Official LeBron X Thread Vol. 3

Wanted a 12, had a 13 on hold, get to the store 13 gone. Manager felt bad offered me a 12 (the size I really needed) & 2 more pair as consolation. When you do good things good things come back. I have helped alot of people & this was payback for me! EVen sold a pair to my boss at retail.
Died at the part about the guy still standing in line after everything that just happened. lol I imagine him being all nonchalant about it, like it's an every day thing, and going on about his day after he gets his like it was nothin.
hopefully he can deal with those nightmares
wow @ the video. Shoots and kills a man, shops at the mall, and then goes out for ice cream? Like it's no big deal, no arrests, nothing. store stays open? Wow.

I understand it was self defense but that's crazy. 
If I were you guys who didn't get pairs and really want one, wait like a week or two, maybe even a month, when hype has gone down substantially, and ebay prices has gone down as well.  I know you all know but delay some gratification. 

I dunno the corks hittin $700+ min these days (DS) - I held on Y2s and watched the price go up and up - whats the cheapest they go for nowadays? $2.5K at best. Im not sayin these are yeezys but expecting these to drop anything below double retail ant gonna happen, the only change is in the coming weeks/months guys will start sellin their worn pairs.
There is no reason this guy should have stood in line.  The owners of that store should have allowed him to pay and leave!  I can't even begin to imagine what his mentality is at the moment.  This guy just took someones life and while justified how the hell do you continue to stand there in line.  I'm speechless.
The lebrons/money be calling your name.
Died at the part about the guy still standing in line after everything that just happened. lol I imagine him being all nonchalant about it, like it's an every day thing, and going on about his day after he gets his like it was nothin.
If I were him I would have jumped to the front of the line after that. I don't think anybody would have had a problem with it.
What about the guy who has been in  line since monday?   I heard that and was like whaaaaat??  Thats dedication, plus hes probably gonna resell. 
for those that ordered of CT what does it say when you login to your ct account under status???
I don't mess with Lebron nor really his shoes but I figured I'd post this in here. This is what dumb people get for thinking it's sweet at these shoes releases. :smh: Oh yeah can you say price hike now?

the guy who shot the mugger should have been able to cut the line after all this

he stood up for the people lining up

wonder if that person's on niketalk
I hope somebody a few spots gave up their spot to him. Could have gotten ugly. I'm sure most do bring a weapon just in case.

:lol: just the thought of him saying "naw son not today" shoots the guy and goes back listening to Yeezus or Born Sinner
As a firearm and permit owner, its only common sense to have your piece with you everywhere you go.... For reasons like what happened in atlanta. Isnt that why we(those of age) apply for permits TO CARRY? I think so. As harsh as it may sound coming from me, he got what he deserved. That man used his rights as a citizen/permit holder to defend himself and those around him.
wow @ the video. Shoots and kills a man, shops at the mall, and then goes out for ice cream? Like it's no big deal, no arrests, nothing. store stays open? Wow.

I understand it was self defense but that's crazy. 

what you're supposed to put your life on hold caus eyou kille d aguy?
Monday when I saw pics of individuals on line I said no way is a reseller gonna wait a week for a high profit that isn't guaranteed. After watching that video and listening to that witness I realize I am wrong.
glad the scumbag got what he deserved. the world is better without him.

i don't understand camping for a week for any shoes.

$450 is the average price on ebay. camping out to save $250?

just work a day or two and stay at home.

there is no shoe in the world i would camp outside a week for.
What do you guys think about the amount of pairs produced for these denims considering its a QS quickstrike? I thought it was slightly more pairs release and more widely available than I originally expected. The corks were definitely harder to get and less produced, nonetheless, these were limited but so far I've seen a fair amount of people get them.
I still think it's a sad day in this world when people are applauding a person getting killed over some sneakers. It will never be that serious for me to rob or kill somebody over some "sneakers" but that's just me & my 2 cents. Carry on
I still think it's a sad day in this world when people are applauding a person getting killed over some sneakers. It will never be that serious for me to rob or kill somebody over some "sneakers" but that's just me & my 2 cents. Carry on

I dont think its applause for getting killed over sneakers. I think its applause for a man protecting himself because there was a chance that he COULD HAVE been killed as well as others. 1 is better than 5
I still think it's a sad day in this world when people are applauding a person getting killed over some sneakers. It will never be that serious for me to rob or kill somebody over some "sneakers" but that's just me & my 2 cents. Carry on

he didn't die over sneakers
he died because he tried to rob innocent people

if he had survived he would have gone to jail a few years. got out on parole, not been a able to get a job, rob more people. what if a robbery goes wrong and he kills an innocent person?
it's a sad day in this world when people are applauding a person getting killed over some sneakers
sad because a person who tried to shoot/kill for money got killed? stop it.

anybody who is willing to shoot/kill people for money deserves to die. end of story.
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I still think it's a sad day in this world when people are applauding a person getting killed over some sneakers. It will never be that serious for me to rob or kill somebody over some "sneakers" but that's just me & my 2 cents. Carry on
I don't really think this was about sneakers, more like the robber knew a bunch of dudes would be lined up waiting for a shoe who might be paying cash. Sad situation (in the sense these robberies occur) but not really different than any other mass robbery where a civilian is in a position to protect himself.
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