Official LeBron X Thread Vol. 3

wow, how come it is not searchable on there website??  how did you get the link before the release?
Not too famailar with JJ myself but from what I could tell the you couldnt search for it. I had a link open in another tab and clicked men's shoes. After I read in here the link was live I saw it on that page in the 1st row. I think some other guys had the link early too, even if it wasn't live yet. Might haveto read threw about 50 pages of thread to find it though.
STRUCK OUT MAN.  Feelin salty as **** this morning.  Been wanting these since the original RD in April.  Wanted in line at NDC for 35 minutes until i got booted with the sold out screen, then sat in the checkout trying to "place order", now going away to shower and coming back to see JJ went up and sold out.  SMH... Idk how much longer I can keep up with this shoe game.  The hype is really startin to bother me.  Props to yall who copped that actually wanted the pair, and for you resellers smd
Can somebody who copped off jj screen shot your confirmation email... it's not for me i just need to show the non believers.. 
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To people curious it looks like jj only had 2 size runs online and they had half as many of these than denims
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all you complainers saying you couldnt find the link it was there. it's 2013 yall mfs still struggling to work websites?
I got my pair I hope. Took 25 min to checkout should know by tomorrow
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lol funny thing is all my posts are in this one thread. copped my hazelnuts gonna resell make a quick $100 you know the deal 
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