Official Lil B Thread: Black Ken Is finally coming! TYBG

Oh snap my son Frische Produkte is down with the movement...

such a Based presidents day...I appreciate all dead presidents #BASED.
If you don't have this #based bible yet, then you are slippin!


This book is so #positive and it really dose change your outlook on life.

I've met the BasedGod in person multiple times, realest dude out.

6 Kiss on deck

Pretty boys on deck

100 milli on deck

#woo #woo #woo

Originally Posted by RIPyzyz

Originally Posted by RIPyzyz

I felt the Based spirit deep down inside of me tonight.

Look for a 700+mb/260 file Rar tonight
in the morning

Got a problem though, you gotta be a premium member to dl the whole file

Breaking it up to smaller rars now
Edit the link... it has 2 periods on the end that make the link invalid...

D/ling now
Originally Posted by trapmuzik617

Originally Posted by RIPyzyz

Originally Posted by RIPyzyz

I felt the Based spirit deep down inside of me tonight.

Look for a 700+mb/260 file Rar tonight
in the morning

Got a problem though, you gotta be a premium member to dl the whole file

Breaking it up to smaller rars now
Edit the link... it has 2 periods on the end that make the link invalid...

D/ling now
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]There's a way around the Premium thing? [/color]
Originally Posted by rpjgator

Originally Posted by MusicalExcellence

this is scary... yall _s in a cult...

funny but still you +!!$*% are all beasts... if yall think lil b is anything but a joke ... you need to go def cause you dont deserve to listen to music...
its already hard for dudes to make it ... so why help pump trash ... you know what $+$% it.. i quit ... im bout to just spaz out to dope beats $+$% it..
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