knicks

ninjahood read the article....great points.........
bosh isn't better than amare....

I think it seriously hurt your chances of landing Bron IMO.

It seems the only way he would seriously leave is if it was to pair up with Bosh the entire time.


Bron is good friends with Bosh (who is a MUCH better player than Amar'e) and it seems like them joining forces is very unlikely at this point (unless CLE somehow pulls off a sign and trade). 

This is the way I see it going down:

Bosh will join D-Wade in Miami (the Wade to CHI mess is a bunch of BS)...

LeBron stays in CLE (never thought this, but it seems like this is what he had actually planned all along).

Nobody else really matters after that...

You guys hurt your chance w/Bron by giving Amar'e 1 of your 2 MAXES.  If you wanna agree to disagree, that's fine.

I think staying loyal to CLE (this is NT, so I'll cross that out) Akron means a lot more to Bron then people really thought.  He can't quite pull the trigger on bolting on the area UNLESS he feels the opportunity is near perfect (you ruined all the chances you had by signing Amar'e IMO)...

Also, this helps our chances A LOT:


^ Dude has said all the right things since being hired and genuinely seems to believe Bron is staying.  Bron's best friend being very close with his new head coach (who is a legit NBA coach for a change) can't hurt matters either.

If I'm wrong, then I'm wrong.  That's just how I see things at the moment.
Bron is good friends with Bosh (who is a MUCH better player than Amar'e) and it seems like them joining forces is very unlikely at this point

- Same with Amare, right?

- Better, yes. Much better, don't see it.

- What if the Knicks knew this as well? Better to have Amare in the fold than nothing as a potential #2.

If Wade/Bosh go together and LeBron returns to Cleveland to that old roster..good luck to him taking them on.
over the hill player
how do you figure that?
Originally Posted by Al3xis

Bron is good friends with Bosh (who is a MUCH better player than Amar'e) and it seems like them joining forces is very unlikely at this point
- Same with Amare, right?

- Better, yes. Much better, don't see it.

- What if the Knicks knew this as well? Better to have Amare in the fold than nothing as a potential #2.

1. No, Bron and Bosh are much better friends than Bron and Amar'e (due to all the practicing/chilling/playing together on Team USA, etc.)

2. He might not be "much better" as a basketball player (even though I personally believe he is) but he is indeed "much better" as a free agent/signing considering Bosh doesn't have serious injury issues and didn't depend on Steve Nash to get a decent amount of his "S.T.A.T.S." I've always thought Amar'e would get exposed if he had to play an 82 game schedule w/o a distributor on Nash's level getting him so many open looks/dunks.  If you miss on LBJ, I expect to seem him somewhat exposed in NYC.  He also doesn't rebound.  His rebounding #'s are PATHETIC for a MAX PF (6.6 per game in this years playoffs

3. Not sure what you mean by the Kicks knowing this as well?
Originally Posted by Al3xis

Bron is good friends with Bosh (who is a MUCH better player than Amar'e) and it seems like them joining forces is very unlikely at this point
- Same with Amare, right?

- Better, yes. Much better, don't see it.

- what people arent factoring is that Amare is a lazy bastard. talent wise he has Bosh. but Amare wants to cry for the ball, then cant create his own shot. he wants to be the man, but how you gon be that big and dont want to rebound or play defense??  the same day that fool blasted his team in the media wanting to be the man that assclown ended up with 1 rebound that how is that even possible to be that big and get one damn rebound??
- as a GM id only get Amare if i had a Nash, Devin Harris, Rondo, or Chris Paul as my PG without them Amare is no where near as effective on offense as he could be.
......ill say it again, i believe Bron is staying right there in Cleveland. hopefully they can pick up Bosh or Wade (unlikely), but id stay away from Amare in Cleveland.
Amare was present on one of the USA team's summer competitions as well.. and it seems to me Bosh has hitched his wagon to Wade/LeBron.
3. Not sure what you mean by the Kicks knowing this as well?

the fact that Bron/Bosh wouldn't end up together, and that it could be likely Wade/Bosh go together..Amare becomes the last big target left on the board.

Would LeBron like to go face off against Wade/Bosh with that Cavs team or go to NY with Amare and give it a shot?

Perhaps his loyalty wins out. But that roster in Cleveland moving forward is the worst out of all scenarios.

- what people arent factoring is that Amare is a lazy bastard. talent wise he has Bosh. but Amare wants to cry for the ball, then cant create his own shot. he wants to be the man, but how you gon be that big and dont want to rebound or play defense??  the same day that fool blasted his team in the media wanting to be the man that assclown ended up with 1 rebound that how is that even possible to be that big and get one damn rebound??
- as a GM id only get Amare if i had a Nash, Devin Harris, Rondo, or Chris Paul as my PG without them Amare is no where near as effective on offense as he could be.

