Official LeBron X Thread Vol. 3

Does anybody know how long nike will keep the X's on I.D.? I'm sure it's hard to say, how long were the IX's up?
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I've got issues with my Hazelnuts from Footlocker that came in yesterday. I'm waiting to hear back from Footlocker. The shoes weren't even double boxed. Who ships a $250 shoe in a bag???
My Mint's and Hazelnuts arrived in near excellent shape without flaws.  Only issue were the boxes.  FTL refunded me shipping charges and gave me a $10 gift card...
These RSVP sites should have been charging $1000 then
How many pairs do employees really get?
There is no set quota for how many pairs they get. Some places raffle off a certain amount of pairs to their employees. Some don't even release them to the public. They keep them all.
There is no set quota for how many pairs they get. Some places raffle off a certain amount of pairs to their employees. Some don't even release them to the public. They keep them all.
damn FTL doesn't have rules in place to prevent crap like that?
There's employees at certain Nike stores selling spots on the Twitter RSVP list for these... I know someone who paid $1800 for two packs this upcoming weekend...

This is outta hand lol
I have WAY, WAY, WAY more of a problem with employees doing this backdoor bull**** than I do with the RSVP services.
$300 for a pack. Better hope once she finds out how much she can really make she sticks to the deal. Read a story on here of an individual that friend rsvp a pair of db 3s for him. Same friend took that pair and flipped it. C.R.E.A.M
I want to say until the fall. Like oct or nov.
Thanks big homie. Do you know if they heed warning prior or just take it off one day randomly?
I'd keep an eye in the id thread. They are pretty good at altering each other when its about to go down.

ppl be mad that employees get a pack first. Apple employees get their iPhone locked down before sale.. Old Navy ppl get their dollar flip flop choices before they go on sale.. its a perk of the job.. they work that crap job with crap pay all year, let them get a pack

Apple employees get last dibs. At least those on the same level as the shoe store sales reps.
Sort of a random question but someone might know. For the lebron X I.D., does the lightest shade of grey come silver? Or is it actually like a flat grey in person? I want to do an I.D. With a light grey upper but I'm concerned it'll turn out silver like the pure platinums or something.
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