Official LEBRON 2010 Thread (The Decision: MIAMI HEAT)

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Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

I hope NYK end up with NOTHING but a over the hill player (Amare) getting paid max money.
Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

I take back what I said about hoping the Knicks get nothing. (Realtalk). Knick fans are some of the most passionate and most devoted fans I've ever seen.

Stuck with their team through all the tough times and I can relate to how dreadful it could be...good luck team NYK
Originally Posted by JPZx

Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

I hope NYK end up with NOTHING but a over the hill player (Amare) getting paid max money.
Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

I take back what I said about hoping the Knicks get nothing. (Realtalk). Knick fans are some of the most passionate and most devoted fans I've ever seen.

Stuck with their team through all the tough times and I can relate to how dreadful it could be...good luck team NYK

Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

come on lebron just sign a 3 year deal with whoever and then go to a certain team that wears purple and gold in 2013 and watch the money and titles come.
Originally Posted by AirMaxBuckeye

Originally Posted by aepps20

I think that even if LeBron signs with Cleveland it won't be a six year deal. Once he signs he losses all leverage he has to make the team better.
You act like if he does re-sign the Cavs won't do everything in their power to bring home a title. He loses no leverage. Whichever team signs him will try to surround him with the best players available.
the Cavs didn't do anything in 7 years until this past season, when free agency was looming and they saw the writing on the wall. and even then, their idea of a "power move" was bringing in Antawn Jamison and Shaq.

Lebron would be a fool to think things will change if he resigns with Cleveland. once the Cavs lock him up for that 6 year deal, they will be in a position to do what they want and ignore all his demands.

Cleveland is not a franchise that expects championships.. all they know is mediocrity, and that's how they run their organization. if Lebron signs himself into that situation again he's an idiot.
Originally Posted by DT43

Originally Posted by AirMaxBuckeye

Originally Posted by aepps20

I think that even if LeBron signs with Cleveland it won't be a six year deal. Once he signs he losses all leverage he has to make the team better.
You act like if he does re-sign the Cavs won't do everything in their power to bring home a title. He loses no leverage. Whichever team signs him will try to surround him with the best players available.
the Cavs didn't do anything in 7 years until this past season, when free agency was looming and they saw the writing on the wall. and even then, their idea of a "power move" was bringing in Antawn Jamison and Shaq.

Lebron would be a fool to think things will change if he resigns with Cleveland. once the Cavs lock him up for that 6 year deal, they will be in a position to do what they want and ignore all his demands.

Cleveland is not a franchise that expects championships.. all they know is mediocrity, and that's how they run their organization. if Lebron signs himself into that situation again he's an idiot.
Stop it. You can't really believe that.
What, I can't take back what I said about the Knicks without being criticized? Do you guys want me to be a hater?!?

Oh and:

 if Lebron signs himself into that situation again he's an idiot.
Yea, we'll just let the guy sitting behind his computer tell it. Cause signing with the Clippers is a better situation, right?
Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

What, I can't take back what I said about the Knicks without being criticized? Do you guys want me to be a hater?!?

Oh and:

 if Lebron signs himself into that situation again he's an idiot.
Yea, we'll just let the guy sitting behind his computer tell it. Cause signing with the Clippers is a better situation, right?

didi say anything about the Clippers? and last i checked, a max deal fromCleveland has always been on the table for Lebron. if he didn't havethe same questions about the Cavs franchise as this "guy sitting behindhis computer" he would have resigned already..

AirMax name one superstar player, past or present, who was bigger thanhis franchise. Jordan was at odds with the Bulls management almostevery year.

you're mistaken if you think the Cavs are going to supplicate toLebron's every want and need. once Lebron signs the dotted line, theywill continue to run the organization how they see fit.. which isapparently to build a team of aging veterans and value JJ Hickson as ifhe's a future HOFer.
Originally Posted by DT43

AirMax name one superstar player, past or present, who was bigger thanhis franchise. Jordan was at odds with the Bulls management almostevery year.

you're mistaken if you think the Cavs are going to supplicate toLebron's every want and need. once Lebron signs the dotted line, theywill continue to run the organization how they see fit.. which isapparently to build a team of aging veterans and value JJ Hickson as ifhe's a future HOFer.
When did I say he was bigger than the franchise? You're the one who's mistaken if you think whatever team signs LeBron isn't going to do everything in their power to win a championship, including the Cavs.

It's pretty obvious the moves the Cavs have made up to this point haven't worked out, but to say they'll sit on their hands and settle for mediocrity is asinine.
Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

come on lebron just sign a 3 year deal with whoever and then go to a certain team that wears purple and gold in 2013 and watch the money and titles come.
Originally Posted by Remi23

Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

come on lebron just sign a 3 year deal with whoever and then go to a certain team that wears purple and gold in 2013 and watch the money and titles come.
if he really wants to win like he says he does, and if he really wants to expand his name like he says he wants to, then what better place to do it then in the entertainment capital of the world, playing for a world class organization in a world class arena. alot can happen in 3 years and out of all the teams that can currently sign him the only one that seems to have a legit since of stability is the heat. i know it won't happen but if he really wants to win and be in the best long term situation for the rest of his career he would wait and go to the most proven organization, win a few titles and go to what would be a for sure thing.
Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

Bro I would blow the @!%!**% staples center up if that were to happen.

man if this was about 3-4 years later i think it woulda been a realistic possibility.

with the teams that are interested in him though i think miami and chicago are the 2 best options if he were to leave cleveland with the nets being a wild card due to the russian.
Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

Bro I would blow the @!%!**% staples center up if that were to happen.

man if this was about 3-4 years later i think it woulda been a realistic possibility.

with the teams that are interested in him though i think miami and chicago are the 2 best options if he were to leave cleveland with the nets being a wild card due to the russian.
I agree, I have the highest respect for your organizations commitment to win. Hopefully my organization can shake their terrible image and land him along with another superstar. We need another Bulls - Lakers Finals. Nothing would make me happier than to send Phil into the sunset by losing to his former team in the Finals.
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