*Official LOST Season 4/5 Discussion Thread*

that theory was heavy.

I probably shouldn't have read it, but whatever.

I'm gonna go do some extra research ....
Cool easter egg posted on Kristin from Eonline's episode recap:

Easter Egg Hunt: Thanks to email-inner Brian for this jewel: "Just wanted to make sure you know that Eko's stick said 'Looknorth, John 3:05' and that Frank's heading was North 305." Zoinks!
Originally Posted by El Rey Pappa

Cool easter egg posted on Kristin from Eonline's episode recap:

Easter Egg Hunt: Thanks to email-inner Brian for this jewel: "Just wanted to make sure you know that Eko's stick said 'Look north, John 3:05' and that Frank's heading was North 305." Zoinks!

i gotta say one last thing.
this group seems to be divided into two groups.
1. Those who want to come in here and just discuss stuff that was on the show without any spoilers.. like myself and swoshmn. Then there's...
2. Those who aren't damn patient enough to sit through this show and watch it without getting all the spoilers you can from mr. nycknicks.

For 2. by all means.. this thread is for you since you got your mr. nycknicks providing you with all the spoilers.
For 1. I guarantee you, NYCknicks will post in here something in the future to ruin and spoil your lost experience.

nycknicks posting all the spoilers in black font is fine but it becomes a problem when people who just HAVE to look at the spoilers start"DISCUSSING" them.
Originally Posted by duncarooos

i gotta say one last thing.
this group seems to be divided into two groups.
1. Those who want to come in here and just discuss stuff that was on the show without any spoilers.. like myself and swoshmn. Then there's...
2. Those who aren't damn patient enough to sit through this show and watch it without getting all the spoilers you can from mr. nycknicks.

For 2. by all means.. this thread is for you since you got your mr. nycknicks providing you with all the spoilers.
For 1. I guarantee you, NYCknicks will post in here something in the future to ruin and spoil your lost experience.

nycknicks posting all the spoilers in black font is fine but it becomes a problem when people who just HAVE to look at the spoilers start "DISCUSSING" them.

I like spoilers. Before I watch any movie I always read up on it and not just the basic outline. Furthermore, it's totally different reading somethingand seeing it developed visually. Idk, but for me, those are two separate things. It doesn't make it any less enjoyable. I would say it makes it even moreenjoyable because I can have a better understanding of what is happening.

There is no such thing as spoilers for me. Only information.
I haven't yet read the spoiler that was posted in black and I am debating whether or not I should.

But maybe we should start another LOST thread that is for discussion purposes only and leave this thread for spoilers. Sort of like The Wire thread of OnDemandviewers and The Wire thread for other those who watch it at its normal time. I think this could defiantly be a solution to the problem.
I enjoy reading the spoilers because it helps me understand the actual story better. It's not like you automatically get everything you see the first time,but coming into this post you read whats right and wrong from your own theories..

That theory post was insane, a lot of it made sense..
I was thinking the same thing Juicy. I like having one huge discussion on the board, but lately it's been a bit more problematic.

There are those who don't care about being "spoiled", some absolutely want nothing to do with it, and some want to know everything. If someoneposts a theory that they've worked up, it feels good when someone confirms your thoughts. Which is what happened with that mini essay that was posted lastnight.

Now as a result, a bunch of us have this information that we can't openly talk about, whether or not its 100% accurate.

We basically need to stop asking NYC questions. He knows more than 99% of us, and a simple "yes" to a question half-way down the page can ruin apart of the show for someone.

I'm not saying it's a huge deal or that NYC is intentionally ruining it, but the option to be "spoiled" needs to be made more clear. Thatbeing said, I don't think NYC wants 25 pms a night about LOST, or maybe he wouldn't mind. The writing in black text is useful and maybe it should beused more. You have to censor yourself a little more NYC.

All of us do.
glad i just skimmed through this thread. by the number of salty replies i know enough to stay out of here for good. thank goodness i didn't read anythingto ruin it for me. if you posted visible spoilers, i hope your dog gets run over by a fat kid on a big wheel.
yeah. the spoliers are cool for those who want to read.
but when he says things like "someone dies next week"
without any warning it ruins things.

nyc should just blacken all his posts in this thread and we'll be straight.

Great episode. Some of you guys need to stop crying about a "spoiler" that is just a THEORY!! Its really not that serious!

Question: Who opened that door for Sayid, Desmond and George? I am shocked nobody has addressed this.

Spoilers are to be warned and put in black text in advance.

Also, don't quote anything.

I was reading the theory, and was thinking
this dude might've cracked the Da Vinci code of Lost.

Then 2 posts later I see aRog's quoted post of nyc.

It's all good though.

You never know. With the writer's strike, and the compacted 5 more episodes or whatever to make it 12-13 or whatever it is for the season instead of theoriginally slated 16 episodes, things might change.

And even with that theory/spoiler, there's still a lot of questions UNANSWERED.

But yeah, let's be more careful.
I got you FlatBush........

and i did edit the quotes a few minutes after realizing what i did last night. So did most everyone else.
You can use black text to hide spoilers, or you can use spoiler tags: [ spoiler ] and [ / spoiler ] (without the spaces).

For example:

[spolier]Hurley dies next episode[/spoiler]

See, so easy.
I think the person didn't want to get caught opening the door, so they did it quickly and ran off. ..and the writers dont want us to know who or what it isyet.
Fecta, I can assure you that I have no reason to believe that Hurley will or will not die in any of the episodes from this season, so don't worry, it'snot a spoiler.
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