*Official LOST Season 4/5 Discussion Thread*

can't wait for this episode. I really hope none of you complain about Knicks posting this week. Then again, I can see someone saying that didn't knowwhat would happen when they clicked on the spoiler box.
I've Been Watching This Show Off And On From the Beginning, I Have No Idea Whats Going On But I Still Can Watch An Episode Whenever.
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next week's episode contains a gangbang............

...between all the male cast members.

Apparently the island is homosexual.

The thing i don't get with Lost, Rather than just explaining things, "others" like to just beat the crap outta you first, then explain, andeverybody's cool. Seems like they coulda skipped the mystery and the beatings(and murders).
great epp. a nice filler episode really. next weeks looks good.
Ben is straight G. His walk is funny.
I wonder how Widmore plan's on exploiting the island and how that ties into the whole time travel idea.....

Overall this episode didn't do too much for me. My highlights would probably be the fact that Ben thinks Juliet is "his", Widmore is the onefunding the freighter and wants to find the island, and that Juliet believes Ben will win the war against the new characters (Charlotte, Faraday, etc.)....

Maybe the idea of Ben winning the war and the proposition for 3.2 Mil from Miles to lie to the crew ties into this belief by Juliet?

But yeah Harper is defiantly creepy... She looks nasty as hell with that mole and all
this ep was very weak to me and locke letin ben out is just dumb as hell he didnt even learn much smfh

was there any eggs in here?
The whole Widmore thing has always been the most interesting aspect of the show for me.

-Widmore totally puts down Desmond when he asks for Penny's hand in marriage.
-Desmond goes nuts, breaks it off with Penny, enters the military, gets thrown in prison, and has all his letters intercepted by Widmore.
-Desmond gets out of prison and is bribed by Widmore to stop his contact with Penny.
-Desmond enters Widmore's race around the world and crashes on the island. Penny tries to find him for years.
-Widmore sends out a crew to find the island. Orders the crew to not accept calls from Penny.
-Widmore tells Desmond that he's not the one who doesn't like Desmond.

I can't wait to see how it turns out.
Ben reminds me of Screech from Saved by the Bell. He wants Juliet/Lisa so bad he can taste it, but she doesn't like him cuz he's a dork.
The episode was a little boring......which wasn't too surprising. I mean, how do you follow up last week's episode ??

I didn't know Ben had a thing for Juliet, but we already knew they had an interesting dynamic.

Juliet said something to Jack while Kate went with Dan and Charlotte into the station. Something along the lines of " Ben found a way to tell me hisplan" or something like that. Was she referring to Harper or to the whispers ?

Where the hell was Harper at the whole time ? and how did she, if she did, get in contact with Ben ? How did Harper disappear so damn quick after she met upwith Juliet and Jack?

So, now we know for sure that Widmore is in charge of that freighter and that he wants to find the island.

I enjoyed Ben's metaphor about the Virgin Mary Mold and the healing properties of the island......

That tape of Widmore taking that dude out was creepy. He did the dirty work himself right before making eye contact with the camera.

If Ben taped over the footage of the Red Sox, that was shown to Jack, then that establishes a timeline of when the film was taken...had to be after Jack wastaken by the others.....possibly before or after the surgery and the ensuing flee by Kate and Sawyer.

How does Widmore even know about the island though?? I know he won the auction for the journal that was on the Black Rock. Perhaps the journal went into detailabout the "special" aspects of the island itself. But what makes a man like Widmore aware of the Black Rock, the journal that was on the ship, or theisland the ship was heading to ?

I wonder if Penny got her research on the island from stuff her dad had........

We finally learn who Ben's spy is. I'm pretty sure its _________.

I'm just thinking out loud....

.....slowly but surely folks.........
Originally Posted by DaJoka004

The whole Widmore thing has always been the most interesting aspect of the show for me.

-Widmore totally puts down Desmond when he asks for Penny's hand in marriage.
-Desmond goes nuts, breaks it off with Penny, enters the military, gets thrown in prison, and has all his letters intercepted by Widmore.
-Desmond gets out of prison and is bribed by Widmore to stop his contact with Penny.
-Desmond enters Widmore's race around the world and crashes on the island. Penny tries to find him for years.
-Widmore sends out a crew to find the island. Orders the crew to not accept calls from Penny.
-Widmore tells Desmond that he's not the one who doesn't like Desmond.

I can't wait to see how it turns out.

I just wanted to point this out because its been bothering/confusing me everytime someone posts it here. So to clarify:
Desmond is/was NOT in prison, its the military. You don't get days off from prison
which is what he got to go see Charles Widmore and Penny.

Ok, now I have a few questions for NYK or anyone that can answer them:

1. Are the kids significant at all? considering what we think this island is... or what we don't think...(the spoiler)
? The fact that women can't go through the whole birthing process on theisland leads me to believe theres something to it...?
2. How does Charles Widmore know they're alive on the island in the first place? is it because of Penny's search or did he know before that?

I had more to ask but I'm having a brain fart so I'll come back later.
Originally Posted by ArsnalJ23

Originally Posted by DaJoka004

The whole Widmore thing has always been the most interesting aspect of the show for me.

-Widmore totally puts down Desmond when he asks for Penny's hand in marriage.
-Desmond goes nuts, breaks it off with Penny, enters the military, gets thrown in prison, and has all his letters intercepted by Widmore.
-Desmond gets out of prison and is bribed by Widmore to stop his contact with Penny.
-Desmond enters Widmore's race around the world and crashes on the island. Penny tries to find him for years.
-Widmore sends out a crew to find the island. Orders the crew to not accept calls from Penny.
-Widmore tells Desmond that he's not the one who doesn't like Desmond.

I can't wait to see how it turns out.

I just wanted to point this out because its been bothering/confusing me everytime someone posts it here. So to clarify:
Desmond is/was NOT in prison, its the military. You don't get days off from prison
which is what he got to go see Charles Widmore and Penny.

You're confusing yourself. Des goes to military prison after getting dishonorably discharged. He saw Widmore and Penny while he was still enlisted.
Originally Posted by DaJoka004

Originally Posted by ArsnalJ23

I just wanted to point this out because its been bothering/confusing me everytime someone posts it here. So to clarify:
Desmond is/was NOT in prison, its the military. You don't get days off from prison
which is what he got to go see Charles Widmore and Penny.

You're confusing yourself. Des goes to military prison after getting dishonorably discharged. He saw Widmore and Penny while he was still enlisted.

ahh touche! I stand corrected.
Some insights about the show, and some other stuff

Spoiler [+]
The reason why he wants Juliet to be his, is because she looks a lot like Annie. The girl he first started talking to as a child.
Widmore used Desmond as a tool. Giving him the motivation, and the desire to go out and "win" a race. Trying to find the island.
Ben is very manipulative, and they don't really have a common enemy.
Also next week we will see the reaming two members of the Oceanic 6...Jin and Sun.

As I've tried to make this a trend. I'm going to name some focus points of tonights episode.
- Ben's reference of the children
- Goodwin's burn
- Harper showing up out of nowhere, and disappearing out of no where.
- The title of the tape..."red sox"
- Ben saying, "your mine"
what happened.....is it a holiday today??? doesn't this thread get jumping for like a few pages every episode??? todays episode only made like a page and ahalf...lol

that mine %@%+ reminded me of
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