Official LeBron X Thread Vol. 3

Man, that is fast. I'm sorry that you didn't score a pair after trying all of them. I really hope they find a true fair way. this bot stuff is out of hand.
Ya, I put an outrageous amount of effort into camping my computer for this release and was willing to travel great lengths if I secured a pair lol.   It's hard to figure out what the price on these is going to be after tomorrow.  Most of the auctions that seem somewhat legit, are floating around the $900-$1500 area.  The other ones that are have crazy bids look a little sketch in my opinion (based on the seller and buyer feedback).  
Wait, hold on a sec, why don't these stores have an online raffle type thing? You fill out a form and submit it then have a random generator pick out random entries. Sure, people would use multiple emails to sign up but it's still fairer than dealing with bots IMO
Would be cool if they could cut them off after a minute or so and shuffle what they had so it was more or a raffle than the first robot first serve.
Could there be a restock today since the end of Nike's quarter is tomorrow?
i dont think it works like that
something ain't right. not even being salty. I'm convinced either each store received one size each and that's why that rsvp service went 9/44 or they just don't exist lol. not one proof pic on instagram or twitter. congrats if you really won I'd feel better knowing someone did but I haven't seen anything here and that's rare.
I guess what matters at the end of the day is did anyone get a rsvp for the lebrons? if you actually did then post a pic of the dm back
Tried to double up when NTLA dropped the link...Epic Fail spelled the hash tag wrong to begin with LOL:smh:
So... back to normal then? I mean we can't be that upset since no one was talking about these 2 days ago, right? 
(salty denial phase)
Wait, hold on a sec, why don't these stores have an online raffle type thing? You fill out a form and submit it then have a random generator pick out random entries. Sure, people would use multiple emails to sign up but it's still fairer than dealing with bots IMO

Didn't FNL do that before for the GMP 6/7 pack? I didn't mind that route at all.
Well, RNSD failed me. :lol: Can't say I'm mad about it though since my expectations were low to begin with. However, I hope that the people who got them through rsvp were people who put in the work, and not just a better bot. haha
No luck at Lenox for me...I need to know the pick up window..I'm sure some peeps from out of town got RSVPS and aren't gonna make it down...
I don't buy **** like this often, so I had no real idea about bots.... heard things about them a while ago but it didn't apply to anything I wanted so I pretty much over looked the whole idea. Had I been up on game I would have gladly paid someone $200 to make an automated attempt for me ESPECIALLY with a money back guarantee. ****, that's a no brainer for anyone that either a) is willing to spend re-sale price or b) wants to re-sell... 

Smh @ anyone that fits the above scenario, knew about bots, and didn't go that route. You might as well had sent Nike a hand written RSVP by mail trying to do the **** yourself. 

Yeah exactly like you said at first, you don't know **** about this. Go back in this thread to Tuesday night. Getting one of the few slots with one of the bot RSVP companies was damn near impossible. It was like a Friday night jimmy jazz release but just to pay $75-$200 for a bot to try for your RSVP. So yeah, we already tried that. There aren't 100k pairs of this shoe out there. Most of the bots didnt even get through either. One of the conpanies had 2 spots for each size at each NT for sale and their site was not set up to habdle high demand and they oversold their total available spots by SEVEN HUNDRED orders.
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Sorry bro. I still got you next time.

Hey no worries fam. I really appreciate you offering all of the help! After I got that order canceled I was going to throw in the towel, then saw DC hadn't tweeted yet by the time I was leaving work. So I kept it up for 30 minutes while switching between twitter and the weather radar. Got home, tornado sirens went off, and boom they finally tweet! LMAO horrible luck but I knew this was release was 100% no bot, no shot. I really do appreciate the generosity. Onto the black nubucks for me!
paid for 4 different rsvp services and all them failed except one
, my size too still cant believe it, cant wait to pick them up and see them in person 
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