Official LeBron X Thread Vol. 2: Corks and Volts Launch 2/23

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Complete genius marketing strategy by NIKE.  They want people to think a certain shoe is SUPER limited, only 1,000 pairs made! But really they produce thousands of pairs and knows that most people only buy shoes because of HYPE.  Why else would people ask ridiculous questions like "Which shoe should I get? Which shoes won't sit on shelves?" Like....
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It won't work. The billing address needs to be in the UK or whatever. I've tried many times doing exactly what you are thinking. Those prepaid cards or whatever don't have billing addresses at all. I've even looked into virtual CC's, but they have the same issues. If you can find a way PM me, but I haven't had any luck trying.

Damn. Using his address and having him ship the shoes to me was one thing but getting him to let me use his credit card might be asking too much of this friend. Lol. Gonna try anyway. Thanks for the info.
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Smart if i gonna rock em. These gonna be going for a 1000 plus this weekend. Thirsty kids.
idk, i feel terrible for spending the money.

but i feel great knowing if i fail on the euro sites, the raffles and ndc that i still have my (rare) size 13 on lock.

i want to wear them but i also would like to bait some yeezys....

worse comes to worse, if i get buyers remorse i can sell for double.

so, smart i guess? >D

well not everyone has a program which screws other people over for their pair, or else i wouldnt pay over retail either but its things like this which make it worse for everyone else in the long run. do i want to pm you and ask about helping me? yes. do i think you will? no. prove me wrong.
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I have my flame suit ready, and now i will ask my question...

On NDC when it is TLO, does that mean that I can't have the Lebron X page up and keep refreshing at 8am and wait for them to pop up?

Does the TLO really mean a unique link will be sent and that is teh only way to get to the sneakers webpage?
I have my flame suit ready, and now i will ask my question...

On NDC when it is TLO, does that mean that I can't have the Lebron X page up and keep refreshing at 8am and wait for them to pop up?

Does the TLO really mean a unique link will be sent and that is teh only way to get to the sneakers webpage?

TLO means you can only access the product page through the twitter link. You shouldn't be able to search for the shoe on the website.
I have my flame suit ready, and now i will ask my question...

On NDC when it is TLO, does that mean that I can't have the Lebron X page up and keep refreshing at 8am and wait for them to pop up?

Does the TLO really mean a unique link will be sent and that is teh only way to get to the sneakers webpage?

Your last sentence answered your question.
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