Okay, but Is Bosh some kind of warrior/winner now? Guy has lead the Raptors to one season over .500 in 7 years.

They're both very good #2's, Bosh is better and is who I would prefer. but IMO, it's not by much.
^ I hear you now, Nolan.

Personally, playing with that Knicks roster isn't nearly as good of an upgrade needed in getting Bron to turn his back on the entire state of OH IMO (I know Eddy's contract comes off the books soon).

Seeing everything go down within the last 48 hours, I'm fairly confident in saying that he's staying here (I would have told you the exact opposite a week ago).  And if he stays here, he might as well sign on for the LONG TERM (i.e. no more 3 year deals).  If he signs another 3 year deal, doesn't win a 'chip and THEN bounces, he will look like be just another ring chaser...*shrugs*

Sign on for 6 years and we could actually build the CORRECT way and get quality FA's because they know he's here for the long haul.

And I find it funny how much this thread has died down within the last 48 hours.
EyEn, good posts, I feel the same way you do, word for word. I think it comes down to, playing in good weather and chilling on the beach, or playing in Cleveland in a cold city with the best player in the league. Winning wise, Cleveland with LeBron is more attractive than playing in Miami with Wade in regards to Bosh. This is what I see, if LeBron resigns here we get either Paul or Bosh, flat out, especially if Lebron sign a 5 year deal with a player option for 6. I knew Amar'e would be thirsty and put money ahead of winning cause he's a dumb %*!. But maybe those reports are wrong about him going to NY
Originally Posted by Al3xis

- what people arent factoring is that Amare is a lazy bastard. talent wise he has Bosh. but Amare wants to cry for the ball, then cant create his own shot. he wants to be the man, but how you gon be that big and dont want to rebound or play defense??  the same day that fool blasted his team in the media wanting to be the man that assclown ended up with 1 rebound that how is that even possible to be that big and get one damn rebound??
- as a GM id only get Amare if i had a Nash, Devin Harris, Rondo, or Chris Paul as my PG without them Amare is no where near as effective on offense as he could be.

Okay, but Is Bosh some kind of warrior/winner now? Guy has lead the Raptors to one season over .500 in 7 years.

They're both very good #2's, Bosh is better and is who I would prefer. but IMO, it's not by much.

- i never said he was............
- hey man, no argument from me there. i only addressed what i quoted. im no fan of Bosh's game, i think he's too small, weak and soft. im an old school guy, to me if you're going to be a 4 or 5 you cant just shoot jumpers and play the finesse game, you need to be able get low if you have to. i dont see Bosh turning into that. and honestly ive still havent been able to see what it is about him that people like. but hey i just sum it all up to 'maybe i dont know everything' *kanye shrug*
How does Cleveland get Bosh or Paul "flat out"? What pieces do the Cavs have that the Raptors or Hornets would want? Lebron goes back to Cleveland w/o some miracle of landing a legit 1A or 2nd option= KG in Minnesota result.
If lebron was really bout winning, he'd come to the ROCKETS period. We have the best pieces out of all those teams mentioned (we really don't need any big FA), we have the best TEAM as is, plus you can't turn down that chinese money! That'll make lebron a monster.
Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

I hope NYK end up with NOTHING but a over the hill player (Amare) getting paid max money.
wow NOW i really hope BRON leaves.
27 years old  is over the hill now?

Originally Posted by EnEyeKayEe

^ I hear you now, Nolan.

Personally, playing with that Knicks roster isn't nearly as good of an upgrade needed in getting Bron to turn his back on the entire state of OH IMO (I know Eddy's contract comes off the books soon).

Seeing everything go down within the last 48 hours, I'm fairly confident in saying that he's staying here (I would have told you the exact opposite a week ago).  And if he stays here, he might as well sign on for the LONG TERM (i.e. no more 3 year deals).  If he signs another 3 year deal, doesn't win a 'chip and THEN bounces, he will look like be just another ring chaser...*shrugs*

Sign on for 6 years and we could actually build the CORRECT way and get quality FA's because they know he's here for the long haul.

And I find it funny how much this thread has died down within the last 48 hours.
Why is he a ring chaser if he gives you guys 10 years of a great playing career, then leaves if the team is not successful? If he signs on for 6 more years and doesn't win a championship, if he leaves then, why is he not a ring chaser then?
I see it as:

No to MIA even if Bosh and Wade are there... It would be Wades team

Yes to CHI only if Wade and Bosh go.

Otherwise, hes staying in CLE

Everywhere else (NY, NJ, etc.) is insignificant.
++% has Bosh ever done to be considered "MUCH better" than Amare? 
   Seriously, what are Bosh's big career accomplishments that make this dude so much more coveted than Amare?  I know Amare has a ton of flaws but cotdamn, Bosh isn't exactly Hakeem.
27 years old is over the hill? 

No surprise that as soon as he goes to the Knicks the hate comes pouring out....
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