*Official LOST Season 4/5 Discussion Thread*

i figured out the show....the 6 people are the future superfriends....and the island is just training
Originally Posted by Kobe Fan

wow, that guy is either really observant or some one fed him the insider things...

i love this show. great premiere last night.
gosh im hooked. anyone should watch this show.
i felt this sensation watching it last night lol.
im just waiting for another "What is going on" moment.
kinda like the jacob/jack flashfoward.
Damn you NYC and Jbug for tempting me by posting those spoilers.
how do you guys get your info?

please tell me they leaked the episodes online........
just watched episode 1 i still dont get what Hurley did was he in Lockes crew then somehow went to Jacks crew?
thanks for the spoilers JBug, but reading all that would spoil the second episode
no problem I guess?
I thought the whole point of a "spoil"er was to spoil the episode for you.
guess I was wrong.

and stuff I post is from the net. google and darkufo is your friend.
it's not like I get insider info like nyc gets. I get them from spoiler sites.
but I'm more than happy to post stuff in here for people who don't feel like searching.
Originally Posted by FinesseSosa

Damon and Carlton had confirmed a long time ago that Christian is dead.

So I'm gonna go out on a limb (I'm sure this has been theorized before) and say that people who die on Lost can exist on the same plane as the living, Or cross back and forth between the two planes.

That's why certain characters see super-realistic hallucinations of characters who've died where they can actually physically interact with them...Cuz they're really there. That's why we hear the voices...That's how Charlie appeared before Hurley, Walt etc.

I bet that's a HUGE part of the story down the line...I wouldn't be surprised if they pull a Sixth Sense type twist where one of the characters who we thought was living has actually been dead for the entire show.

Didnt charlie appear to hurley off the island ? at the mental institute ?
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Last but not least, I'll leave you all with something I noticed but have no idea what it means. The word 'HO' shows up three times this episode, in three different forms. First, glance behind Hurley as he's freaking out over Abbadon trying to take him away - there's a small plastic(?) sculpture of the letters 'HO' on a shelf back there. Later on, he makes reference to Charlie's ghost showing up in the convenience store right next to the "Ho Ho's". And finally, playing HORSE with Hurley, Jack misses two shots. Hurley's response: "That's HO".
I'm drawing a blank on this one.

Crap like this is what seriously draws me to this show. So deep. I could never pick that stuff up.

I saw this on Lostpedia.

While playing horse with Hurley, Jack gets the letters "H" and "O". "H" is the 8th letter of the alphabet and "O" isthe 15th - 815
El Rey Pappa wrote:

Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Last but not least, I'll leave you all with something I noticed but have no idea what it means. The word 'HO' shows up three times this episode, in three different forms. First, glance behind Hurley as he's freaking out over Abbadon trying to take him away - there's a small plastic(?) sculpture of the letters 'HO' on a shelf back there. Later on, he makes reference to Charlie's ghost showing up in the convenience store right next to the "Ho Ho's". And finally, playing HORSE with Hurley, Jack misses two shots. Hurley's response: "That's HO".
I'm drawing a blank on this one.

Crap like this is what seriously draws me to this show. So deep. I could never pick that stuff up.

I saw this on Lostpedia.

While playing horse with Hurley, Jack gets the letters "H" and "O". "H" is the 8th letter of the alphabet and "O" is the 15th - 815

Damn This is interesting HO never had so much meaning
i try to kep up with the show and the more i watch and read the more its like planet of the apes meets donnie darko, which i am a pretty big fan of.
wow that spoiler had me. it was like i was actually watching the show

for those who dont want to read the spoilers, this weeks show is
Dr. Christian Shephard is Jack and Claire's father, Margo's husband, and Aaron Littleton's grandfather. He was the Chief of Surgery at St. Sebastian Hospital, where Jack also worked. ("White Rabbit"), ("Do No Harm"), ("Par Avion") Christian was said to be dead in the Official Lost Podcast on April 20, 2007, though the creators of Lostqualified their statement by saying that they "may be using the word 'dead' in a sense we [the audience] don't fully understand yet." This indicates an uncertain status as to Christian.

I'm on to somethin'...
Heres one interesting theory that I came across..
The Oceanic 6 are lying because no time elapsed here while they were on the island. Based on our time they were rescued the following day. To them months hadgone by. So how do you explain that to the rest of the world? You lie and let's see... pretend you didn't know Ana Lucia? How would you? You were onlygone a day and she died on impact.

I like this theory because during the interrogation scene with Hurley and the cop, and the cop asks if he knew Ana Lucia he specifically says "Maybe youknew her? Maybe you met her on the plane...before it took off."

Don't you think the Oceanic 6 would talk about the island and who was on it? Who survived?? I think they're obviously lying about the island and itsentire existence.

thats just my 2 cents.
of course they're lying trying to cover something up

but that's a LONG REACH to say that they're covering up the fact that time doesn't pass on that island

i mean that's not such an outrageous fact to cover up
You try convincing me that you just spent the past 90 days on an island when your plane just took off yesterday? Thats not outrageous?
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