Official LeBron X Thread Vol. 2: Corks and Volts Launch 2/23

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just talked to a rep, said from what his boss said.. looks like a midnight drop tonight as alot had been speculating..
jj sucks!! feel bad for anyone who stood up all night pressing refresh for a pair of kicks that they probaly wont even drop
Feel bad for what?  No one is forcing dudes to be this thirsty.  It's a pair of shoes.  You're literally gonna lose sleep on the off chance of refreshing a page, wishing upon a star, clicking your heels together, and hoping they show up?  Priorities, people.  I doubt anyone with a full time and/or a family could've stayed up all damn night waiting for the Black Male Dora the Explorer to troll the F outta them.  If
[Adeshi 6028] There is a discrepancy in our system which is not allowing Lebron X Corks to post to the site and we are working on fixing the problem. We do not have an exact time at the moment. We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused. Please check back with us within the next few hours.
probably all these page refreshes and created links posted lmao
Got off the phone with a rep. Two things:

1. Not taking phone orders (no duh tho, don't fall for them posts, fam)

2. They're not even sure if they'll post today.  Rep said it might even be tomorrow. So done tho, lol.
Adrian peterson done stole all of the shoes.

Got the nerve to have on a champion hoody while doing it also.
If JJ releases them are not most people will not be able to cop a pair anyway so why get mad. What are the chances of copping a pair?
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