Ehhhh, I hear you.

My biggest issue is

It only took 3/50m to get klay.

2/70m for harden?

I'm biased. Harden just has too many basketball bad habits for my taste.

Klay turned down $80mil from the lakers though. So i don’t think his dallas deal is a fair comparison. It would have probably taken $100+ to get him to sign anywhere else than Dallas.
Picking Kris Dunn? Interesting. Not sure why we would need another guard as we have way too many which tells me Westbrook, PJ, and possibly Mann getting traded. We need a rim running / rebounding Big to help Zu out.
Picking Kris Dunn? Interesting. Not sure why we would need another guard as we have way too many which tells me Westbrook, PJ, and possibly Mann getting traded. We need a rim running / rebounding Big to help Zu out.
I’d be surprised if Mann is gone, but Bones may be.

Team seems to be leaning into a change in identity focusing on defense. I don’t know if it will work, but I’m cool with the concept.
Ok... Harden has secured 35m a year for the next 2.

He's where HE wants to be.

35m... Ok, the expectation is to come in to camp in shape, and give effort on the defensive end, in addition to making the team go on offense.

I don't think that's too much to ask being that he will be the second option on offense and maybe half the time, the first option.

When/if he falls short of that bare minimum for 35m a year, fans better not complain.
16/5/8 at 42.8%/38% 3pt from last year is pretty much maybe what most would expect, maybe bump that scoring to 20 as he’ll get more shots up with pg gone and more importantly he played 72 games which is more than pg and kawhi has played in a season the past 5 years?

so next year if he can be 20/5/8 and play as much as last year and get people more involved, i think that 35m will be worth it but i dont think people will really care if he puts up stats and then get bounced in the first round again anyways, he’d still get criticized

as usual, it all hinges on kawhis health anyways on how far the team can go

one thing the clips has managed to do is lose individual talent (pg was fringe 3rd team all nba last year) but in exchange theyve gotten younger and more athletic all around which is necessary with the top of the west being younger and more athletic (just got to hope there are enough skill to defend and make some timely shots here and there)

no matter what, its going to be a tough one for any team thats not okc, min, den or dal in the west but who knows, maybe the clips can finally get some luck on their side and be healthy and get a path to the finals like the celtics did?

but really the alternatives are worse… pay pg about $50m when he is 38yrs old? and we’ve already seen what that bring us the past 5 years, his highlight is he helped finish utah in the semis when kawhi went down but in the wcf, he missed those free throws where the suns stole game 1 and i cant get over that and seems like no one ever talks about it

then this past playoff was his chance to show he deserved that 4th year, it was his team with kawhi out and he really had one great game then choked on the rest (dude had 7 pts in game 3 then 15 and 18 on the last two games) hell even in that one great game when he couldnt miss in the first half, harden had to bail him out in the 4th to get the W

and the other playoffs series in his clippers career, he was hurt too and yeah kawhi was hurt too but he took a paycut to stay

honestly, kawhi should get more flack if he plays in the olympics
Ok... Harden has secured 35m a year for the next 2.

He's where HE wants to be.

35m... Ok, the expectation is to come in to camp in shape, and give effort on the defensive end, in addition to making the team go on offense.

I don't think that's too much to ask being that he will be the second option on offense and maybe half the time, the first option.

When/if he falls short of that bare minimum for 35m a year, fans better not complain.

Did you feel like he gave effort last season? I was happy with what we got iut of him. Would have preferred more shots but overall I was happy. If we got the same for the next 2 years, I think he will have lived up to his deal.

If you want him to do more, especially defensively, yea you’re gonna hate him for the next 2 years :lol:
Just read on Twitter that it's looking like Russ is going to get moved as part of a sign-and-trade for Dunn, with Russ going to a third team.

Seems pretty likely to me that Bones is gone too. Even with Russ gone we still have too many guards and Bones doesn't really fit with this defense-first approach to the offseason the front office is taking.
Just read on Twitter that it's looking like Russ is going to get moved as part of a sign-and-trade for Dunn, with Russ going to a third team.

Seems pretty likely to me that Bones is gone too. Even with Russ gone we still have too many guards and Bones doesn't really fit with this defense-first approach to the offseason the front office is taking.
Hopefully the FO does good by Russ and trades him to a team he wants to go to. Hate to lose Russ based on his heart and energy but as a pure basketball move, its right. He' no longer that dude and even at little burst here and there, he hurts us more than he helps. As for Bones, he just was never it. If he would've bought into the 6th man mentality ala JCross/Lue Will, he could've had more success. Based on the moves so far, it will be interesting to see what we get back other than Dunn.
Did you feel like he gave effort last season? I was happy with what we got iut of him. Would have preferred more shots but overall I was happy. If we got the same for the next 2 years, I think he will have lived up to his deal.

If you want him to do more, especially defensively, yea you’re gonna hate him for the next 2 years :lol:
I think he did ok.

I'm not expecting him to be prime Scottie pippen defensively. H3ll, I don't even expect him to be average.

I do expect solid effort though.

I actually think I'm being pretty fair.

For 35m a year, show effort on both sides of the ball and lose 20-30lbs.

*Emphasis on losing weight.
Harden was better defensively last year than I expected. (My expectations were really low. LOL). He's not great on-ball most of the time, but has moments. But he is good at helping down low and getting those swipe down blocks/steals.

And remember that he had no training camp last season.

I'm hoping that we'll see serviceable defense from him this year with a full training camp, the new group of players we have and JVG's defensive guidance.
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Defensively harden leaned more on his quick hands than actually moving his feet and using his strength.

He was caught ball watching alot and was slow or absent in rotation.

He also didn't box out nearly enough. (this was the killer)

Offensively, I really really hated when he would catch the ball wide open off of rotation and literally wait until the defense got back in position and shot a contested 3, or just killed the possession altogether.
I think he did ok.

I'm not expecting him to be prime Scottie pippen defensively. H3ll, I don't even expect him to be average.

I do expect solid effort though.

I actually think I'm being pretty fair.

For 35m a year, show effort on both sides of the ball and lose 20-30lbs.

*Emphasis on losing weight.
If we are being fair, he did get a lot of those swipe down deflections which lead to a decent amount of fastbreaks. I know Harden gets killed for his D but I thought he did pretty good job. But I agree with the losing weight part. If he can come into camp in shape rather than playing into shape, we would all be much better for it.
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