Official Lebron X Thread Vol. Early Bird

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the hell are you people talking about???

guys, don't act like you were expecting the lebron X to be priced at $140 or something. be real. it will go up or stay the same.

as for the zoom inside the air max 360 bag, HAVE YOU TRIED IT? Personally have you tried it? If no one has, I'm sure that
it is something new.

Jordans have been priced like this AND MORE back in the early 2000s. I think that $180 is high but it's not shocking.

If you don't like it, don't buy it. This isn't a hostage situation, you have an option. What the heck is happening in here???
^^ I dont like this better to keep the gold on the swoosh, this looks to run of the mill with the red swoosh, but maybe thats for insurance if they dont beat Spain today.

As far as Rose and the shoes causing his knee injury...... NA he would have got injured playing the way he does no matter what he wore. Strapping your ankles up makes the next weakest link your knees but with that aggressive style of play damaging your knees is a strong possibility.

Rubio got a much more serious knee injury than Rose from what looked like a slight twist, tearing LCL + ACL is a lot worse from just ACL in terms of scar tissue, reconstructive surgery etc these injury's were always part of the game no matter what shoes guys wore.
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