Official Los Angeles Dodgers Season Thread: NLCS vs Phillies

The agent and the writer both expect the Dodgers to make a play to re-sign Ramirez. GM Ned Colletti says he'll give it a shot, but will the Dodgers pay top dollar? Question for commenters - can you think of any other reasonable destinations for Ramirez?
why wouldnt you pay top dollar for that guy? unlike the other guy we signed alot of money to.. this guy has been consistent all through out hisbaseball years...all he wanted from boston was to give him the money and he would hard...
i seriously dont know why other dodger fans dont want to give this guy the money he deserves... the dodgers have been missing a superstar-superstar for a longlong time ... pay this man!!
Can wait for game 2. Come on Bills.

A lot great stuff happen yesterday. Players taking pitches, instead of 1st pitch swinging, except for Manny.

Great stuff from Lowe! Good outing by Mad Dog and Wade.

It was grrrrrreaaaaatt!
Originally Posted by badboyf0life420

The agent and the writer both expect the Dodgers to make a play to re-sign Ramirez. GM Ned Colletti says he'll give it a shot, but will the Dodgers pay top dollar? Question for commenters - can you think of any other reasonable destinations for Ramirez?
why wouldnt you pay top dollar for that guy? unlike the other guy we signed alot of money to.. this guy has been consistent all through out his baseball years...all he wanted from boston was to give him the money and he would hard...
i seriously dont know why other dodger fans dont want to give this guy the money he deserves... the dodgers have been missing a superstar-superstar for a long long time ... pay this man!!

I think the big worry they'll have is the distractions he could possibly bring one day. But you've honestly gotta think to good as heis, and he still has some gas left in tank, how serious was it that boston gave em up for "free" according to us? They even paid his salary. I wouldlove to have him back tho...but you've gotta play devils advocate too. He's auditioning for a place to play next year so you better believe he'sgonna say and do all the right things. out every single ground ball. In boston there a ton of times where he would just jog. I even remember atime where he hit the ball....and started walking to the dugout straight from the batters box
Originally Posted by caLiwestcoast1

dammit i gotta work tonight so im gonna miss the game
...but im gonnna be on yahoo checking the score onLine...can anyone hook me up with a link so i can watch it? thanks in advance GO DODGERS!

^Here bro, around 6P, they should start posting a link on the right side just read the chat log.

I think the big worry they'll have is the distractions he could possibly bring one day. But you've honestly gotta think to good as he is, and he still has some gas left in tank, how serious was it that boston gave em up for "free" according to us? They even paid his salary. I would love to have him back tho...but you've gotta play devils advocate too. He's auditioning for a place to play next year so you better believe he's gonna say and do all the right things. out every single ground ball. In boston there a ton of times where he would just jog. I even remember a time where he hit the ball....and started walking to the dugout straight from the batters box

Very true, but at the end of the day Frank McCourt needs to look at how much his overall revenue has increased with Manny (ticket sales, merchadise, etc). Iguarantee dude has made MILLIONS alone just on the Ramirez dreadlocks.

Manny was due to leave Boston, he did what he had to do and he needed a bit of sunshine - our players are still young and once Jeff Kent is outta here Mannycould run the show. It's what L.A baseball has been waiting for, someone to take the team under his wings and just go with it. We were hoping Andruw woulddo 1/4 of what Manny did, but who would have known dude %#%$*# up his legacy here in L.A.
Its for sure he's made millions off manny.
Attendance alone went up from 44k to 49k after they aquired him.
Merchandise sales would also go threw the roof after they sign him. I know a lot of people (including myself) are holding back from buying a Manny jersey cuz idon't wanna spend that much money on a jersey....for a rental. Lock him in a couple years and guarnateed ill cop a jersey, alongside many others
Who's GrizztheBoss

Anyways, even though Manny might be off - someone always picks up the slack.

Bills just has to stay sharp!
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