how has the refs gotten this bad?

why did it take a 5min review the clear path? why did it even need a replay?

bones is a poormans, poormans louwill/crawford

too much confidence for his own good
harden just needs to take these bones minutes

dudes the pg and look lost out there dribbling the ball up, he keep shrugging asking what the play is? probably partly tys fault but you still cant be the pg and be confused out there
Oh well. Had to lose to the Lakers again eventually. Get it over with tonight.
not so hot take but maybe they really need to get rid of ty?

i mean do you really need a coach if your just gon run iso plays for your stars?

i mean what is harden gon do if he has the ball but everyones just watching him?
2min and down 8 and they walk the ball fown then dribble dribble waiting tompass the ball to whoevers gon is and movemt starts and 10-14 seconds has passed

makes no sense

cant they at least do a traditonal pick n roll with kawhi and pg?
Yeah, I think we are going to need to pick up someone else for rebounding and/or defensive purposes. Mann getting healthy will help, but based on last night seems like that might not be enough.
small ball definitely isnt going to work against the nuggets so the team that used to be full of lengthy wings are all of a sudden too short

the lakers successfully played davis, woods and hayed at the same time last night and thats kind of what all you need to do against the clips, go big

kawhi just isnt athletic enough and if you dont fall for his pump fake in the paint, he gets stuck and ends ip throwing it outside which resets the offense, this happens way too often because ty just keeps em doing isos

really hope harden means movement and more passes because pg and kawhi are more than capable spot up shooters so they can let him run the game, bones running the offense just aint it

he played close to 34min when he really should be playing more in the 15s as a heater off the bench
Losing to the Lakers always sucks but we all just knew the streak wasn't gonna go on forever. Oh well 11-1 in the last 12 matchup is still really good. As for the game in itself, you can see the 2nd night of the B2B affected the legs late in the game with shots falling short and missed free throws. Also, Ty's Iso offense with eating up clock before taking a contested shot while everyone is standing around is so tired. Harden is not gonna fix that since he is Iso King. Not sure why everyone around the league says Ty Lue is so great cuz I just don't see it. His schemes are so basic and there is no movement especially in crunch time when they need a bucket. And PJ Tucker is beyond washed! Let's get a 10-game win streak going!
PG’s really been balling. It’s a shame he fouled out on a dumb reach. Lakers had no answer for him.

Are there any PFs that would be available at the deadline? I would have rather given up Powell and kept either Roco or Nico in that deal. But I know Philly didn’t want that contract.
just so uninspired, old wiz jersey color and could have sworn the mavs had a very similar jersey a few years back too


even the sweater that had what look like kids scribbling is slightly better(?)
PG’s really been balling. It’s a shame he fouled out on a dumb reach. Lakers had no answer for him.

Are there any PFs that would be available at the deadline? I would have rather given up Powell and kept either Roco or Nico in that deal. But I know Philly didn’t want that contract.

Blake is still unemployed, I believe. Is this the time for the reunion :nerd:

even the sweater that had what look like kids scribbling is slightly better(?)
Agreed. I don’t dislike the sweatshirt, but it does look like something you could get from a junior high team looking to raise funds.
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