OFFICIAL: Lebron XI NikeID Thread [Going away soon... get your orders in!]

man there sure are alot of cry babies in here with fake outrage acting like they were soo inconvenienced to have to wait a little longer. i could understand if you were sitting in your car at the post office waiting for a package that never showed up, but cmon fellas...suck it up and keep it moving.
man there sure are alot of cry babies in here with fake outrage acting like they were soo inconvenienced to have to wait a little longer. i could understand if you were sitting in your car at the post office waiting for a package that never showed up, but cmon fellas...suck it up and keep it moving.

You're joking right? You're telling me when we pay a premium for custom shoes and are given a date of completion, we are to not expect that shoe to arrive on said date? And to add in the fact most people didn't know what was up for the longest time makes it even more unacceptable. Maybe you don't care, but for those who pay such a high price and are kept out of the loop having to wait so long? I'd be pissed as hell
man there sure are alot of cry babies in here with fake outrage acting like they were soo inconvenienced to have to wait a little longer. i could understand if you were sitting in your car at the post office waiting for a package that never showed up, but cmon fellas...suck it up and keep it moving.

Not sure if you're serious... If a business is essentially giving you a date to fulill their order and they don't come through, then they aren't holding up their side of the transaction. THEY ALREADY HAVE YOUR MONEY. You should have your product when they say you'll have it by. So why not get a discount?
Not sure if you're serious... If a business is essentially giving you a date to fulill their order and they don't come through, then they aren't holding up their side of the transaction. THEY ALREADY HAVE YOUR MONEY. You should have your product when they say you'll have it by. So why not get a discount?

Not sure if you're serious... If a business is essentially giving you a date to fulill their order and they don't come through, then they aren't holding up their side of the transaction. THEY ALREADY HAVE YOUR MONEY. You should have your product when they say you'll have it by. So why not get a discount?

Waiting sucks. I get that. What all these people complaining fail to realize is you are given an "estimated date of completion" and those are in no way contractually binding terms. Your money is already spent, you aren't losing anything here as a consumer.

20-50% off is pretty generous if you ask me and I'd be happy pay someone their discounted cost of their order on a size 11 if they wanna re-route their package to me and let me "wait" for it.
I agree with both sides but only when I'm on one or the other side(ordered something or didn't) :lol: I would be happy with one 25% and be done with the situation. Some people take advantage of the situation to the max.
man there sure are alot of cry babies in here with fake outrage acting like they were soo inconvenienced to have to wait a little longer. i could understand if you were sitting in your car at the post office waiting for a package that never showed up, but cmon fellas...suck it up and keep it moving.

When you buy something from me, I'll make sure to keep your money and your goods for a couple months.
If anyone got a code for sale.. one about to expire and you know u won't use it.. let me knoooww 

Codes don't expire....just call in and ask for a new code. (Yes they say they are good til...)
When you buy something from me, I'll make sure to keep your money and your goods for a couple months.
skimming through the thread, is it correct that no one has received id's with the chroma option? wanna see real life shots of black/blue and blue/red
When you buy something from me, I'll make sure to keep your money and your goods for a couple months.

Sorry but logic fail. If you give me an "esimated" completion date of our transaction, I would have no right to be butt hurt if that date didn't pan out.
You do know when you go to the page, it says they're delivered in 36 days (5 weeks) or less, right?

Shall we continue to make you look like an idiot with no idea on what's going on?

I've ordered plenty of shoes off NikeID. Each time, I recieved an email with an "estimated completion date"..some came sooner, some came later. So like I said before, I understand waiting sucks, but you're completely disregarding the fact that the date you were given for your specific order was basically a "maybe".
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You guys ordering with the Matte color options are making me want to get a pair with that setup...

That Matte Navy Blue looks great.
Nike finally got back to me about the Chroma ID delay. They gave me a 20% refund in addition to the 15% I used on the order anyways. So my 3 Chroma IDs came out to be about $170 each.
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