Official Los Angeles Dodgers Season Thread: NLCS vs Phillies

Let's wrap this seires up Saturday so I can get a refund on my tickets for Sunday and put that towards NLCS tickets

Bills didn't show his age out there really at all tonight. I was really impressed with his performance. Russ came through huge tonight and that'sreally on the Cubs for making those errors. Saito and Broxton scare me
I hope Joe considers keeping Broxton as a setup man, and having Cory Wade close it out.
^considering Wade has probably been our best relief the 2nd half of the season I'd like to see that also
The Ravine will be crazy tomorrow. If we wrap it up on Saturday, I hope we celebrate with dignity. Not like damn thugs who will celebrate and start fights andmessing up cars. Those fans give us Doyer fans a bad name.

Have they announced if they want everybody to rep blue like they did in 2006?

I'm bringing a 24pk of Stellas, and bottle of Cazadores.

Don't want to do what I did in the first game with my buddies. A shot of tequila every time the Dodgers scored. The grandslam by Loney almost did a TKO onus. Thank god the pizza showed up on time.
amarusgear wrote:
The Ravine will be crazy tomorrow. If we wrap it up on Saturday, I hope we celebrate with dignity. Not like damn thugs who will celebrate and start fights and messing up cars. Those fans give us Doyer fans a bad name.

Yeah, tell me about it. But anyways, you already know that's going to happen regardless.

The parking lot is going to be hot if there's any cub fans who talk the wrong way.
i will be in the lot facing downtown at 5 with some pioneer chicken and a lot of bud light. if you see a guy with a darryl strawberry dodger jersey, that isme. come holler.
Originally Posted by amarusgear

tailgating with stella should not be allowed.
How about Modelo's?

Whatever floats your boat. See guys tomorrow.

im just messing with you man. stella is good. i just tend to drink crappy beer in parking lots. although sierra nevada sounds real good
Some Newscatle sure sounds good.

InYoNostril-Knew your were playing.

I'm going to be parked either at parking lot 3 or parking lot 5(the hidden parking lot).

I'm a short hispanic guy.
<---That's a drawing of me.
Originally Posted by CincoSeisDos

IF it's cool and breezy out there tomorrow i'll opt for some Newcastle or some heff's

Yupp, my boys and I usually bring a cooler full of ice and fill it up with New Castle's

Anyways, I heard a storm is coming - it should / rain drizzle going to the park, so be careful going to the park guys. Supposedly, the rain should be gone byfirst pitch.
Anybody going to the park beforehand? I think we may head down there before the game to get some food/beers in before 1st pitch
Originally Posted by Mr Jordan04

Anybody going to the park beforehand? I think we may head down there before the game to get some food/beers in before 1st pitch
I'll be there at least 2 hours before the first pitch.

All you can eat.
Kuroda better bring his A-game tonight.

I hope Maddux, Kuroda and his translator are going through each of the Cubs hitters.

Let's get it!

FB23 where you been man?
I hope to see yall...

I am 6'8 will be wearing a grey dodger jersey with grey and white 1's...holla if you see me.
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